Agricraft in Project Ozone 2

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How does agricraft work in PO2? As my seeds spread they don't seem to mutate and increase their stats when I put them into the seed analyzer. Plus they take a *LONG* time to grow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, the essence infused scythe doesn't seem to be producing extra essence like it says it will in its description. I have the essence growing in the agricraft crop sticks and I'm right clicking them with the scythe. Am I doing something wrong? does it have anything to do with the crops not having high enough stats?


To mutate your seeds you need to have a row of at least three slots (a cross shape of 5 works even better) with your normal seeds on the edges and a blank space with double crop sticks in the middle. The new seed will spread to that middle patch and that's the improved seed. Usually it takes 10-12 iterations before you have a 10/10/10 or close to it.

That's also how you make new seeds, by having the row of three with the two "donor" seeds on each end; sometimes you'll get one of the donor seeds instead but about half the time the seed will mutate into a new type. Look at the book for how to grow certain types.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you very much. I had gotten used to agricraft on Regrowth. What about the essence infused hoe? I have the imperio hoe that says it gives 4 additional minicio essence per harvest but when I use it on the crops they just drop one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you very much. I had gotten used to agricraft on Regrowth. What about the essence infused hoe? I have the imperio hoe that says it gives 4 additional minicio essence per harvest but when I use it on the crops they just drop one.
I doubt they work on agricraft crop sticks. They're meant for crops that are planted the vanilla way, which is probably disabled