[AE] Auto crafting sometimes not crafting?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it just more or is the applied energistics' auto crafting system a bit buggy sometimes? I mainly notice this on the more complex recipes (IE: Storage cells, Solar Panels). For instance, I asked it once to craft me a 16k storage and it worked. I asked it to craft me another one and nothing happened. It didn't give me any 'missing material' error and I knew I had enough supplies to craft the storage unit.

Same happened with crafting a Solar Panel. I put every single recipe needed in order to craft up to an HV Solar. I tried the HV Solar and it gave me a 'missing material' error for the RE-Battery. I decided to just test to see if it could craft the basic Solar Panel and same 'missing material' error for the battery. I then decided to craft a battery manually to see if that would fix the problem but it didn't. The auto crafting didn't recognize the battery in the network.

So I'm wondering what is going on. Am I doing something wrong? Am I not allowed to use the auto crafter for really complex builds? Or is there just something else going on?

Thanks for the clarity


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make sure you set your crafting recipe using a battery that doesn't have a damage value, basically one that has never been charged (which is doable by making stacks at a time).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make sure you set your crafting recipe using a battery that doesn't have a damage value, basically one that has never been charged (which is doable by making stacks at a time).

They always craft with a 0/10000 value. I don't understand what you mean


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You say in your second paragraph that "The same thing happened...", but then go on to describe something entirely different than what you described in the first paragraph. It sounds like two independent issues to me.

As to the battery thing.... Try clearing both your RE battery recipe and your generator recipe. Then craft a brand new battery using the manual AE crafting terminal and use that to recreate new patterns. Use the brand new battery as the output item in the RE battery recipe and as the input item in the generator one. That way you can be sure the two recipes are programmed to use the exact same thing, and the same thing the crafting recipe for the battery will actually output.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You say in your second paragraph that "The same thing happened...", but then go on to describe something entirely different than what you described in the first paragraph. It sounds like two independent issues to me.

As to the battery thing.... Try clearing both your RE battery recipe and your generator recipe. Then craft a brand new battery using the manual AE crafting terminal and use that to recreate new patterns. Use the brand new battery as the output item in the RE battery recipe and as the input item in the generator one. That way you can be sure the two recipes are programmed to use the exact same thing, and the same thing the crafting recipe for the battery will actually output.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2

Okay thanks. Now it's finally working :D

I still don't understand why the auto-crafter doesn't want to craft the storage units sometimes. It doesn't give any 'missing material' error; it just doesn't do anything


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had the same problem with storage units the other day. The problem did not show up on the crafting monitor. But it turns out that the quartz cutting knife stored in AE was out of uses. Because it actually exists in AE, it doesn't show up as missing. But it can't be used, so it can't make processors. The solution was just making another quartz cutting knife and putting it in AE.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had the same problem with storage units the other day. The problem did not show up on the crafting monitor. But it turns out that the quartz cutting knife stored in AE was out of uses. Because it actually exists in AE, it doesn't show up as missing. But it can't be used, so it can't make processors. The solution was just making another quartz cutting knife and putting it in AE.

If you use a full cutting knife in your recipe and put a recipe for a full knife in your MAC it will use the AE knife from full to 0 and make a new one when it needs to.

If you use a damaged one in the recipe for anything it will use up an existing damaged knife, but won't know to make a new knife because a full knife and a damaged knife are treated different.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was having a similar problem with batteries, then noticed my solar hat was slightly charging the battery before I put it in my pattern :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
AE acts this way with my depleted uranium cells too. i have a recipe set in an export bus+interface loop to force craft all uranium into depleted isotopes, and there's a recipe in that chain for depleted uranium to depleted isotopes. it'll properly use the ones crafted from cells and bars, but will not craft the leftover reactor cells into depleted isotopes. its bizarre. The recipe chain continues into the breeder and to full cells so my nuclear reactors are fully automated from quarry to energy, but I have to go in and craft those bonus cells every couple days


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had the same problem with storage units the other day. The problem did not show up on the crafting monitor. But it turns out that the quartz cutting knife stored in AE was out of uses. Because it actually exists in AE, it doesn't show up as missing. But it can't be used, so it can't make processors. The solution was just making another quartz cutting knife and putting it in AE.

I had enough processors. I usually craft about 64 at a time manually and throw them into the network.

I was a bit unsure how well the MAC (Really...? Mac? C'mon :p ) would handle the auto-crafting of processors because of the durability on the cutting knife.

I do have to say, I really love AE. AE might be one of my new top favorite mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They always craft with a 0/10000 value. I don't understand what you mean

If your pattern for an item that includes an re battery contains an re battery with a damage bar (even if it is 0/10000), it will not match to the stackable form of the battery (which is what ae will make). So it goes looking for stackable batteries and ignores the ones with damage bars or vice versa.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have the same problem except that its not with IC2 its with everything. I tried to make some sticks with a pattern (also put the pattern for planks in) and nothing happens.