Achievement Get!

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Good news: Galacticraft works
Not so good news: I had to uninstall natura and flat signs, which means I have to do a world restart. Though I would have to anyway because it adds ores
my condolences to the family and friends of skeleton, we knew him well, but it looks like he'll never leave his room ever again
Its no biggy, I was already starting online school, so its not like this is the ONLY reason I stay in my room, just the fun one:D

New world with pine trees, and the bonus chest had twelve steel in it so I made a full tool set
Achievement Get: Time To Strike!
EDIT: Achievement Get!: Axe me Anything

Found the worlds smallest village, there is only a blacksmith.


found a little stone exposure and got a bronze helmet and some wood armor


made a home out of the stone exposure to survive the night



Started cooking pork and reading up on rotary craft to occupy my time while trying to survive the first night
Achievement Get!: Hot topic


made all the tinker stuff i could make


It's morning, but it's raining and there are monsters at my door
I killed them
Achievement Get!: Monster Hunter!


Well, after two days, it stopped raining and I started looking for caves.


A ravine! Hell Yeah!


how does this make sense?


Or this?


Time to use my awesome spidey skills to climb down the wall!


It didn't work...


Yes! some iron!


I'll make a waypoint for this for later...


Well, after some mining, I am back home and this is what I got.


I made a cheap hoe!
Achievement Get!: Time to farm


and then burned it...
AP for the Day: 4
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Achievement Get- Ha Ha Noob!
-First death. (Yes I say this in chat a lot)

Achievement Get- You'll never learn, You'll never learn- You're past the point of no return.
-3 deaths in rapid succession.

Achievement Get- Wooden Wonderland
-Build wooden structures in the nether.

Achievement Get- Axe me anything
- First tool type of a new material is an axe.
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Reactions: Padfoote
Achievement Get- Ha Ha Noob!
-First death. (Yes I say this in chat a lot)

Achievement Get- You'll never learn, You'll never learn- You're past the point of no return.
-3 deaths in rapid succession.

Achievement Get- Wooden Wonderland
-Build wooden structures in the nether.

Achievement Get- Axe me anything
- First tool type of a new material is an axe.
I will try to make a death counter soon.
But I did make an axe out of rotary craft steel so does that count under Axe me Anything?
All these achievements will be added to the list
Achievement Get : Divine Force
Make a full Tinkers Construct Broadsword, Longsword, or Rapier enchanted with all but one slot with Smite.

Achievement Get : Orbital Launcher
Create a full paper Hammer with knockback, and launch a passive mob into oblivion!

Achievement Get : Galactic Orbital Launcher
Same as above, but in space!

Achievement Get : Smooth Flow
Be able to produce an infinite flow of Water. (e.g. aqua accumulator)

Achievement Get : Aspiring Apiarist
Obtain an Apiary/Apiaries, and a Beealyzer, and start experimenting with bees.
Due to major lag spikes, I have had to remove Rotary Craft and Extra Cells

On the bright side of things, I went on a major caving excavating thing and got all this

I also Restarted My world again but kept most of my stuff, here is my new temp base.
Achievement Get : Divine Force
Make a full Tinkers Construct Broadsword, Longsword, or Rapier enchanted with all but one slot with Smite.

Achievement Get : Orbital Launcher
Create a full paper Hammer with knockback, and launch a passive mob into oblivion!

Achievement Get : Galactic Orbital Launcher
Same as above, but in space!

Achievement Get : Smooth Flow
Be able to produce an infinite flow of Water. (e.g. aqua accumulator)

Achievement Get : Aspiring Apiarist
Obtain an Apiary/Apiaries, and a Beealyzer, and start experimenting with bees.
added to the list
Achievement Get: Suffer Through The Lag

Have a whole bunch of lag-inducing things going on (including stuff from RotaryCraft and ExtraCells) and somehow kill a creeper in your base without it destorying anything.

(You have to re-install lag-inducing mods! Only uninstall if they cause crashes.)
Achievement Get: Suffer Through The Lag

Have a whole bunch of lag-inducing things going on (including stuff from RotaryCraft and ExtraCells) and somehow kill a creeper in your base without it destorying anything.

(You have to re-install lag-inducing mods! Only uninstall if they cause crashes.)
I have already done that before(and died 3 seconds later to an angry zombie) but i didn't take a picture. When I say lag, I don't mean a little framdrops here and there, I mean slideshow quality fps every 10 seconds, its annoying, and unplayable to me.
If you didn't have any RotaryCraft or ExtraCells items or blocks in your world, you shouldn't have had any issues whatsoever. Did you have any RotaryCraft stuff up?
Achievement Get : Villager Bartering
Barter with a villager for any supply.

Achievement Get : Not Quite Heartless
Witness a skeleton kill a mob that is attacking you.

Achievement Get : Disk Jockey
Make a Creeper drop a Music Disc via a Spider/Skeleton Jockey final hit.

Achievement Get : TIMMBAAAHHH
Use a Tinkers Construct Lumber Axe on a Redwood Natura tree
Tc4 great wood tree, I mean (MOBILE HATES ME)
(Hmm maybe we should get some backup dancers? *wink* *wink*)

Achievement Get : Division by Diamond
Obtain an unstable ingot which has a doomsday countdown.

Achievement Get : Division by Industrial Diamond
Obtain an unstable ingot via industrial diamond (if possible).

Achievement Get : All your bases belong to us.
Completely bring a village under autocratic dictatorship rule.

Achievement Get : 10th Millenium
Complete 10 achievements.

Achievement Get : 25th Millenium
Complete 25 achievements.

Achievement Get : 50th Millenium
Complete 50 achievements.

Achievement Get : Veteran Player
Complete all achievements, including the Moon challenge if possible.

I am da achievement FACTORIEH!