Hello everybody, and welcome to my new stream's thread!
My name is Abdiel, I have been playing Minecraft since early alpha, and with tech mods for over a year. I would classify my playstyle as "inventor": I love experimenting with machinery and coming up with new and complicated designs to achieve something that is otherwise probably really simple. I enjoy watching technical streams of people like Etho or direwolf20, and I always wanted to find more of them. If, like me, you are looking for technically-oriented videos full of new inventions and crazy contraptions, keep reading!
I want to make my stream somewhat unique. Instead of a daily "do whatever" streams, I will be much more focused on selected topics. I will stream once, maybe twice a week. For every stream, I will pick a specific topic or a creation to make. I will then, on camera, go through the thought process from the invention itself, to creating, testing, and improving a design, to putting it all together and final touches. You will often see other people only showcase a finished product, or show you a few steps on the way. Others will spend hours messing around trying to figure out what exactly they want to do. My stream shall be neither: I will have a clear idea in mind, and you can watch me follow that idea in the space of 2-3 hours to completion. Therefore it will be a cross between a tutorial and a let's play series.
Far too often you will see people on youtube or twitch run the same well-traveled path: TE machines, solar panels, lava pumps, tree farms, and so on. I despise any of the plain old boring methods. I mean, I can put down a solar panel too. Where's the fun in that? How about a self-controlled nuclear reactor serviced by golems and monitored by a computer, that can send me an e-mail when it runs out of fuel? That's the kind of projects you can look forward to in my stream. We will experiment with many of the technical mods that are not so commonly showcased, such as GregTech, Traincraft, Thaumcraft, Redpower, Railcraft, and many more.
The stream will run on Wednesdays and Fridays at 18:00 GMT. The timing may later shift due to mine and viewers' preferences, but expect it to be in the evenings GMT. Streams will run for between 1 and 3 hours, depending on how much there is to show. Videos from the stream will be archived on twitch, so if the time is not right for you, you can watch them later.
New: After every stream, I will do a short, 5-10 minute highlight of the contraption we built. It won't be a step by step tutorial, but I'll explain all the functional parts of the device so that you can build it yourself. This means that if you just want to see the final result without having to watch the entire stream, you can just check out the highlights! You can find the highlights here.
I'd greatly appreciate any comments or suggestions for future builds in this thread. I have several builds planned for the future already, but if you want me to do or explain something specific, I will gladly do it. Even just a simple "I watched the stream and it was great!" helps me see what people like.
The stream's page is http://www.twitch.tv/abdiel_plays
Episode 1 - Picking Flowers: Full stream - Highlight
Episode 2 - Clay Power: Full stream - Highlight
Episode 0.3 - Maze Trap part 1 - Full stream
Episode 3 - Maze Slime Maze Trap - Full stream - Highlight
Episode 4 - Golems, Boilers, and Bees part 1: Boiler automation - Full stream
Unless stated otherwise, every stream begins at 18:00 GMT (click to convert to your timezone).