A Whiny Rant

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Here's my whiny rant about servers...

...why do some people play a modpack for a week or two, never get out of early game, and then decide to move on to another modpack? And why do they do this repeatedly, over and over?

The pattern on our server is always the same. We begin a new world/modpack. Everybody piles in, and for the first week the server is packed. Since I'm retired, I can play more hours than anyone else, so I progress the fastest. Even tho it isn't a race to see who can go the fastest, people begin to fall behind in their progress compared to myself. There are hints of people being upset, jealous, envious, or any other negative human emotion. I begin to notice that some of my stuff is going missing while I'm not on... it depends on the player, but there are always some who seem to have no scruples, no morals or ethics, no compassion or consideration. If they ask me for items, I would very likely freely give it to them. But instead, they sneak in and take, rather than asking.

And then the final phase... people start drifting off. We've played one week in the modpack, maybe two weeks... and now it's more like a ghost town than a bustling server. Eventually, I'm the only one left on that server, the rest have all moved on to another modpack, and at that point I email the server operator and tell him I do not wish to take up an entire server slot just so I can have my own private modpack to play on. LOL So we take the server down, I obtain a copy of it for my own SSP offline play... and we repeat the entire process all over again.

It's pretty comical really, because it always goes exactly the same way. I can't decide if people simply enjoy early game more than mid- or late-game play, or if they're just lazy, or if they just have ADD and can't keep an attention span longer than 2 weeks... I dunno. But it is funny to observe.
Well from a Server owner stand point. the only way to keep peoplehappy is to let the 75% of people chose whats gonna happen if that means only 60% want map/modpack changes on a server, mean from my side. that it will not happen if its not over 75% of the server that wants the change. also on the point of some people just being early game alot of the time also is some people don't know mods very well so there dont know how to get fast into mid game. from what iv seen on my server people come and either rush a single mod or just have no time to play or like me power play and just do many things at once! idk about your server exp, but most of the time if we have changed map lets say after 4-6month its most likly from map crashing the server all the time or simply everyone wants it :)

Sorry test is confusing as i do type free minded and jump in things
For lack of a better descriptor I'll label what your describing as the "Ooh Shiny" factor. You see this fancy dw20 server and the first thought is Ooh shiny. So they begin gameplay but then they see Infinity and think Ooh even shiner and they think to themselves I'm only early game on dw29, lets go to shinier infinity.

I like it. You could also call it the "Grass Is Always Greener" factor which is the name I came up with for it... same thing. :)

Well from a Server owner stand point. the only way to keep peoplehappy is to let the 75% of people chose whats gonna happen

What you are saying is... the players will NEVER agree 100% on ANYTHING. So if you make a new change on your server, you will probably make half the players happy, but the other half will be upset. 50% happy, 50% mad. LOL

So the best idea is to only make changes when 75% of the players agree - so 75% will be happy, and only 25% will be angry. And that is the best you can hope for. This is the best solution.

I think I understand. :) I do not envy those who run servers, it is a thankless task, for the most part.
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Ever consider a self-destruct system in your base? Easily removes most temptations if your former base is a smoking crater in the ground.

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That would be a good solution to such a quandry. But although they want a restart, chances are they are still attached to their work. Which is rather contradictory considering they want a restart.

Then again those that are serious probably would blow up their bases to restart.

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Take pictures, they last longer. :)

That being said, I actually don't mind starting over, either. Sometimes I have projects that gets too big in scope to develop properly before a map restart (or in my most recent, a server shutdown.)

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
I like it. You could also call it the "Grass Is Always Greener" factor which is the name I came up with for it... same thing. :)

What you are saying is... the players will NEVER agree 100% on ANYTHING. So if you make a new change on your server, you will probably make half the players happy, but the other half will be upset. 50% happy, 50% mad. LOL

So the best idea is to only make changes when 75% of the players agree - so 75% will be happy, and only 25% will be angry. And that is the best you can hope for. This is the best solution.

I think I understand. :) I do not envy those who run servers, it is a thankless task, for the most part.
Personally i just do it as i see i make people have a great time:)
Personally i just do it as i see i make people have a great time:)
And the rarity of those moments enhances this feeling right?

I guess you do it for your regulars more then the whiny over entitled summer break crowd.
Summer brings out the dickwads sometimes.

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And the rarity of those moments enhances this feeling right?

I guess you do it for your regulars more then the whiny over entitled summer break crowd.
Summer brings out the dickwads sometimes.

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idk if i fully understand your comment on it, but even the more falled back player do enjoy(hopfully) the time on the server(s) iv made so far. i do also tell people stright away if there feel something is wrong and should be changed as im very flexible on that point,. :)
It's just in my limited experience running a server and conversing with others who run one most of their time is spent dealing with complaints and keeping ADD addled twelvies entertained enough to stay (they never do, exept of course for the ones you'd like to leave).
The few cool folks you meet make it worth I suppose.

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well ye there is allways the(iwould say) 7/10 players from server start that will leave without staying goodbye but then again if the server is open long enough the player base of the people who stay in a community will build up over time:)
Here's my whiny rant about servers...

...why do some people play a modpack for a week or two, never get out of early game, and then decide to move on to another modpack? And why do they do this repeatedly, over and over?

The pattern on our server is always the same. We begin a new world/modpack. Everybody piles in, and for the first week the server is packed. Since I'm retired, I can play more hours than anyone else, so I progress the fastest. Even tho it isn't a race to see who can go the fastest, people begin to fall behind in their progress compared to myself. There are hints of people being upset, jealous, envious, or any other negative human emotion. I begin to notice that some of my stuff is going missing while I'm not on... it depends on the player, but there are always some who seem to have no scruples, no morals or ethics, no compassion or consideration. If they ask me for items, I would very likely freely give it to them. But instead, they sneak in and take, rather than asking.

And then the final phase... people start drifting off. We've played one week in the modpack, maybe two weeks... and now it's more like a ghost town than a bustling server. Eventually, I'm the only one left on that server, the rest have all moved on to another modpack, and at that point I email the server operator and tell him I do not wish to take up an entire server slot just so I can have my own private modpack to play on. LOL So we take the server down, I obtain a copy of it for my own SSP offline play... and we repeat the entire process all over again.

It's pretty comical really, because it always goes exactly the same way. I can't decide if people simply enjoy early game more than mid- or late-game play, or if they're just lazy, or if they just have ADD and can't keep an attention span longer than 2 weeks... I dunno. But it is funny to observe.
I kind of do this where I move on between mod packs (though I nearly always play single player) but for me it is usually because I find a new game on steam, a new Netflix show, or my life requires more of my time. Free time is usually what keeps me from sticking with a modpack. Especially since I like adventure and kitchen sink packs. By the time I have large amounts of free time I am willing to dedicate to a modpack, a new one has usually come out, and it entices me to try it and leave my old worlds behind.

While I don't believe time is the main issue for most people is time, it seems like people always want to play the hot new modpack. There are so many being released, and while there isn't advertising like a product in the commercial world, just being new seems to attract people, even me if I'm not careful. I love late game way more than early, but it is easy for me to see a new modpack and get excited only to find it is not what I was looking for.
I've been hosting modded servers for my friends for several years now. For me, it's about the long term commitment. I've been playing Minecraft for far longer than most of my friends (both vanilla and modded).

People get bored fast. Nothing will more quickly make you realize that sandbox games just aren't for certain people faster than playing on/hosting a modded server.

I'll usually get about two weeks, perhaps a month out of my friends before they start to taper off. Some will build a small house with some basic machines and call it quits. Others want to progress to the end game content of every mod as quickly as possible from within a dirt and cobble cave.

My opinion on the matter is that if you are playing modded Minecraft to 'win', you are doing it wrong.

Here are some average comments you can expect to hear or events that will occur as a server owner:
1.) There's nothing left to do!.. We should restart the world soon. (My pack has over 200 mods in it)
2.) Other people don't want to play because you've already done everything. (I have a massive base)
3.) 'Someone with ADD will get bored and start griefing other players.' This of course, causes people to leave.
4.) Idiots do laggy things such as leaving mob spawners running overnight, chunkloaded. This causes people to leave.
5.) Armor X isn't balanced for pvp! Item Y isn't balanced for pvp! Weapon Z isn't balanced for pvp! (I don't host pvp servers...)
6.) Everything is unbalanced, you should balance EVERYTHING. I'd play more if the game was a grueling, slogging grind.
7.) This mod is cool, you should install it! This mod is also cool, you should install it! Please install these two thousand game changing mods and spend hours tweaking everything on my behalf so I will continue to play!

The list goes on. No, seriously, I could make a ten page post about the things that have been said to me.

I set up a secondary server to help alleviate boredom for some of my players. It's allowing me to test a more progression oriented version of my pack as well as the stability of KCauldron. I've only had the thing up for about a week and someone is already complaining about a restart.

His comment was, and I quote "I mean, I have automatic ore doubling/smelting. I'm just not sure what's left to do." I'm gating progression through a wonderful mod that allows me to lock blocks/items until certain events are met (It's called Progression, big surprise).

You have to accept that some people just do not understand how sandbox games work and never will. They would rather throw sand everywhere than build sandcastles. If your play-style is similar to mine, this is going to frustrate the ever loving hell out of you. Most people with my play-style stay away from multiplayer and never notice these things. That makes finding and playing on servers with them difficult.

Don't even get me started on the efficiency obsessed.

"Why would I set up a rail system or a conveyor system when I can enderchest items everywhere."

I don't know because, you can?

Ranting/venting post over.
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The group I got into modded Minecraft with has fractured due to playstyle differences talked about here. It's down to just three or four of us, and we've been talking about finding new players to join us, but I'm unsure of how to communicate how we play. We play mostly casually on my Infinity server, building neat structures, sharing resources and just tinkering with mod progression. Does anyone have any ideas on an appropriate place to find like-minded players, or have you had any luck in a similar situation? I mean, its a huge dang internet, there's got to be somebody right?
Keep joining servers and hope for the best
The group I got into modded Minecraft with has fractured due to playstyle differences talked about here. It's down to just three or four of us, and we've been talking about finding new players to join us, but I'm unsure of how to communicate how we play. We play mostly casually on my Infinity server, building neat structures, sharing resources and just tinkering with mod progression. Does anyone have any ideas on an appropriate place to find like-minded players, or have you had any luck in a similar situation? I mean, its a huge dang internet, there's got to be somebody right?
Yeah, players have short attention spans. Look at vanilla for instance; Minigames are an example of what happens when server operators actively try to cater to the ADD crowd. I'd wager very few people play the "punch wood, build castle" in the vanilla crowd. It's probably creative builds or minigames. Big server owners actually invest In making the next new FOTM minigame.

I think the modded scene is the only demographic that persists with SMP.

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