@TheDemonLlama @TheEpic5
A few shops can be found in town

A few shops can be found in town
You have no starting money. You will get that starting tomorrow. You can't really do anything in town. Except talk to people.If we have money, I'd like to go to Kecleon's shop, if not, we could go to the Marowak dojo to up our levels a bit or whatever happens there
specify who plsThen maybe we could talk to some people to get more information about rescue teams
If i remember correctly:@dylanpiera
What pokemon is everybody?
If i remember correctly:
Livingangrycheese = meowth
xTordX = Cyndaquil
the_j = Torchic
Lisy(playerismc) = Mudkip
Luma = Eevee (Desires to be a glaceon / sylveon)
TheEpic = Chikorita
You = totodile / riolu
You never decided whice one of the two did you? XD