As you both went down into the guild..
There is a big room, With 2 boards full of posters of wanted pokemon.. There are loads of pokemon around..
"So.. Were do we sign up...
As someone came up the stairs behind them
"Hello you 2. Im Chatot. The guild Masters right hand. Can i help you?
"Yes please! We would like to make a team!"
"Oh. Well. You Guys know its hard work ri.."
"Yes we do!"
"Hmm. Come with me"
As you went down to the office of the Guild master..
"Master are you ok?
"Ofcourse i am chatot! i was just sleeping.." "I guese these people want to become a team. Well they can
Please fill in the following note's
Team Name
Team Leader
Tord / J il do your recap right after this one.