I had just gotten 2 imperial bee's and 2 industrious bee's. All 4 were pure breed, I was so damn happy, I was ready to start working on an alveary. I made a simple auto breeder to get me lots of pollen and royal jelly. There was a gate attached to each that powered a lamp when the frames ran out. Today I hopped on the server and noticed lots of jelly, but no pollen. I went to check my industrious bee's, only to find they had transformed into pure imperial bee's! This was a result of the industrial bee apiary emptying at the same time as the imperial apiary. An extra imperial drone made its way into the wrong apiary, likely more than once, instead of continuing to my bee sorting area where they would be turned into liquid dna. This means I have to work my way back up to a set of Industrious Bee's, which took me several real life hours to get, even with a guide, due mainly to bad luck.