A General Basis for Balanced Mindcrack/1.4.6 Servers

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everyone knows that the IC Gregtech mod, Mystcraft, Dense Ores, Mass fabs, and Matter Fabs have a major role in the FTB balancing of the world.

Well, I am here to show you how to balance it.

First, let us start with the production of UU-Matter
Matter Fabricator(OFF)
Mass Fabricator(ON)
Scrap inside of Mass Fabricator(DISABLED)
Disable Scrap being use-able in the mass fabs
This makes them a standard 1,000,000EU to produce 1 UU-Matter instead of a variable 130,000EU.
Which in-turn is; 98 seconds of 512Eu/T
Advanced Cycle; sides ->
X | X (512x4) -> 24 seconds per UU-Matter @ a rate of 2048Eu/T
X | X
Now to fix this- we must take the threshold of 6 sides and make it to 60 seconds at maximum 512.
So to do this we must do this;
512x6(Tick)(20) -> 61,440 EU Per second, * 60 this to get a variable balanced UU-Producing Machine
New Mass Fab Required Energy-> 3,686,400

Currently the only thing able to produce 512EU/T is the advanced/compact solars, Fusion reactors, Nuclear reactors, and a ton of Geothermals- Ultimate Hybrid solars(End-Game), Fusion Reactors(End-Game), and a Nuclear Reactor(Mid/late-Game). This makes the start of the game- getting to hybrids- not as dreadful to present itself.

{Treecapitator Pluggin/Mod}
Treecapitator is a pluggin that enables a lot of power to the user- This mod does the following;
Automatically clears leafs off trees that you cut down.
Treecapitator along with destroying unsightly floating tops- does the following;
Logs fall in response to naturally grown trees and destroy the leafs in the process. - Example A for Air, L for leafs, W for Wood.
----->W Cutting this block will cause the entire tree to fall, leafs to be destroyed, and the following items will drop: 3 W's(Logs), 0 L's(Leafs), (Air cannot be dropped), The Leafs will still be destroyed and chance drop their normal items, such as apples/sapplings.
This mod can be enabled and reconfigured to be a timely cost item; Every log cut down will be taken from the Axe's Durability.
My personal suggestion is making this mod only able to be used with a DIAMOND AXE- this allows ease with progression and the ability to use the pretty woods from all the mods as building materials-
This mod gets an A++ From me as it makes the world more beautiful by destroying, and more beautiful by creation.

{Fighu's Commands Server-side Pluggin}
This mod allows the following commands(And more)
/home, /sethome, /sethome (Name/Number/Ect), /Spawn, /ignore, and others~

This mod is essential for Mystcraft- as it just allows more ease to not getting f***ed.
Highly recommended

{Mystcraft Options}
Mystcraft is a tool that allows different adventures- traveling from universe to universe and world to world.
This mod does the following; Allows inter-dimensional spawns, unique maps, and materials to be gathered.
This mod can also do the following- Spawn Bioliving worlds- Yes, I did say Bioliving, because that is the only way to explain it.

Worlds spawn and breath when corrupted- these worlds will age, die, and make you unable to join them over a period of time- these worlds are called " Corrupted " Worlds.
Corruption is a storybook without reason, a book without a plot- and a villian that just destroys.
Turn Corruption OFF in your Mystcraft.Config
Now here comes the trust; Either let your players make their own worlds, or disable books from being crafted and allow only Admins(or Owner) to create worlds for them.
DO NOT ALLOW DENSE ORES Dense Ores world: Dense ores is a world that has excessive amounts of materials in a small radius- the Average or norm of these materials are a 3:1 Overworld to DenseOre World in capacity- For example;
A 8x8 Chunk may consist of 3 diamonds in the Overworld- The DenseOre World may consist of 9+, or even upto 30!- While also doing this to EVERY ORE.
Tl;DR, Allow Mystcraft with restrictions!
Warning; This mod is known to cause lag if the player creates too many chunkloaders
BUG REPORT: Putting a Cart through a Mystcraft 1-wide, 2-high portal will cause an infinite loop of joining/exiting the world causing the server Ram excessive pressure and will cause the server to CRASH.
This can be fixed and only requires a restart.

{GregTech Mod}
This mod further progresses Industrial craft with the amounts of Millions and Billions of EU(Energy Unit)
This mod also adds new machines such as the Industrial Centrifigue, Electrolyzer- and Blast Furnace. These items all combine to further progression- such as Base elemental cells:
H(Helium), H-3(Helium-3, a Helium Isotope with only 1 Neutron), Silicon, Carbon, Calcium, And many more
This mod adds new recipes to Industrial craft;

Change Solar Panel Recipe to Silicon Cells rather than Silicon Plates
Disable Matter Fabricator
Disable the need for aluminum being used for watermills; Change to Advanced Alloys/Carbon Plates.
Change Advanced Solars Recipe; Change Advanced Alloys to Silicon Plates

The changes to Solars allows solars to be created with effort- and Advanced Solars to be a progressionary tool and not a liberty to once you get it- a Industrial blast furnace is a part of Tier 3 Machinery and should be used to acquire Tier 3- AKA not a solar panel being tier 2 production of Power.

FIN Until needed updated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I must sadly inform you that I disagree with your opinion of what constitutes "balanced", and I bet a number of other people do too. This is something that absolutely cannot be generalized, because everyone defines it for themselves. So keep that in mind before you announce that you're going to show everyone what balance is... if you asked me, the proposal above wouldn't even begin to cover 10% of the things I consider broken, and in fact adds new ones ;)

Also, I'd like to point out that this is the wrong forum for your post. Many of the changes you list here cannot be made in the config files, and therefore you must direct them as suggestions to the individual mod authors in their threads on Minecraftforum. This is a community site, and the Feed The Beast team does not develop the mods.

Now, if this was about what you can achieve using only the options available to us in the config files, I definitely would be interested in that discussion.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know who you are- and you haven't show anything but being indecisive. The changes that I presented can in-fact be changed~ And it; promotes more balance- and is a Basis(not a set-in-stone rules of minecraft).
This is a suggestion to make the server; more enjoyable, allows competitive/progressive play, and re-enables players to work for their items.

And it's fine if you disagree, because if I wanted to agree with you personally I would of gotten your Skype and quote you word for word eh? Thank you for the philosophical side of disagreeing tho~!

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know who you are- and you haven't show anything but being indecisive. The changes that I presented can in-fact be changed~ And it; promotes more balance- and is a Basis(not a set-in-stone rules of minecraft).
This is a suggestion to make the server; more enjoyable, allows competitive/progressive play, and re-enables players to work for their items.

And it's fine if you disagree, because if I wanted to agree with you personally I would of gotten your Skype and quote you word for word eh? Thank you for the philosophical side of disagreeing tho~!

I don't know if it was intended, but your reply to omicron came off as a bit snobish and rude.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I assure you that I'm not trolling you. I'm simply pointing out that what you suggest cannot be implemented in its entirety without the mod authors themselves changing stuff, and if you would like that, you must approach the mod authors. For example: "disable using scrap inside mass fabricator" is not possible within the config files. "Adjust energy need of mass fabricator" is not possible within the config files. That's two out of four suggestions in your first section, and there's more further on.

Also, I intentionally avoided commenting on your suggestions (beyond pointing out that people, including myself, might disagree with you) because, again, balance is an entirely subjective thing. If that makes me look indecisive, here's a sample opinion of mine: Any public server with Mystcraft not set to completely disable crafting of agebooks except by administrators is setting themselves up for desaster. Every world consumes disk space. Every world keeps its spawn area loaded at all times, regardless fo whether anyone is in it or not. Every loaded accelerated world hits the server tickrate like a freight train. And now add an armload of players all spamming throwaway worlds in an effort to discover the rarer symbols. With just 10 people interested in toying with Mystrcraft, you can easily get over 1000 worlds in the span of two or three days - unless of course the server dies long before that.

Admin-controlled world generation with creative-spawned notebook. That's the only sane choice for Mystcraft on servers, IMHO.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Helpful Words.
This is called constructive criticism, which I enjoy. The mass fab can in-fact be done without destroying the mod, I know this because I currently play on 2 servers that have Matter fabs set to half EU needed- and have disabled/changed recipes with extreme ease. You can in-fact do everything I posted out of fiddling with the servers files.

I cannot be exact on a guide to do so- but, I'm sure there are YouTube guides already out for doing so- Thanks for getting back on the matter of not trolling.

Much Love~


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, the thing is, the GregTech matter fabricator can have its energy use adjusted... but it doesn't affect the regular IC2 mass fab. It was one of the first things I tested when GregTech was initially added. So you can either have the expensive matter fab at your desired setting, or the cheap mass fab with out of the box settings. Can't get the cheap recipe with high energy draw, unfortunately.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As serverowner myselfe, I will say that the only part I would agree on is the dissabling of unstable worlds and limiting Mystcraft (when it gets added). For the rest, i prefer being unforgiving towards new players if mistakes are done, and having it a "pain" advancing.

I guess its mostly whatever floats your boat right?