5000 eu/t Challenge

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TLDR: What's the best/cheapest/fastest way to get 5000 eu/t pre-matterfab? (Mindcrack pack)

So I'm pretty close to making my first matter fabricator, and I did some calculations and found that in order to make uu fast enough so that it doesn't take an obscenely long amount of time to make iridium plates (I can't afk and I'm not on a server) I'm going to need to be feeding around 5000 eu/t into the fabricator. (~3 min per uu, 18 min per iridium, 72 min for plate). That is a lot of power. My question is: what is the best way to achieve this kind of power generation without iridium, and preferably without a ridiculous amount of resources?

Currently I'm using small scale nuclear to get about 400eu/t to power my base, and i've heard you can reasonably get up to 1000eu/t with more advanced mark II and III designs. However, I'd still have build five of those plus all the required cycling infrastructure, and frankly, I struggle to get enough copper to build one powerful mark I reactor, even with four quarrys running. I think that could be fixed with some serious lava centrifuging or thaumcraft transmuting, though.

It would take ~600+ advanced solar panel to get there, so I don't really think that's viable.

Anyone have any genius ideas or suggestions for generating this kind of power?
Since you say you can't AFK, I think your best option is to head off to the end and try to find some iridium there...As for generating power, nuclear reactors are probably your best bet for high-output.
The only thing that can go that high and still make you feel that you are not cheating is with IC2/GT nuclear reactors+Logistic pipe (but you need to enable the IC2 copper, thermal expansion copper is not enough). You want to go around 20k eu/t to get reasonable yield of iridium in GT.

Or you can go spamming windmills like what spwnx did (15k eu/t).. Just search it in IC2 forum.
[...]I can't afk and I'm not on a server[...]

Why not just switch the cost for UU matter down a magnitude then, if you think you need 5000eu/t to make UU matter fast enough for your needs? You'd then need 500eu/t to make UU matter at your suggested optimal speed, and you won't need to have a field of magma crucibles and thermal generators (that extra 10,000eu is nice) with a quarry running in the nether at all times. Otherwise, that'd be the easiest way without having access to easy iridium from UU matter.
Your baseline cost should be 250 geothermal generators:

2,000 stone
1,000 glass
250 rubber
2,500 iron
1,250 tin
500 redstone
125 copper
+ assorted pipes/wires and infrastructure.

Quite heavy on iron, but needs much less copper than a reactor. Also with 250 geothermals, nether lakes might not be as infinite as you're used to.
Why not just switch the cost for UU matter down a magnitude then, if you think you need 5000eu/t to make UU matter fast enough for your needs? You'd then need 500eu/t to make UU matter at your suggested optimal speed, and you won't need to have a field of magma crucibles and thermal generators (that extra 10,000eu is nice) with a quarry running in the nether at all times. Otherwise, that'd be the easiest way without having access to easy iridium from UU matter.

This is probably something else to consider. the massive EU requirement from the matterfab was balanced around the idea that people will be setting up systems to AFK or run all the time and get a huge reward from that. when you're playing SSP without the ability to do that, though, the huge cost can be pretty high for anyone that's not at the level you're talking about (getting several nuclear reactors running constantly, pumping a huge output of EU into the machine to make it run at a reasonable rate)
5kEu/t huh?

Abdeil gives the best answer if the Iridium is for a one of purpose (say building quantum armour). Likewise raiding the end for various ores.

If not a couple of SC tree farms, running biofuel and wood into quite a few boilers should sort you out. (ok ok about 25 HP boilers, but you'll have more fun building that system than draining the nether)
If you're good with the extra bees stuff, you could automate the production of distilled/refined bees with the fast working/nocternal/flyer traits- setting them in automated apiaries.​
Blaze shards are also fairly good for this (if you haven't broken all the spawners- move them into 1 room, and farm shards like theres no tomorrow)​
Edit - if you're going to cheat and change the config files, re-enable the IC2 massfab, I think it auto-adjusts the matterfab for you.
Even a set of 50 turbines would need twice as much iron as the geothermal setup, which is its major resource cost. Not even counting the boilers or the casings. And the turbines will wear out after some time.
I said it was fun, not cheap XD
It really is. :p
Also, the most awesome thing about the boilers is that they are perfect for making lava in magma crucibles. And you know what you can make with lava? Iron. And the entire resource cost of a steam boiler set up is, I would say, about 95% iron.
Oh, and you can make copper, electrum, tin, and tungsten from lava, too. All that without a single ounce of Iridium.
Although a single 64x64 quarry set up will usually produce at least ten to sixteen stacks of iron ore, which yields twenty to thirty-two stacks of iron ingots with most resource production setups. That converts at a one to one ratio to steel using coke (which you make using coal in a coke oven, and coal is even more prevalent).

I've got stacks of blocks of steel just waiting to be needed to be turbines, and a magnitude more of stacks of unprocessed iron ore that will likely top out the extradimensional barrel soon enough if I don't start making automatic resource processing soon.

But yeah, steel is not really a rare resource when you reach mid game.
When you make iron from obsidian, steam turbine running cost isn't that high. Rotors last really long in SSP, if you have many steam turbines you can add lamps controlled by gates to see which one needs replacing. Good way to get a lot of energy would be to get some upgraded trees via arbioculture. If you transfer fastest growth to sequoia, you will have more wood from one 5x3 farm then you will ever need and apatite lasts for a very long time. When you add tripple saplings to walnut you can power quite a few boilers from one farm (currently I'm in the middle of building it). SC2 farm is also a good idea, I power 2 boilers on biofuel from one farm without problems, wood could probably be enough for few more. You can always go crazy with treefarms for wood and burn it in normal generators after cutting in TE sawmill.
If you're processing iron ore, its INSANLY cheap mid game, with gregtech giving triple outputs.

Right now I'm grinding some blaze shards, and building myself up to a Doctoral bee (+3 Temp tolerance)- should be able to keep my demonic queens happy in the overworld.
The phosphor is very good for cheap lava, and the glowstone byproduct can be split into gold and redstone.​

I've heard rumours of an iridium bee, but seen nothing solid yet...
Thank for all the replies everyone.

I not going to change any config settings, as I figure then why not just make iridium generate as frequently as iron. (Bit of an exaggeration I know)

While after a bit of research I agree the 250 geothermal generators + pumps + liquid transposers + tesseracts + pipes is definitely the most cost efficient, I do enjoy nuclear power, and so I think I will instead start up a massive lava centrifuging operation to get all the copper I need. I figure I could either use all the lava in geothermals, which would generate a lot of power, however would have no long term benefit, or use it for the production of tin, copper, tungsten, and electrum, which could be used for producing more sustainable power long term (ie without draining the entire nether of lava).

When you make iron from obsidian
How exactly do you do this may I ask?

Also, anyone know how long and how much power it takes to centrifuge 64 lava? There seems to be some dispute on different wikis.

EDIT: Also, how do you triple iron with gregtech? And is there a definitive list of all the recipes for the industrial centrifuge, electrolyzer, grinder, and chemical reactor? Because none of the wikis seem to agree on anything.
I've heard rumours of an iridium bee, but seen nothing solid yet...

Don't platinum bees serve a similar purpose, with a few extra steps in processing the platinum? Hopefully an iridium bee would have amusing environmental interaction, such as causing the weather to always be a thunderstorm, and then spawning creepers under each lightning bolt that hits. And giving those creepers mining lasers. And jetpacks. You know, on second thought, I may just stick with something safe, like watching my quarry for hours on end.
We want 1 Iridium per 18 minutes and on average there is 1 Iridium per 5 chunks. Make a RP2 tunnel bore, 4 blocks wide and 64 blocks tall. We'll need to have it advance 1 block per 18*60/(4*16*5) = 3.375 seconds, which is easily doable. This "generator" will provide the equivalent of 5000 EU/t.
How exactly do you do this may I ask?

Obsidian to rockcrusher to get obsidian dust and then to electrolyzer. It take 5000 Eu to produce one iron from 8 obsidan dust, 17 000 MJ to rockcrush obsidian and additional 128 000 MJ if you want to produce obsidian from magma crucible.

Edit: corrected magma crucible cost.
We want 1 Iridium per 18 minutes and on average there is 1 Iridium per 5 chunks..
I don't think I believe that. On average I only get 1 maybe 2 iridium per 64x64 quarry, and I'm pretty sure thats like 24 chunks. Cool idea though if otherwise.
We want 1 Iridium per 18 minutes and on average there is 1 Iridium per 5 chunks. Make a RP2 tunnel bore, 4 blocks wide and 64 blocks tall. We'll need to have it advance 1 block per 18*60/(4*16*5) = 3.375 seconds, which is easily doable. This "generator" will provide the equivalent of 5000 EU/t.

The biggest problem there, though, is that it is entirely random if you will end up getting anywhere near that output. Statistically, with a large enough set of data, you might be able to match those results at that movement speed, but you might very well end up with days where you get almost no iridium. Which just means you need to build eight of them to get an equivalent of 40,000eu/t of UU matter production. Or eighty. So many bores.
20% chance per chunk, but the ore isn't height limited AFAIK. So the chance for spawning competes with air, dirt, gravel, other ores...
The 1-2 per 16 chunks mentioned by JsutffJr sound about correct.