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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, yes it has.

I've edited a few spelling mistakes and also added in comas as to make it actually somewhat comprehendible.

The things in brackets weren't actually said, they're just things that are mandatory to add in order to make it a proper story.
Went Chuck Norris went into his red car, I found him doing a big bag of juicy little apple-flavored and juicy succulent chicken strips that were looking like some kind of strange alien looking to attack, but Chuck Norris didn't pack his gun bullets so he used his really huge ass to prop up the awesome part of someone's body, [and] after having a dispute he killed them with punctuation. Absolutely unrelated, Russians, who were out running, are proved to have giant little big asses locked in their basement. They are so stupid that they fought him, the one the only real human not having any reproductive organs like all of their moms, and he died. Rainbows make a good pet [make good pets*] if crossbred with poptarts, and [also] when they are doubled. On the other hand, they had no chance of getting the cyan milkshake away from hobos. I then shit in the ugly black cat! Wow! It exploded like a pile of goop while still keeping it's beautiful shiny glory. And, dancing in the wind with [it's] dong held high and whistling loudly, it threw it's dong at a frightened elephant who yelled "What the fuck!", but [although*] this angered a short tempered storm trooper who raised his orange to level 90 in a military academy for disgraced citrus fruits. The commander was melted cheese on an intergalactic hoagie. Someone then ate it, and caught some disease which was inhibiting his right arm's wing thing, which made him have chicken pox. Later he went down to the Kwik-e-mart to buy Apu's delicious strawberry frost whatever-they-call-it, and got disabling brain freeze. He woke up in a state of confusion and banged into walls. Luckily, the headache helped to make him dance to the sound of music. He sang along to the sound of Pokerface, whilst weakening his left shin, causing a pain in his neck. This distracted him from a man defenestrating himself while riding on a large, disgruntled orange moose who was humming loudly to the sound of Queen's "Somebody to Love", while farting loudly near somebody probably not important named PeggleFrank, so he made a new thread stating his stupidity by taking from this thread a sack of potatoes that breathes [breathe*] inside your head. Causing horrifying pain in the hairy lower plastic cheeseburger shoe. Monkeys like it in the face. Especially when they suck on their dirty "trees". In the jungle, there's a magic ram that likes to have a cucumber up his anus, until the fluids emerge from his nostril and he starts pissing out of his hamstrings, which makes him vomit several pieces of sushi which started speaking [start speaking*] swaheli while telling him to go train as a englishman carrying two thousand grammar Nazis. AN Englishman exploded into a pile of chickens, and Englishmen showing how well they shave their fancy looking English beards from England, which all looked absolutely English. The English Englishmen were very English compared to several Irishmen, so they became English unlike their friends who were teleporting themselves from the rain to the train that was going from the station to the large mouth of an English Englishman from England, which is awesome because Englishmen are English. But some Cree indians ate all their friends, which were very highly taking a nap in SML6's entrails which he used to fly around and kill SML6 with old age, but kill SML6 with a sharp air [with a sharp {weapon}, but*], but murder the_j485, who was actually SML6 causing the Big Bang to copy the Hitchhiker's Guide [and] become the Gnab Gib, which was at the border to offtopic, disregarding the English Englishmen's English due his Yank heritage. Because of this, he decided to play Baseball with a bat made of MFR raw meat, which natnif36 loves eating [drinking*] with a straw after he finishes eating [drinking*] sewage, which had spawned near a pink sheep, which was butchered to make cooked lambchops, which were [are*] surprisingly from Dartcraft, which were eaten by Saice, who cannibalised the shoop who killed Slowpoke for playing DRPG during his offtime whereas he actually [was] grinding for hours on to make his GT fusion reactors advanced machine to please the Englishmen after he noticed that the Englishmen weren't very English after all. How English of those Englishmen. The Englishmen thought they would drink tea and be English like that - eating crumpets and bending their English muscles, to carry guns and shoot those non-English people.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It definitely is one
(oddness was intended btw, however it seems like my interpretation of "odd" is way off.)