[32x] Summerfields [1.5.2][1.6.4][WIP] ** Updated 07/24/14 **

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

** Latest Update : 07/24/14 **

Hello everyone. Summerfields is a beautiful texture pack created by LithiumSound. I decided to start a FTB version.
This is still very much a work in progress, but I intend to update every other week with a few new textures. Note that this is a 1.5.x - 1.6.x pack only. Suggestion and criticism are very much welcome, enjoy!



Thermal Expansion

Applied Energistics

Some ores

Some Chest

1.6 : Download and add to ressourcepacks folder!
1.5 : Download the latest vanilla pack from the original thread. Download the FTB textures and copy everything directly at the root of the vanilla pack. That's it, enjoy!​

Latest changelogs
-- 07/24/14 --

-- Tinker Construct --
-Alumite Hammer Head
-Ardite Hammer Head
-Blue Slime Hammer Head
-Bone Hammer Head
-Bronze Hammer Head
-Cactus Hammer Head
-Copper Hammer Head
-Flint Hammer Head
-Iron Hammer Head
-Manyullyn Hammer Head
-Netherrack Hammer Head
-Obsidian Hammer Head
-Paper Hammer Head
-Pig Iron Hammer Head
-Slime Hammer Head
-Steel Hammer Head
-Stone Hammer Head
-Thaumium Hammer Head
-Wood Hammer Head
-Alumite Hammer Handle
-Blue Slime Hammer Handle
-Bone Hammer Handle
-Bronze Hammer Handle
-Cactus Hammer Handle
-Cobalt Hammer Handle
-Copper Hammer Handle
-Flint Hammer Handle
-Iron Hammer Handle
-Manyullyn Hammer Handle
-Netherrack Hammer Handle
-Obsidian Hammer Handle
-Paper Hammer Handle
-Pig Iron Hammer Head
-Slime Hammer Head
-Steel Hammer Head
-Stone Hammer Head
-Thaumium Hammer Head
-Wood Hammer Head
-Diamond Hammer Effect
-Emerald Hammer Effect
-Auto-Repair Hammer Effect
-Auto-Smelt Hammer Effect
-Sharpness Hammer Effect
-Fiery Hammer Effect
-Necrotic Hammer Effect
-Silky Hammer Effect
-Reinforced Hammer Effect
-Piston Hammer Effect
-Beheading Hammer Effect
-Bane of Arthropods Hammer Effect
-Fancy Diamond Brick
-Fancy Redstone Brick
-Fancy Lapis Brick
-Fancy Gold Brick
-Fancy Iron Brick
-Fancy Slime Brick
-Fancy Sandstone Brick​

-- Thermal Expansion --
-Enderium Dust
-Enderium Ingot
-Enderium Block
-Tinker's Alloy Ingot
-Tinker's Alloy Block
-Autonomous Activator
-Terrain Smasher
-Machinist's Workbench
-Leadstone Energy Cell (Remade)
-Hardened Energy Cell
-Redstone Energy Cell
-Resonant Energy Cell
-Creative Energy Cell
-Leadstone Energy Conduit
-Hardened Energy Conduit
-Redstone Energy Conduit
-Opaque Fluiduct
-Opaque Itemduct
-Opaque Impulse Itemduct
-Impusle Itemduct
-Hardened Strongbox
-Reinforced Strongbox
-Resonant Strongbox
-Creative Strongbox
-Copper Nugget
-Tin Nugget
-Silver Nugget
-Ferrous Nugget
-Shiny Nugget
-Electrum Nugget
-Invar Nugget
-Tinker's Alloy Nugget
-Enderium Nugget
-Leadstone Flux Capacitor
-Hardened Flux Capacitor
-Redstone Flux Capacitor
-Resonant Flux Capacitor
-Creative Flux Capacitor
-Tuberous Flux Capacitor
-Pulverized Coal
-Invar Helmet
-Invar Armor
-Invar Leggings
-Invar Boots
-Pyrotheum Dust
-Cryotheum Dust​

-- Iron Chest --
-Dirt Chest 9000!​

-- Thaumcraft --
-Arcane Lamp
-Lamp Of Growth
-Lamp Of Fertility
-Infernal Furnace​

-- Mekanism --
-Osmium Ore
-Bronze Block
-Copper Block
-Steel Block
-Tin Block
-Bronze Dust
-Copper Dust
-Diamond Dust
-Gold Dust
-Iron Dust
-Lead Dust
-Obsidian Dust
-Osmium Dust
-Silver Dust
-Sulfur Dust
-Tin Dust
-Bronze Ingot
-Copper Ingot
-Obsidian Ingot
-Osmium Ingot
-Steel Ingot
-Tin Ingot​

-- RailCraft --
-Steel Block​

-- General --
-FTB pack image​


Older changelogs

-- 05/16/14 --

-- Industrial Craft 2 --
-Advanced Machine Casing (Redone)​

-- Magical Crops --
-Essence Dust
-Essence Ore
-Nether Essence Ore​

-- GeoStrata --
-Basalt Cobblestone
-Basalt Bricks
-Shale Cobblestone
-Shale Bricks
-Sandstone Cobblestone
-Sandstone Bricks
-Gneiss Cobblestone
-Gneiss Bricks
-Quartz Cobblestone
-Quartz Bricks
-Marble Cobblestone
-Marble Bricks
-Granite Cobblestone
-Granite Bricks​

-- Applied Energistics --
-Grind Stone
-Wooden Crank​

-- Tinker Construct --
-Birch Stencil Table
-Casting Basin
-Casting Table
-Cobalt Hammer Head
-Ardite Hammer Handle
-Redstone Hammer Effect
-Lapis Hammer Effect
-Crafting Station​

-- Project Red --
-Peridot Sword
-Ruby Sword
-Sapphire Sword
-Peridot Axe
-Ruby Axe
-Sapphire Axe
-Peridot Pickaxe
-Ruby Pickaxe
-Sapphire Pickaxe
-- Forestry --

-Apatite Ore
-Ethanol Bucket
-Biomass Bucket​

-- RailCraft --
-Sulfur Ore
-Saltpeter Ore

-- Thermal Expansion --
-Fixed Ferrous Ore (1.6)​

-- Project Red --
-Ruby Ore
-Sapphire Ore
-Peridot Ore​

-- Factorization --
-Dark Iron Ore
-Dark Iron Ingot
-Dark Iron Block​

-- Nether Ore --
-Nether Coal Ore
-Nether Diamond Ore
-Nether Gold Ore
-Nether Iron Ore
-Nether Lapis Ore
-Nether Redstone Ore
-Nether Copper Ore
-Nether Tin Ore
-Nether Emerald Ore
-Nether Sapphire Ore
-Nether Platinum Ore
-Nether Ferrous Ore
-Nether Pig Iron Ore
-Nether Iridium Ore
-Nether Osmium Ore
-Nether Lead Ore
-Nether Uranium Ore
-Nether Nikolite Ore
-Nether Ruby Ore
-Nether Peridot Ore​

-- Tinker's Construct --
-Molten Iron Bucket
-Molten Gold Bucket
-Molten Copper Bucket
-Molten Tin Bucket
-Molten Aluminum Bucket
-Molten Cobalt Bucket
-Molten Ardite Bucket
-Molten Bronze Bucket
-Molten Aluminum Brass Bucket
-Molten Manyullyn Bucket
-Molten Alumite Bucket
-Molten Obsidian Bucket
-Molten Steel Bucket
-Molten Glass Bucket
-Seared Stone Bucket
-Liquified Emerald Bucket
-Bucket o' Blood
-Molten Nickel Bucket
-Molten Lead Bucket
-Molten Silver Bucket
-Molten Shiny Bucket
-Molten Invar Bucket
-Molten Electrum Bucket
-Liquified Ender Bucket
-Liquid Slime Bucket
-Sticky Glue Bucket
-Molten Pig Iron Bucket
-Diamond Pickaxe Modifier
-Emerald Pickaxe Modifier
-Redstone Pickaxe Modifier​

-- Mystcraft --
-Descriptive Book
-Unlinked Link Book
-Linking Book​

-- Applied Energistics --
-Fixed ME Crafting Terminal (1.6)
-Fixed ME Access Terminal
-ME Crafting Monitor
-- Tinker's Construct --

-Iron Gravel Ore
-Gold Gravel Ore
-Aluminium Gravel Ore
-Tin Gravel Ore
-Cobalt Gravel Ore​

-- BuildCraft --
-Redstone Engine
-Stirling Engine
-Combustion Engine
-Oil Bucket
-Fuel Bucket
-Liquid Oil
-Liquid Fuel​

-- Thermal Expansion --
-Fixed Destabilized Redstone Bucket (1.6)
-Fixed Energized Glowstone Bucket (1.6)
-Fixed Resonant Ender Bucket (1.6)​

-- Minecraft --
-Fixed Spider (1.6)
-Fixed Enderman (1.6)​

--01/01/14 --
- BuildCraft -
-Mining Well
-Land Mark
-Path Marker

- Extra Utilities -
-Colored Wood Planks
-Colored Bricks​

- RailCraft -
-Sandy Brick
-Sandy Block
-Fitted Sandy Stone
-Ornate Sandy Stone
-Etched Sandy Stone
-Coke Oven
-Blast Furnace
-Rolling Machine​

- Tinker's Construct -
-Block of Aluminium Brass
-Block of Ardite
-Block of Cobalt
-Block of Manyullyn
-Block of Aluminium
-Block of Steel
-Block of Bronze
-Block of Alumite
-Aluminium Brass Ingot
-Ardite Ingot
-Manyullyn Ingot
-Aluminium Ingot
-Bronze Ingot
-Seared Brick
-Obsidian Ingot
-Tool Forge
-Liquid Cobalt
-Alumite Pickaxe Parts
-Wood Pickaxe Parts
-Stone Pickaxe Parts
-Iron Pickaxe Parts
-Flint Pickaxe Parts
-Obsidian Pickaxe Parts
-Netherrack Pickaxe Parts
-Manyullyn Pickaxe Parts
-Ardite Pickaxe Parts​

- Thermal Expantion -
-Fixed Steam Dynamo (1.6)
-Fixed Magmatic Dynamo (1.6)
-Fixed Energetic Infuser (1.6)​

- Biomes O Plenty -
-Fixed Tiny Cactus (1.6)​

-- 11/29/13 --
- DartCraft -
-Force Pack
-Ender Pack
-Force Bucket​

- Forestry -
-Acacia Tree+Planks
-Balsa Tree+Planks
-Baobab Tree+Planks
-Cherry Tree+Planks
-Chestnut Tree+Planks
-Citrus Tree+Planks
-Ebony Tree+Planks
-Greenheart Tree+Planks
-Kapok Tree+Planks
-Larch Tree+Planks
-Lime Tree+Planks
-Mahoe Tree+Planks
-Mahogany Tree+Planks
-Maple Tree+Planks
-Palm Tree+Planks
-Papaya Tree+Planks
-Pine Tree+Planks
-Plum Tree+Planks
-Poplar Tree+Planks
-Sequoia Tree+Planks
-Teak Tree+Planks
-Walnut Tree+Planks
-Wenge Tree+Planks
-Willow Tree+Planks
-Farm Block
-Farm Gear
-Farm Control
-Farm Hatch
-Farm Valve​

- Natura -
-Eucalyptus Tree
-Eucalyptus Stick
-Eucalyptus Sapling
-Eucalyptus Planks
-Eucalyptus Bookshelf
-Eucalyptus Door
-Eucalyptus Trapdoor
-Eucalyptus Workbench
-Hopseed Tree
-Hopseed Stick
-Hopseed Sapling
-Hopseed Planks
-Hopseed Bookshelf
-Hopseed Door
-Hopseed Trapdoor
-Hopseed Workbench​

-- Factorization --

-- 09/07/13 --
- DartCraft -
-Power Ore
-Nether Ore
-Force Bricks (All colors)
-Force Stairs (All colors)
-Force Slabs (All colors)
-Force Tree
-Force Planks
-Force Stairs
-Force Slabs
-Force Gems
-Force Ingot
-Golden Power Source
-Force Infuser
-Force Engine
-Force Shard
-Force Cap (Item)
-Force Boots (Item)
-Force Pants (Item)
-Force Tunic (Item)
-Force Arrow
-Force Sword
-Force Axe
-Force Pickaxe
-Force Shovel
-Force Bow
-Force Shears
-Force Rod​

- Minefactory Reloaded -

-Veterinary Station
-Oil Fabricator
-Lava Fabricator
-Road Light
-Stained Glass (All the pretty colors!)
-Stained Glass Pane
-Rubber Wood/Tree/Sapling
-Laser Drill
-Laser Drill Precharger
-Ice Bricks
-Large Ice Bricks
-Glowstone Bricks
-Large Glowstone Bricks
-Lapis Bricks
-Large Lapis Bricks
-Obsidian Bricks
-Large Obsedian Bricks
-Snow Bricks
-Large Snow Bricks
-Small Blackstone Bricks
-Large Blackstone Bricks
-Paved Blackstone
-Smooth Blackstone
-Cobble Blackstone
-Small Whitestone Bricks
-Large Whitestone Bricks
-Paved Stone Bricks
-Cobble Whitestone
-Whistone Gravel
-Paved Whitestone
-Smooth Whitestone
-Programmable Rednet Controller Housing​

- Thaumcraft -

-Warded Stone Block

- Forestry -
-Clockwork Engine
-Biogas Engine
-Peat Engine
-Electric Engine
-Apiarist's Chest

- MineFactory Reloaded -
-Mob Grinder
-Weather Collector
-Item Collector
-Auto Spawner
-Bio Reactor
-Item Router

- Bibliocraft -
-Entire mod done by CuddleWoozle

- Biomes-O-Plenty -
-A bunch of stuff courtesy of Thewafflier

- Industrial Craft 2 -

-Goethermal Generator
-Solar Panel

- Iron Chest -
-Diamond Chest
-Copper Chest
-Silver Chest
-Crystal Chest
-Obsidian Chest

- Thaumcraft -
-Research Table
-Thaumium Ingot
-Hungry Chest
-Arcane Stone Block
-Greatwood Tree and Sapling
-Silverwood Tree and Sapling
-Arcane Wood Block

- Thermal Expansion -

-Steam Engine
-Magmatic Engine
-Copper Block
-Electrum Block
-Invar Block
-Lead Block
-Ferrous Block
-Shiny Metal Block
-Silver Block
-Tin Block
-Portable Tank
-Energy Conduit
-Hardened Glass
-Pulverised Obsidian
-Brass Blend
-Bronze Blend
-Electrum Blend
-Invar Blend
-Glowstone Illuminator
-Resonant Ender Bucket
-Destabilized Redstone Bucket
-Energized Glowstone Bucket
-Liquid Tesseract
-Item Tesseract
-Energy Tesseract
-Machine Frame

- IndustrialCraft 2 -
-Machine Block
-Advanced Machine Block
-Iron Furnace
-Induction Furnace
-Electric Furnace

- Most of the ore found in the world have texture.
- Applied energestics almost done.
- All of Thermal Expansion machines are done.
- Tinker construct smeltery, partbuilder, pattern chest, stencil table and toolstation done.
- Iron Chest's iron and gold chest done.

For a completed pack with the same feel (from the same original author) try Greatwood !
Last edited:
Good 'ol Summerfields. It's good to see that LithiumSound's packs are getting the mod treatment, they're all absolutely gorgeous.
Very good pack, yet I'm very sad that it doesn't have support for ftb ultimate :( Good job though, it looks very professional.
Very good pack, yet I'm very sad that it doesn't have support for ftb ultimate :( Good job though, it looks very professional.

I wish I could do a 1.4.7 version, but to be honest it's a lot of job and those packs are going to be obsolete very soon with the announcement of the 1.5.2 packs and 1.6 soon to follow.
New version available, get them while they're hot!

Here's what's new :
-- 07/22/13 --

- Thermal Expansion -
-Steam Engine
-Magmatic Engine
-Copper Block
-Electrum Block
-Invar Block
-Lead Block
-Ferrous Block
-Shiny Metal Block
-Silver Block
-Tin Block
-Portable Tank
-Energy Conduit
-Hardened Glass
-Pulverised Obsidian
-Brass Blend
-Bronze Blend
-Electrum Blend
-Invar Blend
-Glowstone Illuminator
-Resonant Ender Bucket
-Destabilized Redstone Bucket
-Energized Glowstone Bucket
-Liquid Tesseract
-Item Tesseract
-Energy Tesseract
-Machine Frame

- IndustrialCraft 2 -
-Machine Block
-Advanced Machine Block
-Iron Furnace
-Induction Furnace
-Electric Furnace
this is a very, very cool look. especially for the blocks, one of my players is really psyched on it (she actually is the one that showed me this thread).

We run FTB-Lite 1.4.7, and the OP does mention that it's for 1.5.x only. I'm a bit of a noob with FTB still, so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but since we are on an older version, would this be compatible with our setup?

regardless, very nice work!
this is a very, very cool look. especially for the blocks, one of my players is really psyched on it (she actually is the one that showed me this thread).

We run FTB-Lite 1.4.7, and the OP does mention that it's for 1.5.x only. I'm a bit of a noob with FTB still, so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but since we are on an older version, would this be compatible with our setup?

regardless, very nice work!

Nope. Sorry, the transition between 1.4.7 and 1.5.2 COMPLETELY changed the way textures work.
this is a very, very cool look. especially for the blocks, one of my players is really psyched on it (she actually is the one that showed me this thread).

We run FTB-Lite 1.4.7, and the OP does mention that it's for 1.5.x only. I'm a bit of a noob with FTB still, so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but since we are on an older version, would this be compatible with our setup?

regardless, very nice work!

Yes as Thewaffier said, starting in 1.5, textures packs are made in a completely different way. Changing from one to an other is A LOT of works and since a lot of people are going to switch to 1.5 and 1.6 with the new FTB packs coming, I don't think it's a really good use of my time to make a 1.4.7 version, specially since the texture pack is far from done. Maybe if I finish it and there is still interest in a 1.4.7 version I'll look onto it!
New update available! As always, feedback is more then appreciated, specially on the thaumcraft textures this time, I'm not 100% sure about them. Here's what's new and enjoy!

- Industrial Craft 2 -
-Goethermal Generator
-Solar Panel

- Iron Chest -
-Diamond Chest
-Copper Chest
-Silver Chest
-Crystal Chest
-Obsidian Chest

- Thaumcraft -
-Research Table
-Thaumium Ingot
-Hungry Chest
-Arcane Stone Block
-Greatwood Tree and Sapling
-Silverwood Tree and Sapling
-Arcane Wood Block
I think I actually have some biomes O' plenty somewhere that i could give you, but not on the computer I currently am using.
Ya I know about the topic :). But I tried to reach CuddleWoozle and she didn't answer back and I don't want to use stuff without permission. There aren't that many mods done over there included in FTB anyway, so no worries :).

Bibliocraft and Buildcraft are both finished, so it'd be easier to use those.
And I also think they wouldn't mind you using their mod textures, it is an open mod support thread.