Whitelist Server [24/7] SMP.SO || FTB v8 MINDCRACK || WHITELIST || 4 GB || Small Community

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Name: Lystaa
Age: 16
Country: norway
Mic: yes
How active are you: playing every time i can.
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): no
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: yes i will like to taklk to many of the people on the server :)
Anything you'd like to add to the application: nothing spesial, i know atw :P and can build things whit redpower and redstone :)
Name: OlaLoftsgard
Age: 15
Country: Norway
Mic: Yes i have.
How active are you: 3-4 hours daily
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): No
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: Yes, i want to talk with people.
Anything you'd like to add to the application:I know ATW, and can things with redstone.
Name: Lystaa
Age: 16
Country: norway
Mic: yes
How active are you: playing every time i can.
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): no
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: yes i will like to taklk to many of the people on the server :)
Anything you'd like to add to the application: nothing spesial, i know atw :p and can build things whit redpower and redstone :)
Name: OlaLoftsgard
Age: 15
Country: Norway
Mic: Yes i have.
How active are you: 3-4 hours daily
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): No
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: Yes, i want to talk with people.
Anything you'd like to add to the application:I know ATW, and can things with redstone.
Name: Behedwin
Age: 29
Country: Sweden
Mic: yes
How active are you: depends on real life, a few hours every second day...
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): no
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: yes, depends on the community tho
Anything you'd like to add to the application: Santa Loves You.
Name: Behedwin
Age: 29
Country: Sweden
Mic: yes
How active are you: depends on real life, a few hours every second day...
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): no
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: yes, depends on the community tho
Anything you'd like to add to the application: Santa Loves You.
Age: 16
Country: Norway
Mic: Yes
How active are you: I play nearly every day from 3 to 9 hours.
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): Nope
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: I might depens if anyone else is there.
Anything you'd like to add to the application:I have played tekkit before i started on the ftb beta pack and now i
play on the lastest one. So therefore i know nearly every mod except
Computercraft as i dont understand Lua. I have also been on another
mindcrack server for a long time but unfortunately it got shut down
with no notice. Also my interests are gaming, i play various games such as Skyrim ,
Farcry 3 and Crysis 3. One of my other interests is sports,i live right
next to a football field so sometimes i go there with some friends. And
last but not least i love my cat her name is `` Nøste`` wich is a
norwegain word and basically means yarn.
Name: Taco_Coupon
Age: 13
Country: America
How active are you: everyday 1-3 hours
Got a microphone: Yes
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): have never been banned
Anything you'd like to add to the application: the tardis mod
Age: 16
Country: Norway
Mic: Yes
How active are you: I play nearly every day from 3 to 9 hours.
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): Nope
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: I might depens if anyone else is there.
Anything you'd like to add to the application:I have played tekkit before i started on the ftb beta pack and now i
play on the lastest one. So therefore i know nearly every mod except
Computercraft as i dont understand Lua. I have also been on another
mindcrack server for a long time but unfortunately it got shut down
with no notice. Also my interests are gaming, i play various games such as Skyrim ,
Farcry 3 and Crysis 3. One of my other interests is sports,i live right
next to a football field so sometimes i go there with some friends. And
last but not least i love my cat her name is `` Nøste`` wich is a
norwegain word and basically means yarn.
Name: Taco_Coupon
Age: 13
Country: America
How active are you: everyday 1-3 hours
Got a microphone: Yes
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): have never been banned
Anything you'd like to add to the application: the tardis mod
Name: David (Expi1 ingame)
Age: 16 Country: Scotland
Mic: Yes
How active are you: Almost daily
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): Nope
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: Sure
Anything you'd like to add to the application: I'm a mature, 16 year old, who is currently learning C# programming in real life and has been playing Minecraft for a few years, I ran my own vanilla server for a few years before closing it for financial reasons, so I have background experience in server management and would therefore never grief nor steal, as I know how much of a pain it is for the owner of the server. I was introduced to FTB since Mindcrack started it, and have been slowly learning for a while, and I figured it was time to start in Survival. I mostly build a lot ingame, everything has to look nice or I can't continue, this often keeps me poor, but I'll try to be better. I'm also a big community player.
Name: vMacaulayyyx
Age: 21
Country: United Kingdom, England
Mic: Not at the moment, but getting a new one soon.
How active are you: I can play 4-6 hours week days and 6+ on weekends.
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): Nope, I am unaware of being banned from anywhere.
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: I do when I get a mic.
Anything you'd like to add to the application: I have played FTB for around 3-4 months now so I am fairly experienced with it. I like to help other members of the server if they are stuck and need help. I am very friendly and like to take part in community events and community builds.

I also love building farms that are available for everyone to use. I am a quiet player who never moans about anything and only say relevant stuff, none of the stuff that doesn't need to be said.
Name: David (Expi1 ingame)
Age: 16 Country: Scotland
Mic: Yes
How active are you: Almost daily
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): Nope
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: Sure
Anything you'd like to add to the application: I'm a mature, 16 year old, who is currently learning C# programming in real life and has been playing Minecraft for a few years, I ran my own vanilla server for a few years before closing it for financial reasons, so I have background experience in server management and would therefore never grief nor steal, as I know how much of a pain it is for the owner of the server. I was introduced to FTB since Mindcrack started it, and have been slowly learning for a while, and I figured it was time to start in Survival. I mostly build a lot ingame, everything has to look nice or I can't continue, this often keeps me poor, but I'll try to be better. I'm also a big community player.
Name: vMacaulayyyx
Age: 21
Country: United Kingdom, England
Mic: Not at the moment, but getting a new one soon.
How active are you: I can play 4-6 hours week days and 6+ on weekends.
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): Nope, I am unaware of being banned from anywhere.
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: I do when I get a mic.
Anything you'd like to add to the application: I have played FTB for around 3-4 months now so I am fairly experienced with it. I like to help other members of the server if they are stuck and need help. I am very friendly and like to take part in community events and community builds.
I also love building farms that are available for everyone to use. I am a quiet player who never moans about anything and only say relevant stuff, none of the stuff that doesn't need to be said.
Name: Mp5xz
Age: 15
Country: USA
Mic: Yes
How active are you: ACtive enough
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): No. Never banned
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: Maybe.
Anything you'd like to add to the application: I would just like to say that me and my friend 'IPureGold' are coming on this server together, and that i am not the best person at playing Feed The Best, especially Mindcrack, but we are going to be recording and be doing "Let's Plays" or something like that every once in awhile [week?]
Name: Mp5xz
Age: 15
Country: USA
Mic: Yes
How active are you: ACtive enough
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): No. Never banned
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: Maybe.
Anything you'd like to add to the application: Nope.
Add something more to your application.
Name: IPureGold
Age: 15
Country: USA
Mic: Yes I Have One.
How active are you: I play Minecraft about everyday.
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): No I have never been banned.
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: Most of the time when I can.
Anything you'd like to add to the application: As Mp5xz said before, we are going to be recording together. Also this community looks really fun and I have been looking for a close community server for a while now.
Name: real name Jason ign jcblast36
Age: 15
Country: United States
Mic: yeah but don't really use if I don't have to
How active are you: get on mc almost every day its my addition xD
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months never been banned
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one: most likely not unless some need something
Anything you'd like to add to the application: n/a
Have you ever installed mods before:yes I have in stalled elemental arrows
Have you ever played with mods before?:yes I play tekkit and I have mods on my lp
How often do you play Minecraft on a daily basis:yes for the most part
Do you understand that Gregstech Is Enabled On HARD Difficulty:yes i always have It on hard
Are you comfortable with installing client mods if we need to update one on the server? Don't bother applying if no:yea fine by me what ever I can do
You do realize you must install Mystcraft to play?: this I realized anything I can do to help
Mic:turtle beach x12
How active are you:
Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were):no
Do you plan to use voice chat when we get one:yeah it is always nice to meet new people
Anything you'd like to add to the application:I have played FTB for close to 5 months and I have played tekkit for close to 1 year and I love playing on a sever with my friends I have also played minecraft for 2years so I know what I'm doing