Open 1.8.2: Infinity Evolved 2.0.2 - AE2 Quartz dust & Immersive Engineering Quartz Dust


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
(Version is 2.0.2, not 1.8.2 as listed.)

Both AE2 and IE provide a quartz dust. But no recipes allow them to be used interchangeably.

Mod & Version:
Infinity Evolved 2.0.2 log:

Can it be repeated:
  1. Grind nether quartz ore using the IE grinder
  2. Get quartz dust
  3. Attempt to use in AE2 crafting recipe

Known Fix:
This is a Minetweaker script that sets these dusts as equivalent. It also replaces the AE2 recipes with versions that use the oredict entries rather then the items directly (and so pick up the IE dust).

// AE2 - ImmersiveEngineering merges

// AE2 nether quartz dust
var dust_nether_quartz = <ore:dustNetherQuartz>;
// ImmersiveEngineering nether quartz dust
var dust_quartz = <ore:dustQuartz>;
// AE2 Certus Quartz dust
var dust_certus = <ore:dustCertusQuartz>;

// AE2 already treats dustNetherQuartz and dustCertusQuartz as equivalent
// But not through use of the oredict

// So lets mangle the oredict into sanity
// NOTE: It might make more sense to have netherquarzt and a "all quartz" version, re: the seeds
// So add recipies that use the oredict

var quartz_fibre = <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiPart:140>;
var block_glass = <ore:blockGlass>;

recipes.remove( quartz_fibre );
recipes.addShaped( quartz_fibre * 3,    [[block_glass, block_glass, block_glass],
                                        [dust_nether_quartz, dust_nether_quartz, dust_nether_quartz],
                                        [block_glass, block_glass, block_glass] ] );

var block_quartz = <appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockQuartzGlass>;

recipes.remove( block_quartz );
recipes.addShaped( block_quartz * 4,    [[dust_nether_quartz, block_glass, dust_nether_quartz],
                                        [block_glass, dust_nether_quartz, block_glass],
                                        [dust_nether_quartz, block_glass, dust_nether_quartz] ] );

var block_tiny_tnt = <appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockTinyTNT>;
var gunpowder = <ore:dustGunpowder>;

recipes.remove( block_tiny_tnt );
recipes.addShaped( block_tiny_tnt,     [[dust_nether_quartz, gunpowder],
                                    [gunpowder, dust_nether_quartz] ] );

// Doing this one a bit differently because nether quartz seeds and certus quartz seeds are different
// Just adding a new recipe
// AE2 uses sand specifically, not ore:sand
var nether_quartz_seed = <appliedenergistics2:item.ItemCrystalSeed:600>.withTag({progress: 600});
recipes.addShapeless(nether_quartz_seed * 2, [<minecraft:sand>, <ImmersiveEngineering:metal:18>] );


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How are you supposed to get a certus quartz seeds using this script? It leads to a recipe conflict, when sand+any quartz dust gives you nether quarts seeds.

IE Quartz Dust and AE2 Nether Quartz Dust are technically the same items, yes.
AE2 Certus Quartz Dust is a different item, you get it from pulverizing the different ore, and it shouldn't be mixed with other quartz dusts using oreDict.

So, you want to use IE Quartz Dust in AE2 recipes? You dont need to write such a huge script and break half of AE2.
Done, you can use IE dust in AE2 recipes. And all seeds are craftable.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
AE2 recipes don't use the ore:dust* recipes, surprisingly. That's why it was the first thing I did, but it didn't work. I then had to replace all the recipes with versions that DO use the dusts.
Obviously it would be far better not to have to override the recipes, but until the mod does that, this work around is required.

Edit: Now that I think about it, it might be that AE2 didn't pick the changes up because I didn't do a full restart, just mt reload. So I'll test again later today.

Edit: Yes, not restarting was the issue. So just the code above by iTpyn will suffice. Lesson learnt.
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