1.7 Flagship pack and your guys thoughts, My question for the community.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This post is intended for discussion from the community here on the FTB forums about the future 1.7 modpack that I would classify Flagship Pack (ultimate, unleashed, monster). Now I'm not even sure what to completely expect with 1.7 packs, as at some point I expect there to be a curse launcher that the community might shift to from FTB, but from the post from the FTB Peeps so far it appears FTB will still be around for the 1.7 packs which I myself don't expect released till the very end of this year.

I SUGGEST not asking the FTB for ETA's as they publicly said don't do it, and the simple fact is VAST majority of mods are not out yet for 1.7.2 . Now the following list is created from my own personal opinion and my opinion of what I expect, Id like to encourage a healthy debate on what people would like to see or not see in a future flagship pack. With respect for each others opinion. Keep in mind new flagship pack will be built around RF or mods that use MJ that isn't repeated in RF mods.

Also before making this list I did little to no research so I have no clue on that status of what mods are going to be updated and which ones are not.

What I Expect
The Mods listed here I presume will be in the Flagship pack
Applied Energistics 2
Bibliocraft & Addons
Big Reactors
- Since its a RF based Mod I expect it to return
Binnie Mods
Biomes O Plenty
Ender IO
- Since it supports RF I expect it to return
Emasher Mods - Since its a RF based Mod I expect it to return
Enderstorage - Though teseracts adds similar functionality
Evoc - Mojang really needs to fix this themselves..
Extra Utilities
Forge Multipart
Inventory Tweaks
Magic Bees
NEI & Plugins
- I wouldn't be sad to see this go, very unbalanced, and can be a nightmare on server owners
Portal Gun - Id like to keep hardcore fuel requirement
Redstone Arsenal
Simply Jetpacks
Steves Carts 2
Thermal Expansion
Tinkers Constructs/Mechworks
Twilight Forest
Wireless Redstone Chickenbones
{{Choice of Minimap}}
- What of the best Ideas to come in 1.6 packs was giving a choice

Mods Id Like to See
These are mostly ones we have seen in past packs, but I Don't expect them 100% to return, but I would like to see them in it.
Aromas mining world - Gives players another mining world that isn't mystcraft or deep dark
Advanced Genetics
- Though I think it should be in hard difficulty
Armor Status Hud
Carpenters Blocks
Damage Indicators
- Though I feel accelerated time torches need disabling, as it breaks the balance of most mods
Dynamic Liquid Tanks 2 - A less laggy version of Open Block tanks
EE3 - Not sure if pahimar is gonna get this out
Enhanced Portals 3 - Or similar teleportation, like 1 of the Stargate Mods
Extra Cells
Grav Gun
Iron Chest
- With Factorization going since its another power type, I assume lets us have these barrels :D
Logistics Pipes - Its nice to have improvement on Buildcraft Pipes
Magical Crops - Though I think all forms of accelerated growth really breaks the balance...
MFFS (Calvs) - Not everyone will run Bukkit Environment with plugins, this is very helpful for those that don't, and it runs off RF/MJ
Nether Ores - Makes the Nether more useful then a Place to harvest lava
Open Mods
Project Red
MachineMuse Power Suits & addon
- I put this here, because I don't know if steam falls into another category of forms power, also I don't even know if this mod is evening being updated, iv heard rumors it isn't.
Random Things

Mods I Personally Don't Want to see
I'm don't want to offend people with this list, keep in mind its my opinion so try not to get butt hurt over it, lets have a proper conversation. I expect my opinions in this area to differ from the majority of the community.
Sync - This is a great mod, but simply it doesn't add needed content, I honestly it feel like all it adds is tick ussage & chunk loading on the server. I do feel it has a spot as 1 of those mods disabled by default as, because I do see its use on those true hardcore servers that auto ban players for dieing.

Rotarycraft & Reactorcraft & ElectricCraft - I know there are allot of Reika fans here on these forums, However as a server admin of Monster, Reikas Mods have been nothing but a nightmare since before the release, his mods are Ticky Heavy, client side render heavy, and prone to bugs that tend to take down the server. I'm not asking Reika to change his mods, I respect his opinion, honestly he has great ideas, and his Fusion Reactor is probably the Greatest Looking thing I have ever seen in minecraft, But at the same time its probably the lagiest thing ever conceived, and even the BIGGEST beast of servers have issues running with one, let alone a Multiplayer environment with several players trying to build them. My Final opinion on the matter while these mods may covert and accept RF based power through 1 of his machines, its really not a RF based mod, and I honestly feel like it belongs in a pack on its own. Just Like I expect IC2 to be on its own, and UE mods to be on their own.

ChickenChunks - Now I already listed this above in the list I expect to be in the pack, however I'm personally not a fan of free chunking loading, Far 2 often I see players craft a chunkloader and automatically set it on its Biggest Load distance setting because they are 2 lazy to make their base fit nicely in a smaller are within chunks, I prefer people to use World Anchors (with I-sided turned off), or MFR chunking loading costing power. On the monster server I currently admin, we have these disabled, but /chunkloaders command available to staff to help hunt down lag for those that don't have OPIS

QuarryPlus - This is a really great mod, but can very laggy on a server, People have the less laggy opition of using a enderquarry added by Extra Utilities, but almost never I see people use it mostly because its more time consuming to set up and run vs the QuarryPlus Quarry. The Quarry+ can also be given enchants, which makes manual mining with other mods like tinkers because you wont be getting anything extra since the quarry can also have fortune just like your pick/hammer

So what are your thoughts on what you would like to see in the future RF based Flagship Modpack???


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just wish that the RF "mod stack" was more serious. Between Extra utilites, Open Blocks and Random things a whole @#$(load of @#$^ gets added.

WTF is a pink generator? Division by diamond? You even have DartCraft in there. Use the Force Ingot Luke. Thats not a mod(pack) its a joke.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never said it was a modpack, I just said mods I expect to be in there, and mods id like in there, I never once said anything about the mods i feel any opinion on
like Buildcraft additional pipes, I dont expect it to make it in for sure, But I just don't care on if it makes it or it doesn't
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just think that FTB should try and exercise more quality control. Standardizing on RF is a good start.

But they need to start admitting mods on other gameplay aspects too: The ability to universally wrench (shift right click with a wrench) any device as the preferred method to break it safely. Mods to co-operate over their copper, tin, and other shared ore registrations so that we only dig up one kind of an ore, which processes into only one kind of dust, which processes into only one kind of ingot, which combines back into only one block (which, in turn is crafted into the same ingots) no matter which mods machine does the processing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just think that FTB should try and exercise more quality control. Standardizing on RF is a good start.

But they need to start admitting mods on other gameplay aspects too: The ability to universally wrench (shift right click with a wrench) any device as the preferred method to break it safely. Mods to co-operate over their copper, tin, and other shared ore registrations so that we only dig up one kind of an ore, which processes into only one kind of dust, which processes into only one kind of ingot, which combines back into only one block (which, in turn is crafted into the same ingots) no matter which mods machine does the processing.
I highly disagree with that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What exactly?
quality control?
shift-click-with-wrench to dissasemble?
or a single type of copper?


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Chicken Chunks can be configured to alter it's behaviour. One good idea is to make it only chunkload when the owner is online. So serious chunkloading will need another mod, perhaps one that requires power. Last I checked the MFR chunkloader, it's internal power storage was insane, and it's usage was crazy for the smallest area.

Been experimenting with Mystcraft, and I've disabled the ore symbols, the normal overworld world type (restricted to just void, cave and end/island) and changed the ink recipe to require enderium dust. Random ages then are usually just these strange floating islands (so limited resources). Specfic ages written need a big investment in resources.
Good enough if you need specific biomes for things like trees, bees, rarer resources. Plus feels more Myst like being an isolated island, or a cave world.

Magical crops needs it's configs adjusted to reduce output and chance of bonus seeds. Once you have an automated farm, resources snowball very fast.

I agree about the ingot/dust standardisation. There must be a way without having to use a unifier block. Simple enough to get one type of ore to generate, but once it hits any mods machine, your output can vary.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Powered chunkloaders are exactly the WRONG way to solve the problem. They require an investment in feedback loop power systems, which means that energy is essentially free, but free via being pumped from the nether / biofuel generated by automatic farms / some other iteration of producers feeding into consumers producing fuel, and lag, as a result.

Plus, it descriminates against that guy on the server who wants to just try out some vanilla redstone for automation, and probably has the lowest tps impacting base to chunkload.

I believe that chunkloaders should be cheap - but limited. "Welcome to minecraft, Here are your 100 chunks. use them wisely. Now start punching trees".
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It doesn't matter what mods are or are not out for 1.7 right now. The current stable release of Forge is not ready for primetime use, because it's sitting over a version of minecraft that is not ready for primetime modding.

There's talk of getting Forge caught up, but Mojang keeps bumping revisions with minimal outwards features but major structural changes (rendering, player data, network, etc) so it's slow going.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just because you "feel" a mod adds ticks/chunkloading/instability doesn't mean it actually does. Please don't make claims like that, opinion or otherwise, without evidence to back it up. Accusations/claims based on feelings rather than hard data are often what causes misunderstandings, drama, fights, etc. in communities. This leads to modders quitting and fun/promising mods ending up dead - we've had enough incidents of that, let's not foment any more.

If you don't like a mod or its features, either disable it serverside or change the configs - players can still load fine without any clientside changes. The FTB team does a great job of setting up the mod packs for a general audience, but as server admins it's our responsibility to pick what mods we want and tweak configs for our individual servers.

P.S. In case you were unaware, the config files (I believe it's ChunkLoading.cfg, could be wrong, don't have SSH from work so can't check) let you limit how many tickets (AKA loaded chunks) players/mods can have open at any given time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to see more UE Mods and Mekanism. Hopefully the release cycle of Calclavia's mods becomes reasonable and more stable.

TBH I'm excited to see what will be in TPPI 2 more.
Id be also interested in seening more calclavia's mods, but since they want to focus on RF I dont see them adding any expect Minechem or MFFS

Just because you "feel" a mod adds ticks/chunkloading/instability doesn't mean it actually does. Please don't make claims like that, opinion or otherwise, without evidence to back it up. Accusations/claims based on feelings rather than hard data are often what causes misunderstandings, drama, fights, etc. in communities. This leads to modders quitting and fun/promising mods ending up dead - we've had enough incidents of that, let's not foment any more.

And claims I have made in regards to stuff like this is from MY EXPERIENCE, not from me hearing word of mouth. I mentioned Sync, which has a config to even disable its chunkloading is stated to cause issues so I didn't do that
Sync config said:
# Could crash your world fatally. # Disable at own risk.
, and Tick usage is based on my results from Opis, which slowpoke did say on stream 1time is garbage, but untill better tools are released to the community, I'm Putting my faith in it. I honestly Truely dare you when it comes to Reikas Tech mods, try and make a few fusion reactors and check your clients tick or servers tick. and Upload a video to prove me wrong. Because I find it almost impossible for you to prove me wrong, Reika knows his stuff likes to use Ticks, Heres a quote from reika himself
Reikas MC forum post said:
RotaryCraft has four main tenets of design - realism, shaft power, extreme endgame, and rendering - and those are what account for much of its popularity.
and I understand where Reika is coming from on this, Im not asking him to change is stuff, I'm just staying that I personally wouldn't like to see it, as his Mod is bad on a server.

If you don't like a mod or its features, either disable it serverside or change the configs - players can still load fine without any clientside changes. The FTB team does a great job of setting up the mod packs for a general audience, but as server admins it's our responsibility to pick what mods we want and tweak configs for our individual servers.

P.S. In case you were unaware, the config files (I believe it's ChunkLoading.cfg, could be wrong, don't have SSH from work so can't check) let you limit how many tickets (AKA loaded chunks) players/mods can have open at any given time.

I have edited configs many times, included the Chunkchunks config, its what I was forced to do back on FTB unleashed. As a server admin I look to the FTB Team to produce a nice all around pack, and yes I can tweak the pack by adding or removing Mods. But far to often I run into players who have issues adding mods. I have even made a guide on enabling minimap mod on my forums, and they still seem to have issues. And if I were to remove a mod that was enabled by the FTB team, people honestly then turn away from servers that do that, even when it comes items within the mod, Far 2 often I have seen people join my server and say its because of the small disabled items list.

I have elected to take advantage of plugins like Bedcraft which allowed us Limit certain items with out fully banning them, also I have done things like put portalgun on whitelist mode and let people still pick up spawners/chest and such with out letting them being able to pick up every block in someones else's house to destory it. Back in FTB unleashed we had a sever bug caused by portal gun mod itself, and when we disabled it because of the bug, not for griefing, this resulted less people joining, and are current players were very unhappy. But we did what we had to do. This is why as a server admin I really look to the FTB to make a good pack
take a Look here on which servers tend to have the most post, its the ones with small or no item banlist, or banlist that are somewhat hidden from the community.

But back My original post, What mods would you like to see in future packs, Looks like someone here wants to see Witchery in the pack, I think I'm gonna have to a watch video on it and check it out


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Id be also interested in seening more calclavia's mods, but since they want to focus on RF I dont see them adding any expect Minechem or MFFS

And claims I have made in regards to stuff like this is from MY EXPERIENCE, not from me hearing word of mouth. I mentioned Sync, which has a config to even disable its chunkloading is stated to cause issues so I didn't do that , and Tick usage is based on my results from Opis, which slowpoke did say on stream 1time is garbage, but untill better tools are released to the community, I'm Putting my faith in it. I honestly Truely dare you when it comes to Reikas Tech mods, try and make a few fusion reactors and check your clients tick or servers tick. and Upload a video to prove me wrong. Because I find it almost impossible for you to prove me wrong, Reika knows his stuff likes to use Ticks, Heres a quote from reika himself and I understand where Reika is coming from on this, Im not asking him to change is stuff, I'm just staying that I personally wouldn't like to see it, as his Mod is bad on a server.

I have edited configs many times, included the Chunkchunks config, its what I was forced to do back on FTB unleashed. As a server admin I look to the FTB Team to produce a nice all around pack, and yes I can tweak the pack by adding or removing Mods. But far to often I run into players who have issues adding mods. I have even made a guide on enabling minimap mod on my forums, and they still seem to have issues. And if I were to remove a mod that was enabled by the FTB team, people honestly then turn away from servers that do that, even when it comes items within the mod, Far 2 often I have seen people join my server and say its because of the small disabled items list.

I have elected to take advantage of plugins like Bedcraft which allowed us Limit certain items with out fully banning them, also I have done things like put portalgun on whitelist mode and let people still pick up spawners/chest and such with out letting them being able to pick up every block in someones else's house to destory it. Back in FTB unleashed we had a sever bug caused by portal gun mod itself, and when we disabled it because of the bug, not for griefing, this resulted less people joining, and are current players were very unhappy. But we did what we had to do. This is why as a server admin I really look to the FTB to make a good pack
take a Look here on which servers tend to have the most post, its the ones with small or no item banlist, or banlist that are somewhat hidden from the community.

But back My original post, What mods would you like to see in future packs, Looks like someone here wants to see Witchery in the pack, I think I'm gonna have to a watch video on it and check it out
"Make a few fusion reactors"
No one would ever do that. A fusion reactor can power an entire server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Make a few fusion reactors"
No one would ever do that. A fusion reactor can power an entire server

ummm i would, all it takes is one ass to fuck everyone over. i never trust people with my power so i would make my own source.