[1.7.10] Void of Magic/Tech: A world torn in two [0.3.2] [2016-09-19] [Discontinued]

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Would you join a pair of servers running this pack if someone else set them up?

  • No, your modpack looks stupid and you should feel stupid!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Released beta version 0.2.1:
-Added Another One Bites the Dust, BiomeTweaker, Farseek, Iron Chests, Jabba, Realistic Terrain Generation and Streams
-Finetuned the configs of these mods if needed.
-Updated Inventory Tweaks to a fine-tuned unofficial build, and Yampst.
-ATG handles the magic-world biomegen as RTG can not add TF biomes to the Overworld and RTG handles the tech-world biomegen.
-Nuclear monsters now shed tiny piles of uranium (Botania-NuclearCraft-AOBD-IC2exp).
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Idea: If you can't get Mystcraft: Have RfTools. It is a tech-based system able to generate new worlds, and linking systems, that can be charged. You could then disallow the charging on the magic server, but still permit the function -- so that both servers can get world travel. And, if I understand RfTools correctly, you could make a travel thingie on the magic TF world and use it on the tech world.

(Probably should check with McJty)
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Idea: If you can't get Mystcraft: Have RfTools. It is a tech-based system able to generate new worlds, and linking systems, that can be charged. You could then disallow the charging on the magic server, but still permit the function -- so that both servers can get world travel. And, if I understand RfTools correctly, you could make a travel thingie on the magic TF world and use it on the tech world.

(Probably should check with McJty)
It's on my list of possibles and right next to Mystcraft. :)

Actually, since RFTools doesn't add any teleporting device that is bound to a location (it is bound to a teleport receiver and you die if there's none there), it may not add the problems that items like Mystcraft linking books and that Draconic Evolution book do. If you know of any other items that may have this ability, please let me know.

I'll look into what good adding RFTools would do for the pack.
Playtesting the Incompetence pack by Jdog1408, has inspired me to think up the following concept.

Multi-world ore processing:
1. Smelting ores in a vanilla furnace will only yield 1 nugget per ore.
2. Using more complex machines would yield twice or three times as much.
3. Using Thaumcraft clusters, pulverized ores and metal dusts, other IC2 semi-finished ore gravels, Botania alchemy and Factorization's sem-finished ore gravels, in one long multi-world chain of processing, one could eventually get 5 or 6 ingots out of one ore. I shouldn't forget to check out Mekanism's possible contribution to this system as well.

I am considering to add TiC to help me with and add to this concept and as a way to make tools and weapons a little bit cheaper.

All of this would need to be done using Minetweaker, which would be a hellish lot of work, so please let me hear y'alls thoughts on this.
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Progress update 0.3.0:
Currently, I am in the process of updating the pack to 0.3.0

So far, I have updated all mods that were outdated.
I have also added the following mods:
  • Advanced Genetics
  • Agricraft
  • Arcane Engineering
  • Automagy
  • Factorization
  • Floocraft
  • Gadomancy
  • I'm Looking at Blood
  • Magical Crops
  • StargateCraft
  • Technomancy
  • Galacticraft (Planets)
I wanted to add the alpha of The Betweenlands as well, but I've found it is too unstable to be added yet. It mostly has a beef with Optifine and Factorization.

At the moment I am in the process of configuring the newly added mods to fit into the pack. I am almost done with the basic tweaks, after which I can start worrying about world-specific nerfs for the new mods.

I have written a Minetweaker script with thus far 200 LoC for the ore processing changes that I described earlier. This is just the replacement of ore-block grinding and smelting recipes in the various mods for 6 (test) metals though. I estimate the complete script on +- 2000 LoC when finished. I hope to get a large portion of this done before I release 0.3.0. The script will be distributed with version 0.3.0, for you to test it. If you like the general changes and the script is ok, it will stay in. Otherwise, it will be available as an option.

I have discussed the possibility of running a pair of servers for this pack and the idea passed. I hope to have them up and running before May the 10th.

So what do you guys think?
To whoever installed this pack yesterday and crashed on OctarineNoise's Better Foliage rendering, please update your Java. Java 7 is over a year old and you really should be using Java 8 by now. :)
I disabled better foliage because my computer is no good. And that mod is client side right? So the wouldn't need players to have it, right?
Progress update 0.3.0 (2):
After the mod additions and updates, I've finished the configs a few days ago.
It came as a nice surprise to me that I could use Agricraft to make plants in the magic-free world stop dropping Witchery seeds.
Right now i'm in the middle of scripting.

So far, I've written this script. I'll put the contents in a spoiler at the bottom of this post as well. (doesn't fit the character limit...)
If you'd like to try it, you can. The ore processing line should be pretty complete, but I still have to write most of the shortcuts.
From beginning to end, the most efficient version of the line would be as follows:

Ore -TC Alchemy> Clusters -Fz Lacerator> Fz Dirty Gravel -Rest of the Fz processing system> Fz Crystal -Botania Alchemy> IC2 Crushed ore -IC2 Orewashing>
IC2 Purified Crushed Ore -IC2 Thermal Centrifuge> Technomancy purity 1 -Technomancy system (I don't know how this works)> Technomancy purity 6 -Mk Chemical Dissolution>
10*ore yield Mk slurry -Mk Ore processing system (I don't know the multiplication value of this)> Iron dust (equivalent to an iron ingot)

I haven't calculated exactly how efficient the whole line is, but if I estimate the individual steps, I'd say the eventual yield would be... 45 ingots per ore. XD uh oh...
Keep in mind though,
  • that you will only get one nugget per ore in a vanilla furnace and
  • that some of the steps (however they will be skippable at the cost of eventual yield efficiency) take excruciatingly long to process or
  • take a lot of energy, or
  • you'll need to transport your items between the two servers for them.
Depending on how slow the whole system is, I may plan to make the whole thing a loop. As long as I can keep it less OP than an MFR Mining Laser, that is.
Released beta version 0.3.0:
-Added 15 mods: Advanced Genetics, Agricraft, Arcane Engineering, Automagy, Electro-Magic Tools, Factorization, Floocraft, Gadomancy, Galacticraft, Galacticraft Planets, I'm Looking at Blood, Magical Crops, MicdoodleCore, StargateCraft and Technomancy.
-Updated 9 other mods.
-Finetuned the configs of these mods if needed.

-Added the feature lacking, but thought to be solid ore processing scripts and configs as an optional download.

I added the ore processing thing as optional, because the early game ore processing (1 ore smelts to 1 nugget) may be too hard if TiC is not installed to make you cheaper tools. Maybe cheaper pickaxes(, two sticks, one ingot and 2 nuggets,) would be a good way to balance this? I don't really want to add TiC, since its end-game tools can get quite OP, especially when combined with ITT and ExtraTiC. Liquid metals (TiC Smeltery or TE Magma Crucible) would make a cool extra end-of-the-chain ore processing step though.

I will create a post detailing the ore processing changes, the setup of the optimal efficiency ore processor, and the less-efficiency shortcuts in that system later this week at which time I will also be updating the script with those shortcut steps and some other general semi-product to product processing methods (furnace, rs furnace, slag furnace, pulverizer, macerator, etc. recipes).

In the meantime, please tell me:
  • What you think about the current version of the pack
  • What you think about the ore processing script
  • How I should go about making early-game tools a bit more feasible, when using the OP (ore processing) script
  • That this pack's new FTB Icon is bad and that I should feel bad
Last edited:

Combined results of the polls on the MC Forum and here:
6 to 11 people would totally play on a pair of servers with this modpack.
8 to 15 people would like to play, but won't be very active.
2 to 4 people really don't know.
0 people think the modpack is stupid. I'm glad about that.

The poll results would very much justify me setting up a pair of servers, however, that may no longer be needed.

Since yesterday, someone is already hosting a pair of VoidOfMT servers.
I have been asked to and am currently maintaining these servers. This also means that these servers will have the most up-to-date version of the OP script and configs installed on them.

The IP adresses for these servers are:
mc.accursed.net:25567 for Void of Magic (the tech world)
mc.accursed.net:25568 for Void of Tech (the magic world)
I will add these to the OP as well.

Because of this server's existence, I am reconsidering setting up a pair of my own.
Hmm... having 4 inter-connected servers would arguably make things even more interesting.
What do you think?

Combined results of the polls on the MC Forum and here:
6 to 11 people would totally play on a pair of servers with this modpack.
8 to 15 people would like to play, but won't be very active.
2 to 4 people really don't know.
0 people think the modpack is stupid. I'm glad about that.

The poll results would very much justify me setting up a pair of servers, however, that may no longer be needed.

Since yesterday, someone is already hosting a pair of VoidOfMT servers.
I have been asked to and am currently maintaining these servers. This also means that these servers will have the most up-to-date version of the OP script and configs installed on them.

The IP adresses for these servers are:
mc.accursed.net:25567 for Void of Magic (the tech world)
mc.accursed.net:25568 for Void of Tech (the magic world)
I will add these to the OP as well.

Because of this server's existence, I am reconsidering setting up a pair of my own.
Hmm... having 4 inter-connected servers would arguably make things even more interesting.
What do you think?
that would be cool but what would make the other 2 different
What are you using to move between the worlds? I thought that was done with Bungee, and that in turn only exposed one server address, not two.
qCraft Quantum Portals, as is very well explained in the OP. :)

Sent from my HUAWEI G750-U10 using Tapatalk
qCraft Quantum Portals, as is very well explained in the OP. :)

Sent from my HUAWEI G750-U10 using Tapatalk
I have a couple questions about qCraft portals, and description in OP

1) in your spoiler in OP, is there a last line that needs to be added that once you step through and link the two portals, transferring between the worlds allows you to keep your items? Or, does every time you travel between the 2 worlds, you lose your items?

2) Assuming you are supposed to keep your items, etc. If I setup on Magic world, play for a bit, then qCraft portal to the tech world. If I were to quit out and connect back to the Magic world again instead of the tech world, would my items be there? Essentially, is there duping going on regarding this functionality? Or, does the server automatically transport you to the world you're supposed to be on, regardless of which one you connect to?
I have a couple questions about qCraft portals, and description in OP

1) in your spoiler in OP, is there a last line that needs to be added that once you step through and link the two portals, transferring between the worlds allows you to keep your items? Or, does every time you travel between the 2 worlds, you lose your items?

2) Assuming you are supposed to keep your items, etc. If I setup on Magic world, play for a bit, then qCraft portal to the tech world. If I were to quit out and connect back to the Magic world again instead of the tech world, would my items be there? Essentially, is there duping going on regarding this functionality? Or, does the server automatically transport you to the world you're supposed to be on, regardless of which one you connect to?

1) Yes, they are supposed to stay linked/verified.
You will be asked to decide whether you would like to bring your items with you or not every time you go through the portal.

2) qCraft has protection for this. If you leave a server taking your items with you, the items are effectively removed from your inventory. The original server will keep a backup of the items though. You will then be logged out, and connect to the destination server, while a package with your sent items' information is sent as well. If the link is verified and your items have been successfully transferred, the destination server or your client will send a message to your original server that everything went fine.
If the original server does not receive this notification (if something went wrong), and you log in on that server within 24 hours of you leaving, your inventory should be restored to the state it was in before you stepped through the portal.
qCraft looks ... unusual.

When I first saw it, all I saw were those blocks that changed depending on which side you looked at.

Now it seems ... stranger.
Updated "O(re)P(rocessing) Script and configs set" to 0.1.0:
-Finetuned the main OP line to yield "only" 36 ingots per ore instead of the 200 ingots that the previous version would have given, because I miscalculated.
-Added shortcuts, skipping steps in the OP line, that reduce the yield to less than 36 ingots per ore
-Instead of only the first 6 types of metals, the recipe now works for 17 types of metals
-Added cheaper recipes for pickaxes

Features now include:
-Nerfed all metal semi-products (including ores) to yield nuggets or tiny dusts instead of ingots or dusts by default (except Mekanism dirty dust, as I've nerfed the Mekanism system in the Dissolution chamber step)
-An OP processing line using several technical AND magical mods to get an eventual yield of 36 ingots per ore
-Shortcuts in this processing line that reduce the eventual yield, but allow for more that default yield anyway.
-All of the above for 17 types of metals
-Some pickaxes can now be crafted using two nuggets, an ingot and two sticks
-Disabled crafting of processing machines which did not allow me to edit their recipes AND would break the main OP line because of that (Nuclearcraft)
-1530 lines of code, minus comments and empty spaces +- 1000 lines of codes. WOOT?!?

To do:
-Add conversion recipes for all machines between the end-products (ingots, dusts, nuggets and tiny dusts)
-Edit the EnderIO Sagmill and Smeltery user configs so they can be used to pulverize or smelt anything other than ores as well and give the correct yield.
-Enable end-products to be input into the start of the processing system again, effectively making the complete chain a looping Ore Production system. (very, very late-game, yield will be approximately 1,33 per cycle)
-Add nugget-alloying machine recipes (induction furnace, alloy furnace, etc)
-Add Lacerator block-to-9-dusts recipes (if these don't already exist)
-Take a good look at how Uranium processing should be different from normal ores and how to implement this
-Redo the Pickaxe recipes, in the proces removing the basic "3 ingot-recipes" as well. Maybe in a separate MT script?
-Re-evaluate the functionality of some machine recipes that could not take oredictionary entries as input

qCraft looks ... unusual.
When I first saw it, all I saw were those blocks that changed depending on which side you looked at.
Now it seems ... stranger.

The portal doesn't really seem to fit in the scope of the mod, does it?
Still I'm still glad that there is some mod that adds this functionality. If it weren't for the portal, I wouldn't have considered putting qCraft in either of my modpacks, I guess.
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Updated "O(re)P(rocessing) Script and configs set" to 0.2.0:
  • Script config set is now hosted on Curse(Forge)
  • Added conversion recipes for all machines between ingots, dusts, nuggets and tiny dusts
  • Redid the cheaper recipes for pickaxes. The Botania ones may still need to be changed
  • Circular ore processing recipe enabled by shapeless (3 blocks + 6 ingots -> 1 ore; 1,09 x yield) or mk combiner (3 blocks -> 1 ore; 1,33 x yield)
  • Added nugget alloying and transmutation recipes for the induction furnace, arc furnace, alloy smeltery, manapool, elven gateway and crucible.
  • Added Lacerator block -> 9 dusts recipes
  • Add EnderIO SagMill and Alloy Furnace recipes where needed. (+- 5000 lines of config)
  • Made armour recipes cheaper
Which boils down to:
+-5200 Lines of configs (mostly EnderIO)
+-2000 Lines of MineTweaker script code

Right now, I think I am first going to focus on setting up the server correctly and making a visual representation of the ore processing system, before tying up the loose ends on the script.

The term "OP" is getting pretty ambiguous by now. I am the OP (original poster), writer of the OP (original post) of this thread, who also wrote and OP (overpowered) OP (ore processing) script and is OP (operator) on the only public server currently running this pack.