[1.7.10] The Dark Trilogy [PUBLIC BETA]

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I downloaded it but when i opened the game, all i got was vanilla 1.7.10. I then closed the game and hit the edit modpack button and it showed that there were no mods in the modpack. How do i fix it?
this mod pack has no EX mods (ex nihilo and ex altio)


ever since i use any mods i always add them , because every time i play the game and i mine some cobble or dirt ....

i think
before trow away any single block of cobble dirt or even so "useless" gravel

this mods are part of the minecraft , because they make sense to the game , people sifted dirt ,rocks and gravel to find a single piece of gold , its tedious work but it was worth it always ...

even if i had to chose between ex nihilo and EE 2 , i would take EX nihilo

I tried to download the pack, but I just got vanilla 1.7.10

u have to restart launcher 3 times ,
1. time it loads folders
2. time it loads files
3. it loads mods
and on 4. time u probably will manage to start



highly suggest this mods , all by themself they might be useless but for experienced player who know how to use them , they will help not only have better overview but also give 5~10 extra FPS at some points of the game
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I saw you mentioned you were done adding in mods, but I would love to see "compact machines" added in. I'm looking for a new pack for my server, and this is one of my must haves! I can add it in of course, but would love to see it included by default to reduce the work my users need to do!
I downloaded it but when i opened the game, all i got was vanilla 1.7.10. I then closed the game and hit the edit modpack button and it showed that there were no mods in the modpack. How do i fix it?
Which download server do you have selected? Select CurseCDN and click Force Download and launch the pack. Let me know if you still have any problems.
I crashed in the middle of loading a single player world, i had all the mods affter 2 seconds i had crashed, anyone know a way to fix it
Hmm... it download about ~100Mb but i get a vanilla MC1.7.10, and when i press Edit Mod Pack, i see empty mods and Feed The Beast Launcher 1.4.3 just hung..
Using linux, may be in the path settings somethink wrong? like the windows slashes or something arch dependency..
All right, the pack have Forestry, Extra Bees but why there is no GenDustry? It is like the higher level of Beekeping. Please think about adding this mod to the modpack.
Hmm... it download about ~100Mb but i get a vanilla MC1.7.10, and when i press Edit Mod Pack, i see empty mods and Feed The Beast Launcher 1.4.3 just hung..
Using linux, may be in the path settings somethink wrong? like the windows slashes or something arch dependency..

I tried to download the pack, but I just got vanilla 1.7.10

u have to restart launcher 3 times ,
1. time it loads folders
2. time it loads files
3. it loads mods
and on 4. time u probably will manage to start


side note , everyone whos client crash , there might be an issue with ur cracked client , cracked version do not work or glitched
in this case u have to buy MC ...


also why there is no BSCP tree capacitor ? very handy mod since 1.7.10 gets new trees which u wont cut down in any easy way anyway , so tree capacitor helps alot to solve this problem

Does this pack require Biomes of plenty to work?
no , u just download it and play , u might add more mods , since there is some mods missing like ex nihilo , tree cap , ingameinfo and so one
All right, the pack have Forestry, Extra Bees but why there is no GenDustry? It is like the higher level of Beekeping. Please think about adding this mod to the modpack.
Gendusty is to redundant to Binnie's Mods also a little OP to this pack.
After a while playing i found this pack to be too laggy for my computer to run it. I reserved 5 gb of memory for it, but i think my graphic card might not be beefy enough for this.

Nice mods tho :)
Eventually you should throw the HQM on there, and make quests! They can give players direction through the new mods you have included, in case they are lost.
Eventually you should throw the HQM on there, and make quests! They can give players direction through the new mods you have included, in case they are lost.
I do not plan on the pack having HQM since there will be a fair number of FTB and 3rd party packs out soon with will be HQM based, I want to keep this pack open to play how you want.
Also if anyone is looking for a good mature server to play on, a long-time Minecraft friend of mine @Baphometis is hosting a semi-public server running The Dark Trilogy. A link to the application process can be found here. Feel free to tell him I sent you ;) By the way it is a completely free server to play on!
Umm... What do i need to do to get some help with the Error im getting when trying to download the ModPack?