[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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Finally made a metal press. Took me several hours to get all the parts crafted, and figure out a way to actually get power to it. And now I realized NEI was lying and it can't make metal sheets!? It makes the IE plates instead. Extremely disappointed to say the least. :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ore gen are off on this pack ? I made my first pickaxe an found 0 ore in few hour on mining ;/ So i need make sieve again ?


Tried to load my world this morning, found myself suffocating in a wall and died. On re-spawn, I arrived at my bed and the game crashed. I have tried reverting back to previous versions. I have also tried updating java to no avail. I have found the crash reports but have no idea what I am looking for. And as a aside, when I tried reverting the version I chose the FTB backup world option but I can't seem to find that file.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Just some more info. I was able to load the game for a few seconds and saw a boss health bar for Spider Queen. Which is interesting because I am in peaceful.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's bizarre. That was built FOR TFC right?

Did you just have to remove it?

Yes and I am not having any problems with it, but it is still in alpha stage and appears to cause problems on some machines and not others. That is one reason I have been asking for specs from everyone who is having the problem, OS Java version launcher ect. maybe even GPU may effect the issue. I have left a note with the developer but no response so far, but it hasn't been 24 hours yet so its too early to tell.


What is with the server download option? It keeps giving me the Galactic Science pack server and I cant find the right forge version for the latest mod version. Does anyone have an up to date link so I can get my server running again? Any help is greatly appreciated!


Hey StarFrost,

You're probably getting the right server; but the config file mis-identifies itself as Galactic Science.

The server download that I got included a Forge installer with it. Is that not included with yours? (Which version are you using, BTW?)

Edit: Thinking about this further, I had a similar issue where it wouldn't detect properly when I was setting up the .97 version, and trying to launch with the ServerStart-Windows.bat file. (Which isn't necessary, by the way, it just does some basic checks to make sure various things are in place.) The Forge version it looks for is stored in the file config.txt. Just open that up, and rename it so that it matches the latest forge version, or the one already included with the pack. (Generally speaking, version of Forge for a Minecraft release are interchangeable, and you want the latest one.)

Hopefully that's somewhat helpful...

Even more edits: Hey OneWolfe, I noticed that NEI lists a recipe for arrows that uses flint, sticks, and a raven's feather, but this does not work in game. Is this intentional, or is it a bug? (And, if it's not meant to be in the game, would it be possible to add a recipe for raven's feathers > "normal" feathers?)
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ColdComfort, that recipe requires minecraft sticks, as opposed to tfc sticks (you can make mc sticks from 3 tfc sticks). A couple other recipes require mc sticks as well, so keep an eye out for that.

Edit: Also that recipe makes minecraft arrows as opposed to tfc arrows, so they won't go in a quiver, and I'm not sure how they'll actually work with the tfc bow (never tried firing one).


Ahhhh... my apologies on not providing the information last post. I'm running a Core i5 with 16 GB of RAM, running 64bit Win7 fully updated. I have a GeForce GTX 660 Ti. I'm using Java 8 Update 77.

I'm launching from FTB Launcher version 1.4.12, launching TerraFirmaPunk 1.0.98. I'm running the dedicated server locally.

I didn't think it would be a machine spec since the rocks are missing (as opposed to being invisible). I can't be an ID conflict since they are still on the ground in games updated from TFP 1.0.97. Since the rocks don't generate in newly generated areas, and don't seem to regenerate in current ones, it seems like something interacting in the mod(s). It just seemed strange since it is a mod specifically for TFC. Then again, I'm not actively working on it :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Even more edits: Hey OneWolfe, I noticed that NEI lists a recipe for arrows that uses flint, sticks, and a raven's feather, but this does not work in game. Is this intentional, or is it a bug? (And, if it's not meant to be in the game, would it be possible to add a recipe for raven's feathers > "normal" feathers?)

Tomorrow I will be reviewing today's live stream and making notes for all the little stuff that needs fixing. So I need to make sure and go through all the comments on here from the last week when I compile the list, and those arrows are one of the items i need to add.


Live... stream?

And may I make a recommendation? If you could fix the rocks missing first, and update 1.0.98, that would be really awesome.

If you don't want to do that... will simply removing TFCTech fix it without breaking anything else in 1.0.98?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't think it would be a machine spec since the rocks are missing (as opposed to being invisible). I can't be an ID conflict since they are still on the ground in games updated from TFP 1.0.97. Since the rocks don't generate in newly generated areas, and don't seem to regenerate in current ones, it seems like something interacting in the mod(s). It just seemed strange since it is a mod specifically for TFC. Then again, I'm not actively working on it :)

Its just very odd that a few people are having this issue while others are not so im looking for a common factor between those that are having the issue. That way I can give the developer more details. For example you say your running java 8-77 while im using 8-66. There may be something in 77 that the developer hasnt accounted for yet, and if I can get everyone to confirm that they are also running 77 and getting the issues that could help narrow it down. Or it could be that everyone getting the issues are running GTX cards while ATI user arnt. For any kind of game development these are very important factors to consider. At the moment I only have mine and yours to work with so I would need several more sets before I could even post a guess :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Live... stream?

And may I make a recommendation? If you could fix the rocks missing first, and update 1.0.98, that would be really awesome.

If you don't want to do that... will simply removing TFCTech fix it without breaking anything else in 1.0.98?

Yeah removing TFCTech will break a few things. The MineTweaker scripts wont be game breaking but just spam the chat when you start. TFCTech does change the default TFC configs, and that will crash the game, so you will have to load them from 97 before the game will run.


New info. I started the world back up and changed the TFCTech option "QuartzDropEnable" to false and it didn't seem to change anything. Then I started new world with the option false. Neither had stones.

HOWEVER, I do want to report that I saw pigs, a pheasant, and deer!! And a creeper. And... and... Really? A creeper. *sigh* ...

So animals appear to be spawning better with 1.0.98


So an interesting thing I found. So I'm roaming around looking at the ground and I realize that the small x-shape grass is missing occasionally. I get up close and WAILA says "debris". Right click and it disappears, producing nothing visible.

OneWolfe: I went and found the TFCTech thread on TerraFirmaCraft.com and read through the entire thing. In repsonse to Bunsan's post on page 4: YES, sticks are spawning. NO, rocks and ore nuggets are NOT. In both SMP and MMP (which are basically the same thing now anyway).

But I'm still seeing those "empty" items called "debris" -- I'm convinced those are the missing rocks and nuggets.

Bunsan may be right. TFC may be generating it's small ore on the surface and then TFCTech is generating his Bauxite "new" over the top. The only way to confirm this would be to find some Bauxite on the surface... I'm not even sure where it will spawn.

He has in the mod under ua/pp/shurgent/tfctech/items he has ItemModOreSmall.class ... does that overwrite the TFC ItemModOreSmall.class? If it does, even if TFC is laying down stone it will be asking TFCTech for the textures and it won't find them. (Or I could be making this all up and not understand how it works. Either one.)

And it could be under ua/pp/shurgent/tfctech/worldgen/WorldGenBauxiteRocks.class
What's up with OCEAN and DEEP OCEAN in there? That's not where Bauxite spawns is it??

I wish I had something that could better read this Java file. I'm using Notepad++

And for the record, I hate obfuscation. It doesn't prevent anyone from using your code in the long run and it makes reading Java messy. Whoever invented it should be monkey punched.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So an interesting thing I found. So I'm roaming around looking at the ground and I realize that the small x-shape grass is missing occasionally. I get up close and WAILA says "debris". Right click and it disappears, producing nothing visible.

OneWolfe: I went and found the TFCTech thread on TerraFirmaCraft.com and read through the entire thing. In repsonse to Bunsan's post on page 4: YES, sticks are spawning. NO, rocks and ore nuggets are NOT. In both SMP and MMP (which are basically the same thing now anyway).

But I'm still seeing those "empty" items called "debris" -- I'm convinced those are the missing rocks and nuggets.

Bunsan may be right. TFC may be generating it's small ore on the surface and then TFCTech is generating his Bauxite "new" over the top. The only way to confirm this would be to find some Bauxite on the surface... I'm not even sure where it will spawn.

He has in the mod under ua/pp/shurgent/tfctech/items he has ItemModOreSmall.class ... does that overwrite the TFC ItemModOreSmall.class? If it does, even if TFC is laying down stone it will be asking TFCTech for the textures and it won't find them. (Or I could be making this all up and not understand how it works. Either one.)

And it could be under ua/pp/shurgent/tfctech/worldgen/WorldGenBauxiteRocks.class
What's up with OCEAN and DEEP OCEAN in there? That's not where Bauxite spawns is it??

I wish I had something that could better read this Java file. I'm using Notepad++

And for the record, I hate obfuscation. It doesn't prevent anyone from using your code in the long run and it makes reading Java messy. Whoever invented it should be monkey punched.

Its much better than spaghetti ;)

Hey can you try downgrading Java to 8-66 and test the world generation?


Okay, I wanted to update to .98 today to see what's new. Created a new world to check the tfctech rock problem. And yeah, no rocks or nuggets spawning for me either.

Windows 7, JRE in case you need to know.

Reverted to .97 for now.


Oracle are a bunch of jerks. They've locked old updates behind some sort of user registration or something. I did try Java 8 u 91 and it does not appear to have changed anything. It's far too late, I'll try and find out more about the prior versions tomorrow.
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