1.) 4nic8tr, RVII and peoplerox
2.) age 21, 29, 23
3.) atleast 4 yrs or more, alot of FTB and tekkit
4.) me and my two buddys love to build crazy and unigue machines, very helpful and fun
Hey I know your apps are closed but if they open again just keep my name in mind if that's alright. =)
IGN: Ivokros
Age: 22
Been playing minecraft since beta 1.3.
I'd like to find a nice modded community minecraft server. Figured I'd give you a shot.
1.) IGN : Mad_Mine
2.) Age (optional) : 17 ( 18 in 2 days)
3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft " Since alpha
4.) Why do you want to join our server : I want to play FTB in s nice and friendly server
approved1.) IGN: tmthompson
2.) Age (optional): 23
3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft: since 2008
4.) Why do you want to join our server: Looking for a smaller friendly whitelist server to call home and have fun building with new friends
approvedIGN: Crazyguy1564
Age: 21
How long have you been playing minecraft: 8 years
Why do you want to join our server: my buddy just joined (tmthompson) as well i really want to be apart of a community again and enjoying DW20 on a server
1.) IGN : Lord_Gutaf
2.) Age: 17
3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft: I've been playing minecraft since 2010
4.) Why do you want to join our server: I've always played singleplayer and got a bit bored so I'm looking for a new challenge. Playing on a multiplayer server is in my opinion an great challenge and an nice adventure. I also know a lot about mods and I'm a really active player so you will see me a lot online (when you of course whitlist me)
IGN: Avaa
Age: 22
Why would you like to join ?:
I have been playing modded minecraft since 2011, back during the "golden age" when redpower was still a thing and autocrafting was really complicated.
Can't wait to play with funky locomotion and start creating hug
1.) IGN: ImFabby
2.) Age : 17
3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft: hmm...since alpha
4.) Why do you want to join our server: I want to play on a small server and start to test the new 1.7.10 pack
1.) IGN: DeltaOperations
2.) Age (optional): 18
3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing MC for 2 years now.
4.) Why do you want to join our server: I want a quiet yet friendly and fun place to realize some of my projects and learn from more experienced people in the process :3.
P.S. : I am not sure whether the apps are closed or not, but I'll just leave my IGN here, I really want to try and find myself a nice server to call home. ^^
IGN : tizzarde
Age : 13
I've been playing Minecraft since beta 1.5
I'd like to join your server so that I may play with my friends in a nice, friendly environment.
1. IGN - Blast
2. Age (optionlal) - 14 years old
3. How long have you been playing Minecraft - I playing Minecraft from Beta 1.7.2
4. Why do you want to join our server - I Love playing minecraft mods, and FTB is one of my favourites![]()
Your application has been denied as your account is not a premium account aka you did not buy the game.
If this is an error please pm me but my lookup says that name is not registered by mojang
approvedsorry typing error. the name is Lord_Gustaf. forgot the s