[1.7.10] Slow down and enjoy yourself - Life is not a race! [WIP][HQM, Tech, Magic, Bees, Beginner]

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Yeah I know about those ores, but I more hinted towards the various elemental infused ores I see here, by the way I think agricraft is nerfed a bit too hard in my opinion, especially in a single player world, not exactly sure if I like it this way.
It's actually not nerfed too much - it "just" uses the hardcore variance that comes with the Agricraft config, meaning that 4 crops around a double cropstick gives the best results. It "forces" you to use clipper and rake to get the fast results.
Apart from that nothing was changed, I even removed weed ;-)
What helps a lot together with Agricraft is the watering can from Extra Utilities.
It's actually not nerfed too much - it "just" uses the hardcore variance that comes with the Agricraft config, meaning that 4 crops around a double cropstick gives the best results. It "forces" you to use clipper and rake to get the fast results.
Apart from that nothing was changed, I even removed weed ;-)
What helps a lot together with Agricraft is the watering can from Extra Utilities.

OK, so I got to look into this again, 4 crops around and in the middle you will do the crossbreeding, if I read that correctly. Need to change my whole tactics, because right now I have crossbreed lots of times and they are still far off of being 10 10 10, also never worked with a rake and clipper, maybe I should watch a mod showcase on youtube about this. Thought I couldn't make the watering can, but there seems to be a recipe for peaceful mode and I will continue farming until I get the 10 10 10 for the basic seeds., then I start to mine and move to normal level.
I just submitted an update to the FTB team - SlowDown 1.0.6 should be in the launcher as soon as it gets uploaded by them.
The release contains some changes and for the first time HQM quests.
I originally wanted to take some more time but I now urgently needed to remove Reliquary and LibSandstone from the pack.
So the quests are still Alpha and may not work 100%. And there are way more to come of course.
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SlowDown 1.0.6 is available in the FTB launcher! Please backup your world!
Main changes: Reliquary got removed and HQM is now available (a little head over heels though! Consider it Alpha and not complete!)
It's actually not nerfed too much - it "just" uses the hardcore variance that comes with the Agricraft config, meaning that 4 crops around a double cropstick gives the best results. It "forces" you to use clipper and rake to get the fast results.
Apart from that nothing was changed, I even removed weed ;-)
What helps a lot together with Agricraft is the watering can from Extra Utilities.

I tried to search for any explanation about agricraft hardcore mode, couldn't find any at all and I am completely at a loss, because I seem to be able to gain a trait every once in a while, but then it gets lost again. I'm gonna change the config to turn hardcore mode off, I like the extra challenge it gives me to get better crops, but right now I don't see how I can improve this so that's why I am gonna change this setting.
If you know of a site or video on youtube where this is explained I would be happy to take a look at it and switch back to hardcore again.

Edit: For some reason the mod still acts in a completely different way than I am used to, but maybe I need to start a complete new world.
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I tried to search for any explanation about agricraft hardcore mode...

The hardcore mode is not much in Agricraft.
It just says that the more plants you have around the double crossed crop stick, the more likely it is that the resulting plant will increase its stats.
The less you have, the more likely it is that the stats may also degrade.
So always having 4 plants with the same stats around a double crop stick is the best you can do.
So you can not just easily create a straight line of double crop sticks and let the plants grow and in the end have a 10/10/10 plant. That's what the hardcore mode does.
You can also see that in the config:

    # Set to true to enable hardcore mode for stat increasing:
    #  1 parent: 3/4 decrement, 1/4 nothing.
    #  2 parents: 2/4 decrement, 1/4 nothing, 1/4 increment.
    #  3 parents: 1/4 decrement, 1/2 nothing, 1/4 increment.
    #  4 parents: 1/4 decrement, 1/4 nothing, 1/2 increment.

Means with just 1 parent (which would be a straight line) the likelyhood that the plant's stats degrade is 3/4. With 4 parents decrement chance is only 1/4, increment chance is 1/2.
I can add a screenshot later if that helps :)

Edit: For some reason the mod still acts in a completely different way than I am used to, but maybe I need to start a complete new world.
It what sense different?
Guess I finally have a reason to actually work more with this clipper-tool once I make it to raise a plant to 10/10/10 :D

I just hope the rng is not too evil with the 1/4 decrement even with 4 parents. Not that I fear the challange, just there are so many seeds to raise and i'm too stubborn to not raise them all to max *laughs*

About different behaviour I just noticed that NEI seems to react a bit slow when you search for something. Not sure what could cause that.
About different behaviour I just noticed that NEI seems to react a bit slow when you search for something. Not sure what could cause that.
Hm - I'll have a look into that - maybe caused by the amount of items - maybe I can do sth about MicroBlocks in NEI - not showing all maybe.
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i am playing your pack since some days. And I must say that I really love it. But now I have a problem. The Backpacks from Forestry don't work. They don't pickup items automatically? Do you have an idea what the problem could be?
i am playing your pack since some days. And I must say that I really love it. But now I have a problem. The Backpacks from Forestry don't work. They don't pickup items automatically? Do you have an idea what the problem could be?
First of all, great to hear that you like my pack - that actually means a lot to me!
Regarding the forestry backpacks: are they picking up nothing at all or just not specific items? And which ones are you testing? Diggers & Miners backpack?
I'll check of course until end of today myself and try to fix it if possible.
And just FYI - Iron backpacks can basically substitute the forestry ones if you are using the right upgrades - yes they are more expensive but also more flexible.
Thanks for your quick answer. They are picking up nothing. I was testing with the Diggers & Miners backpack. I had changed the behaviour of them to resupply.
With the Iron backpacks - I need to have a closer look at them. But for the moment they are to expensive for me. I need to do a longer trip of mining.
Thanks for your quick answer. They are picking up nothing. I was testing with the Diggers & Miners backpack. I had changed the behaviour of them to resupply.
With the Iron backpacks - I need to have a closer look at them. But for the moment they are to expensive for me. I need to do a longer trip of mining.
I'll check until end of the day what the problem could be.
Thanks for your quick answer. They are picking up nothing. I was testing with the Diggers & Miners backpack. I had changed the behaviour of them to resupply.
With the Iron backpacks - I need to have a closer look at them. But for the moment they are to expensive for me. I need to do a longer trip of mining.
Hm - I just checked and for me the Miner's backpack works - it picks up Gold, Copper, Lead and Tin Ore for sure.
I have it in resupply mode as well - is it possible that you only tested with ores that are not vanilla?
I honestly also would not have any idea why they should not work as I have not messed around with the backpack config.
You can check yourself in the following file: <your_slowdown_modpack_installation_folder>/minecraft/config/forestry/backpacks.cfg
This file contains all items that go into the different backpacks. Just check whether the file exists, and whether it contains something that makes sense. If not I can resend my config file, even though I would be wondering why it could be missing.
About different behaviour I just noticed that NEI seems to react a bit slow when you search for something. Not sure what could cause that.
I'm not sure whether this can be fixed easily - I have different behavior on different machines. What seem to make it better is changing the search mode to plain (no idea whether this is the reason but it kinda felt faster afterwards)
Press E to bring up your inventory, click "Options" in the bottom left corner, click on "Inventory" and then change the "Search mode" to "plain".
Let me know whether this had any effect.
Hm - I just checked and for me the Miner's backpack works - it picks up Gold, Copper, Lead and Tin Ore for sure.
I have it in resupply mode as well - is it possible that you only tested with ores that are not vanilla?
I honestly also would not have any idea why they should not work as I have not messed around with the backpack config.
You can check yourself in the following file: <your_slowdown_modpack_installation_folder>/minecraft/config/forestry/backpacks.cfg
This file contains all items that go into the different backpacks. Just check whether the file exists, and whether it contains something that makes sense. If not I can resend my config file, even though I would be wondering why it could be missing.

I have the solution for the problem. I just deleted the config-file and restarted the game. And now with the new config-file, which looks a bit different from the other, it works.

An answer to your other post. I hat the same behaviour of NEI. And with the change it works faster.
I have the solution for the problem. I just deleted the config-file and restarted the game. And now with the new config-file, which looks a bit different from the other, it works.
That's good to hear - would be just interesting my it was broken in the first place - no one else reported that problem, but I may need to check the exact config in the 1.06 version of the pack. Will do a clean install and check.

An answer to your other post. I hat the same behaviour of NEI. And with the change it works faster.
That's actually cool to hear :)
From my side the same, "plain"-searching seems to make NEI faster.
Thank you for the hint about this setting. :]

Had the same problem with the forestry backpacks not collecting what they're supposed to collect. Actually couldn't even put the ores and ingots per hand into the miner's backpack.
(was focusing on iron backpacks so just tested it now after reading about it)
Solution about deleting the config and let the game recreate it worked for me, too.
Had the same problem with the forestry backpacks not collecting what they're supposed to collect. Actually couldn't even put the ores and ingots per hand into the miner's backpack.
(was focusing on iron backpacks so just tested it now after reading about it)
Solution about deleting the config and let the game recreate it worked for me, too.

Wow - that's weird - I just checked the original config that I submitted with the pack and it seems to be ok.
So I would not exactly know how I can fix that, besides maybe not delivering the config at all so that it regenerates on first start
Just in case I'll add a hint to the first post, just if someone else experiences that behavior as well.
Thanks for the finding.
After playing around with it a while I want to add my thought about the hard-mode of agricraft:

I think the math which the config shows you is missleading. From what I see the chance for increasing/decreasing stats is actually "per stat". So with 4 parent'plants you have a 25% chance of decreasing on growth, gain or strength which then can actually happen quiet often.
So after raising a few plants to max I get the feeling of "one-third progress". So pretty much two third of the time you get a plant which you don't really want or can use for progressing towards getting a maxed plant.

The very positive side is, that you actually work with clippers (which usually are quiet unnecessary in agricraft else) and it actually makes fun and gives a real feeling of having achieved something when you finally see your seed showing the wanted "10/10/10".
It makes the work really feel more worth for the time you put in.

The negative side I sadly have to say is just the amount of seeds. Harvestcraft has over 50 seeds I think and if you actually focus on raising one seed after another (like I usually do *smirks*) it can become quiet am even more tedious work than normal-mode.

As a side-project (just having many seeds crossbreeding and looking at them only from time to time) I think it can work out as fun, slowly reaching your goal (so it fits quiet well into the pack).
The sheer amount of seeds you can/want to raise this way might scare people away from agricraft.

it feels like the hard mode is made for having around 20~30 seeds (so mainly the vanilla and agricraft seeds, including the special ones for botania/thaumcraft) but with the ~100 seeds (mostly cause of harvestcraft) you're really not allowed to focus on getting all seeds maxed first before planning to do other things.

To say it clearly: I'm not saying the hard-mode is bad or anything, just want to share my opinion. I think it's actually quiet fun to have this challange. Just saying that you might have to do the breeding unfocused, as a side project, or you might get crazy :D

I hope it was okay to post my opinion about mainly this agricraft specific mechanic. If it looks like the text might scare people away, tell me and I edit it out/delete it.
I think it's a great modpack and it's really fun to play. Teaches me alot about actually "calm down and slow down" again after playing so many modpacks which made me just hurry from one project to another :)

[edit #2]
And one advice for people new to playing with hardmode-agricraft (like me):
Use the clippers often. Every few crossbreeding pick a plant you want to as a new start and put everything else away. Then use clippers until you have 4 of these plant and start crossbreeding again.
Using the clippers alot helps tremendously to get your plants to max.
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I hope it was okay to post my opinion about mainly this agricraft specific mechanic. If it looks like the text might scare people away, tell me and I edit it out/delete it.
I think it's a great modpack and it's really fun to play. Teaches me alot about actually "calm down and slow down" again after playing so many modpacks which made me just hurry from one project to another :)
I really like you posting your opinion here!
It's not a problem at all, especially if you say you like the pack
Agricraft is 'different' in hardcore and everyone is free to change it back if he wants to.
What really makes me happy is that the 'slow down' theme works for you!
Thanks for the feedback!