Changing the file name worked perfectly, thanks.It is not in resource pack.
You can try to overwrite files in "...\Sieged\minecraft\resources\minecraft\textures\font"
Simply changing name of file ascii.png work. (Or deleting it)
Changing the file name worked perfectly, thanks.It is not in resource pack.
You can try to overwrite files in "...\Sieged\minecraft\resources\minecraft\textures\font"
Simply changing name of file ascii.png work. (Or deleting it)
You need to make crop sticks. Its just 4 sticks in a square then put that on the hoed a little confused on how to grow crops. i have dirt but wooden and stone hoes are disabled as well as tinkers not in the pack. How can I grow the seeds that are given to me??
Would there be any way to get rid of the font you're using in this pack? I find it not easy to read long texts having to skip back and forth while trying to read large texts fluently to understand what's going on.
GUI scale is on large. On auto it's better but then all the UI is a bit too close in my face.
After the quest "Processing!" you get research notes that use Lux to make. So I did this and you get a research just named "Discovery" and whenever you try to learn it it crashes the game. What was this supposed to teach :0?
I think its totem research which is also used to the adjacent quest for brass to purify the void brass. So cant get the boiler :/
thats the thing how do you hoe the dirt
Barely even started this, so I can't comment on the overall quality or anything yet, but I already ran into a few issues:
1) The default gui set-up is horrible. There are overlapping info boxes, map boxes, and thaumcraft wand display (at least on smaller displays). Neither of the info box mods are "common" so require new players to fiddle right off the bat because of the default overlap issues.
2) Two info mods? I am not sure if there are or not. One box looks similar to waila and num0 hides/shows it, but there is no control config option for this so I have no idea what mod this actually is. And smart cursor, while I applaud wanting to try new mods, seems like a poor man's waila: more clunky looking and less config options for how it is displayed. I usually shrink waila down to 50% or so, so this is much more intrusive on my area of view. It also doesn't seem to have a hotkey to turn it on/off, you have to do it through the menu, which is just much less convenient.
3) No inventory tweaks. This, like nei, seems almost an absolute to include now (I'm not sure why the functionality hasn't been adopted in minecraft itself actually). After using it in just about every other mod pack, not having it makes inventory management much more tedious.
4) The golem and turret owner problem mentioned before. You said the golem is intentional, but there isn't a good reason for it to me. By having it already out and assigned to you as opposed to being items in with the bell or something, the only thing that is accomplished is limiting player options. If this comes into play further along and is necessary, then okay (like I said I barely started), but if not then I put in a vote to start with the items instead. I'm not sure if anything is possible with the turrents right now, but maybe if the pack gets popular you can nudge fathertoast for better options. ;P
1) Screenshots please.
2) Will look into it.
3) May include it in the future.
4) It's an abandoned fortress, you are just an explorer. It would be going against the storyline if the turrets/golems followed your orders since they never belonged to you.
Thanks for the feedback!
1) Image
4) The golem took away essence and anything with it doesn't do. I tried to put a label on bank
Yes you spawn in the "deep dark dimension".two questions 1 is that the deep dark dimension you spawn in and 2 are the turrents outside supposed to attack you
Yes you spawn in the "deep dark dimension".
The turrets are supposed to attack you, flip the levers on the redstone lamps to deactivate the turrets if you want![]()
From my experience I've only found on the pillars and on the surface. Havent found and so far undergroundcan you find ores under ground in this or only in the cobble tower things, because i can't find any caves or any ores when i make one
1) Will be fixed in next patch, in the meantime use Esc -> Options to tweak them to your liking.
4) Break the empty jars and replace them.
Mini map fixed.
Create a new world if you wish to control the golems in 1.0.6
For one of the quest chains you need to get berries and all of them require strawberry seeds. The only problem is theres no way to get strawberry seeds (that I can find).
-EDIT- Also apples. Cant figure them out either. Ive tried bonemealing grass but to no avail.
-EDIT 2- Also in the Magical Journey Questline, the Purify! quest doesnt show/say what you need to make. It has a picture of an iron block for the quest picture but that doesnt work.