[1.7.10] Rebranded Modpack v2.0.8


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pack code: rebranded

What is Rebranded?

The Rebranded 1.7.10 Modpack is an attempt to find a balance between the easier kitchen sink packs and the harder (i.e. Crash Landing) packs. Tired of reaching the top tier of most mods after just a couple days of playing? Think the world, even on hard mode, doesn’t feel dangerous enough? Do you get bored after you get your basic automation setup and feel like you have nothing left to do? Rebranded may be worth checking out. If you like things easy and enjoy sitting back in your indestructible armor while your automated mining machines throw piles of ore into your automated processing systems, then you may want to check out many of the other modpacks out there.

The Single/Multiplayer experience:

With Rebranded, we wanted to create a pack where the singleplayer and multiplayer experiences are nearly identical. To that end, the configs that come with the pack are the same configs we use on our official server. We feel that since Minecraft is very community-oriented, we wanted to design a pack that focuses first on the server configuration and work our way back to the client to make server-setup easier. We tried to disable most of the lag generating and world destroying machines based on our server experience while keeping with our objective of trying to create a unique experience. We also don’t like how quickly people advance once they get their first automated mining system(s) going and then complaining or quitting because they have nothing to do.

Harsh(er) conditions:

We’ve eliminated most automated mining. BC Quarries, Ender Quarries, Digital Miners, etc... have all been disabled. If you want automated ores, you’ll have to work your way up to the environmentally friendly MFR laser drill, Thaumcraft’s Arcane Bore, or Blood Magic’s rituals. For server owners, this means no more giant ugly holes and an overworld that still contains ores for new players as the map ages. There’s less need to create a “mining age” with this pack.

We’ve upped the danger with Enviromine (physics disabled) and the Spice of Life. You have to think about where you want to set up your first base. Will you have access to water? Is it too hot? Too cold? Will you find enough food? Pam’s Harvestcraft should help out with your nutritional requirements.

We’ve added mobs to fear and ruins to explore with Lycanite’s Mobs and Floating Ruins. There’s plenty to see and explore, and plenty of dangers to make you want to stay home. Our overworld is designed to be pretty busy, since you won’t find the Deep Dark, Twilight Forest, Mystcraft or numerous other dimension-adding features in this pack. Not only do we find this helpful for limiting server-side lag, but it also helps keep people playing in the same area and encourages overworld exploration. However, if that’s not enough for you, you can always go looking for Nether ores, fight your way through the Hardcore Ender Expansion or blast off with Galacticraft! (Note: Extra Utilities is included, but the Deep Dark is disabled)

What common mods you won’t (yet) find in Rebranded:

Computercraft or OpenComputers - Still trying to decide on this one. One of these will probably be included after a few updates. Any automated mining features (i.e. CC Mining Turtles) will either be disabled or have their costs increased substantially.

IC2 and Gregtech - Once we figure out how we want to balance these against the current pack we will likely include IC2 and maybe even Gregtech. It will be with a major revision since there is oregen to consider. Expect this to be included in our 2.1 update.

OpenBlocks - Another mod that will likely make it’s way into the pack after some balance testing/tweaking.

Mystcraft - We decided not to include this mod because we want to focus on the standard dimensions and encourage the use of Galacticraft.

Version Numbers:

Our first advertised release is version 2.0.8. Version 1 was a concept pack we released way back in version 1.5.x and was more of a kitchen sink pack that we just wanted to customize a bit more. Our version numbers will increment based on the following: [minecraft version].[new worldgen].[incremental updates]. Version 2.1 will include new worldgen from mods like IC2, while version 3.0 will be for Minecraft 1.8.

Server Release:

Our server download should be available real soon (likely within a week of this post).

Official Server:

Our official server launches tonight (11/7) between 7-8pm central time. We would love to see you there! http://rebranded.playat.ch

Final Thoughts:

We are still in the early stages of developing this pack, so not all of our goals are going to be realized with this first public release. We still have a lot of recipe tweaking to do. There’s still some overpowered armor and I’m sure people will find ways to bypass our intended tech progression. Eventually we hope to create something that’s unique among the growing number of other packs out there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this is interesting but i got questions. 1: where is the modlist? 2: can i help in any way? and 3: what is special about this pack that may interest people? ive seen modpacks like this but what is special?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, thanks for the response:

1. The mod list can be viewed in the FTB Launcher after you enter the pack code.
2. The best thing you can do to help is play the pack and provide feedback.
3. Our goal is to build the pack around the idea of making the beginning to end progressing take longer and require you to experiment with most of the mods, all without using a quest mod. Additionally, we want this pack to be easy to implement on servers, which is why we designed the pack around our official server configs. A lot of really great packs require a server admin to tweak a lot of the configs before it is viable on the server (for lag reasons). Ours should be as simple as uploading to your server and running. I know we're not 100% there yet, but we wanted to get people playing with the pack so we can get some feedback.