[1.7.10] Raxpack - Beautiful Explorer

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The RaxPack is a pack designed around adventure, exploration and providing the tools and blocks to build a truly beautiful home in minecraft. It also explores many mods that some might gloss over in many more popular packs and encourages you to use other methods by taking away some of the mods you would find in nearly all of the most popular packs.

For example there is not Thermal Expansion! of course Thermal foundation is here as mods in this pack use it, but no pulverizers, no magmatic engines and no tesseracts, instead you might look into Mekanism or EnderIO to do those daily tasks. use Tubes! to push it around and Automagy to automate it.

Please feel free to discuss anything about the modpack here. Also any bug reports would be greatly appreciated.

Minecraft Version:

Forge Version:
Pack Version:
Pack Code:

Current Mod List:

Change Log:

Mod Updates:

Flaxbeard’s Steam Power 0.28.3 - 0.28.4
Forge Version to


Alchemical Bling removed - dispenser crash.
Kitchen Mod cheese recipe changed to separate it from pams milk.



Another Ore Bites the Dust 2.3.5 - 2.4.0
Applied Energistics 2 rv2b7 - rv2b10
Automagy 0.17.1 - 0.21
Better Foliage 1.0.3 - 1.0.6
Better Storage -
Bibliocraft 1.9.2 - 1.10.2
Big Reactors 0.4.1A2 - 0.4.2A2
Biomes O Plenty -
Blood Magic 1.3.0b6 - 1.3.1b7
Carpenters Blocks - 3.3.5
CGOrigin 3.4.0 - 3.5.1
Chisel 2 2.2.1 -
Code Chicken Core -
CoFHCore 3.0.0B9-74 - 3.0.0RC5-207
Decocraft 1.11 - 1.12b
Enchiridion 1.2b - 2.0d
EnderIO -
Ender Tech -
Enhanced Portals 3 3.0.9 - 3.0.10
ExtraUtilities 1.2.1 - 1.2.2
FlaxBeard’s Steam Power 0.27.3 - 3.0.10
Forbidden Magic 0.552 - 0.561
Forge Multipart -
Garden Stuff 1.2.1 - 1.5.0
Head Crumbs 1.3.0 -1.3.1
IvToolkit 1.0.2 - 1.0.4
JABBA 1.2.0a - 1.2.1a
Mekanism -
Mobius Core 1.2.3 - 1.2.4
MrTJPCore -
NEI Addons -
Not Enough Items -
Open Computers -
Pam’s HarvestCraft 1.7.10f - 1.7.10g
ProjectRed -
Railcraft -
RemoteIO 1.8.1.b84 - 2.1.B0
Roguelike Dungeons 1.3.5 - 1.3.6
Thaumcraft 4 -
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin 1.6a - 1.7
ThaumicExploration 1.1.34 - 1.1.37
The Kitchen Mod 1.3.7 - 1.3.8
Thermal Foundation 1.0.0RC1.17 - 1.0.0RC4.58
Too Much Time 2.3.2b13 - 2.4.0.B3
Twilight Forest 2.3.3 - 2.3.4
WAILA 1.5.8 - 1.5.9
WaslieCore 1.1B43 - 1.1B44
WAWLA 1.0.9 - 1.1.1
Witchery 0.21.2 - 0.23.1
Ye Gammol Chattels 1.1 -

Too Much Time Added
Roguelike Dungeons Added
Flaxbeards steam tools use ¼ of default (200 down from 800)
Smart Moving removed - too many conflicts
dependencies removed.
Farlander Classic Endermen disabled - pulling peoples houses apart
Farlander Mystic Endermen disabled - crash on ExU spikes.
Mekanism Generators added - Woops!
Recipe Scripts fixed - Thanks krazy_kow


Mod Updates:

Applied Energistics rv2b1 - rv2b7
Automagy 0.13 - 0.17.1
Better Storage -
Bibliocraft 1.9.1 - 1.9.2
Big Reactors 0.4.0rc9 - 0.4.1A2
Carpenters Blocks 3.3.4devr2 -
Chisel 2 2.1.3 - 2.2.1
EnderIO -
EnderZoo -
FlaxBeard’s Steam Power 0.27.2 - 0.27.3
Forbidden Magic 0.53 - 0.552
Gravestone 2.11.1 - 2.11.3
Headcrumbs 1.2.7 - 1.3.0
iChunUtil 4.0 - 4.1.3
IvToolkit 1.0.1 - 1.0.2
JABBA 1.2.0 - 1.2.0a
Mekanism -
NotEnoughItems -
Open Computers -
Pams Harvestcraft d - f
Project Red -
Thaumcraft -
Thaumic Tinkerer 25.161 - 25.162
The Erebus 0.2p11c - 0.2p12
Thermal Foundation 1.0.0rc1.15 - 1.0.0rc1.17
Too Much Loot 3.0.1b22 - 4.0.0b25
WAILA 1.5.6a - 1.5.8a
Witchery 0.20.6 - 0.21.2

WALIANBT removed
ProjectRed Mechanical removed
Headcrumbs personality mobs disabled
Too Much Time removed -caused crashes
Roguelike Dungeons removed -caused crashes
Garden biome disabled
Origin biome disabled
Gravestone fog disabled - caused flickering
Gravestone grave on death set to 100% from 80%
Erebus graves disabled
Yellorite generation fixed
Ferrous ore removed - not used
Lead ore reduced significantly
Silver ore reduced by half
Zinc ore reduced by half

1.25 Pam's Fresh Milk and Kitchen Cheese recipe conflict

Because this change is very small and I don't want to burden the FTB team getting that particular recipe conflict fixed, you will need to do some manual editing.

1. Locate your Raxpack folder (you can do this by accessing "Edit mod Pack" from the FTB client and then pressing "Open folder" in the window that opens.
2. This will put you in the mods folder for that modpack, in windows click on "minecraft" in the address bar and then open the "scripts" folder.
3. Open recipes.zs in a text editing program (notepad, notepad++ e.t.c) and find the line at the bottom that reads "//Kitchen Mod Cheese"
4. Delete everything below that line.
5. Add these lines below


6. Save and launch the pack and thats it! you should have pams fresh milk and cheese.

If all that seems a bit hard, it will be in the next update of the pack for sure so if you can live with the conflict for now don't worry.
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I've been playing this pack for a few days now and am thoroughly impressed.

Most 1.7.10 packs feel like different flavors of vanilla (ice cream, not Minecraft :) ). More or less the same mod list, with just one or two exceptions. When I check out a new pack, I go through the mod list and open a new browser tab for each mod that's new to me. With most packs I have, at most, one or two new mods to learn. With Raxpack, I think I had over a dozen. Gone are the common, boring old mods like thermal expansion and tinkers construct. In their place are mods like FlaxBeards, Erebus, Head Crumbs, Farlanders and Wild Caves (and many more). Plenty of tech (EnderIO, Mekanism) and magic (Thaumcraft, Blood Magic, Witchery), and lots of pretty shinies.

RaxPack is not a difficult pack -- its a fun pack with a distinct eye towards making beautiful, lived in worlds. Two thumbs up to Rorax for making something not like everything else.
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Thanks for the glowing recommendation Owen I really appreciate and I am glad to see the packs purpose isn't flying over peoples heads <3
only one thing ;) no Ars Magica in the pack, you might of thrown that one in yourself :3
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I seem to remember you had some of reika's mods in the pack during a video where you were testing the pack out. Why did you remove them if you don't mind me asking?
Seems pretty cool, though I would like to see some images about the modpack. This may just be me, but considering that some of the mainstream mods have been replaced with others, it would be pretty cool to get an idea on what can be done with them.
Seems pretty cool, though I would like to see some images about the modpack. This may just be me, but considering that some of the mainstream mods have been replaced with others, it would be pretty cool to get an idea on what can be done with them.

Well that would be missing the point of the pack, you should be jumping in to explore ;)

But all the mods in the pack are well documented if you would like to look them up idividually.

I seem to remember you had some of reika's mods in the pack during a video where you were testing the pack out. Why did you remove them if you don't mind me asking?

I just felt that Reikas mods no longer really felt right in the pack. you are welcome of course to add them in yourself :)
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Did you disable ProjectRed gems? I've done a good amount of mining but all I could find were BoP gems. And those are so rare you hardly can find enough to keep your pick going :/
Hey Rorax, love the pack so much am super keen to get into it. One question i wanted to follow you along with your youtube series but when i put the seed in I generate a different map any ideas as to why?
Keep up the awesome work :D
They are disabled in the config
Too bad, they'd be perfect for early game considering TiCon is missing.

BetterMovement is pretty weird with ladders. While using vanilla ladders is just awkward and you often fall to the side carpenters ladders don't seem to work at all.
Mekanism sporks (technically, they're called paxels, but they remind me of sporks) are a good starter tool. :)
Hey Rorax, love the pack so much am super keen to get into it. One question i wanted to follow you along with your youtube series but when i put the seed in I generate a different map any ideas as to why?
Keep up the awesome work :D

Thanks :3 I'd guess your map was different because I was on 1.1 when I generated it. if you still can't get the seed to work once you update to 1.1 then you might be able to hold out until I give out a world download at ep 10.
There is a bug in Alchemical Bling that causes the game to crash when a splash potion is launched from a dispenser. I'd normally just avoid launching potions from dispensers but some of the dungeons (in my case, a graveyard, apparently) come pre-loaded with dispenser/splash potion traps. So as I neared the graveyard a spawned mob apparently triggered the trap and crashed my game. I already posted an issue (or rather reinforced another issue regarding the same crash) on dmillerw's github.

I suggest the mod (AlchemicalBling) be removed until this is addressed, though, the problem has been around since at least last August.

(crashlog for those interested: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9768301/)