[1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord

Have you been waiting for the 1.7.10 modpacks to be released? Well wait no longer I reveal to you Mechanical Titan. The the first 1.7.10 modpack on the FTB launcher with all the greatest released 1.7.10 mods. If you have the Feed the Beast launcher already you are in luck, just enter "MechanicalTitan" into the private packs area. There you will be able to read the mod list and launch the pack to play. I personally recommend around 2G of ram and 256 permgen.

Cant handle the awesomeness? i have a lighter pack just for you: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/1-7-10-public-mechanical-titan-lite.52410/

Put issues here: https://github.com/MechanicalTitanModpackTeam/MechanicalTitan/issues

Disclaimer: I am not part of the FTB team this is a 3rd party pack featured on their launcher.

Updates are now very fast within 72 hours of when I give the pack to them and I give them around one a week. We will announce it when it's live but the launcher will also tell you. Don't forget to back up your worlds!

*Regarding optifine it does not work in this pack and most likely will not work in this pack it is not a supported mod, i would not suggest using optifine as it breaks more than it fixes. Things have changed with mods so it may have worked before but as of Mechanical Titan v1.3.3 it will not. Its quite surprising that it worked before.

Pack by Myself and Dark_raven(that guy down there \/) and now Kothar11

Id also like to thank Kothar11 and Blkdragon112 for testing the lastest builds of the pack while things are starting to get busy

You can talk live with the Pack devs (myself, Dark_Raven, and Kothar) in the #MechanicalTitan espernet IRC channel

want to help with some tutorial quests go here: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...-community-created-hqm-tutorial-quests.50587/

Pack to heavy? maybe this is better?: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/1-7-10-mechanicaltitan-lite.51142/#post-769893
(rarely updated but if you use it message in the forums and ill surely get a up to date version)

This mod pack is a non-profit service provided to the Minecraft community using content developed freely, and provided as not for profit to the community. The original works within this Mod Pack are not claimed to be owned by the developers of this Mod Pack, all original content is the product of those individuals who created those mods. It infringes on no one's copyright. You may not sell anything off this pack, this includes the pack as a whole, and of the files or mods, or any items found within the mod. This is a direct breach of the user agreement of this pack and of a vast majority of the mods included in the pack.‏ By using the pack you agree to the terms

Adventurer's Amulets (adventurersamulets) | Version: 1.7.10-1.4.0c | Website: http://gustoniaeagle.github.io/Adventurers-Amulets/

Another One Bites The Dust (aobd) | Version: 2.2.5 | Website: N/A

Applied Energistics 2 (appliedenergistics2) | Version: rv1-stable-1 | Website: http://ae2.ae-mod.info

AppliedEnergistics2 Core (appliedenergistics2-core) | Version: rv1-stable-1 | Website: http://ae2.ae-mod.info

Ars Magica 2 (arsmagica2) | Version: | Website: N/A

ASB2-Core (ASB2-Core) | Version: 1.0.0 | Website: N/A

Automagy (Automagy) | Version: 0.12.2 | Website: N/A

AutoSapling (AutoSapling) | Version: 1.0 | Website: N/A

BackTools (BackTools) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: http://www.ichun.us/

Baubles (Baubles) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2535073-baubles

BC Builders (BuildCraft|Builders) | Version: 6.0.18 | Website: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/

BC Energy (BuildCraft|Energy) | Version: 6.0.18 | Website: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/

BC Factory (BuildCraft|Factory) | Version: 6.0.18 | Website: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/

BC Silicon (BuildCraft|Silicon) | Version: 6.0.18 | Website: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/

BC Transport (BuildCraft|Transport) | Version: 6.0.18 | Website: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/

BiblioCraft (BiblioCraft) | Version: 1.9.0 | Website: http://www.bibliocraftmod.com

BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition (BiblioWoodsBoP) | Version: 1.8 | Website: http://www.bibliocraftmod.com

BiblioWoods Forestry Edition (BiblioWoodsForestry) | Version: 1.6 | Website: http://www.bibliocraftmod.com

BiblioWoods Natura Edition (BiblioWoodsNatura) | Version: 1.4 | Website: http://www.bibliocraftmod.com

Big Reactors (BigReactors) | Version: 0.4.0rc10 | Website: http://www.big-reactors.com

Binnie Core (BinnieCore) | Version: 2.0-dev5 | Website: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223525-binnies-mods

Biomes O' Plenty (BiomesOPlenty) | Version: 2.1.0 | Website: www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1495041-

Blood Arsenal (BloodArsenal) | Version: 0.8.0 | Website: N/A

Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry (AWWayofTime) | Version: v1.2.0 | Website: N/A

BloodUtils (BloodUtils) | Version: 1.3.1 | Website: N/A

Book Dimension Thing (BookDimensionThing) | Version: 1.0 | Website: N/A

Botania (Botania) | Version: r1.2-128 | Website: http://www.vazkii.us

Botany (Botany) | Version: 2.0-dev4 | Website: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223525-binnies-mods

Build Mod (BuildMod) | Version: v1.0 | Website: N/A

BuildCraft (BuildCraft|Core) | Version: 6.0.18 | Website: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/

Buildcraft Additions (bcadditions) | Version: 1.6.4 | Website: N/A

Carpenter's Blocks (CarpentersBlocks) | Version: 3.2.7 | Website: www.carpentersblocks.com

ChickenChunks (ChickenChunks) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223

Chisel (chisel) | Version: 1.5.7 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/thread/1294901

CodeChicken Core (CodeChickenCore) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223

CoFH Core (CoFHCore) | Version: 1.7.10R3.0.0B6 | Website: http://www.teamcofh.com

ColorChat (colorchat) | Version: 1.7.2-0.1.0 | Website: N/A

Compact Solar Arrays (CompactSolars) | Version: | Website: http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=4827

ComputerCraft (ComputerCraft) | Version: 1.65 | Website: http://www.computercraft.info

Cookie Core (cookiecore) | Version: 1.3.0 | Website: https://github.com/Ephys/CookieCore/releases

CoroAI (CoroAI) | Version: v1.0 | Website: N/A

CraftHeraldry (CraftHeraldry) | Version: 1.1.3 | Website: N/A

DeathCounter (DeathCounter) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: http://ichun.us/mods/death-counter/

debug (debug) | Version: 1.0 | Website: N/A

Dense Ores (denseores) | Version: 1.0 | Website: N/A

Dimensional Anchors (DimensionalAnchors) | Version: 59.0.2 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1001131-110-immibiss-mods-smp/

Dimensional Pockets (dimensionalPockets) | Version: 0.07.7 | Website: N/A

Electrical Age (Eln) | Version: 43 | Website: http://electrical-age.net

Electro-Magic Tools (EMT) | Version: 2.0. | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2196652-

Enchiridion (Enchiridion) | Version: 1.1 | Website: N/A

Ender IO (EnderIO) | Version: 1.7.10- | Website: http://enderio.com

EnderStorage (EnderStorage) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223

EnderTech (EnderTech) | Version: 1.7.10- | Website:

Ender Zoo (EnderZoo) | Version: 1.7.10- | Website: http://enderio.com

Equivalent Exchange 3 (EE3) | Version: 0.2.361 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1106178-

Eureka (eureka) | Version: @VERSION@ | Website: N/A

Extended Mod Config (ConfigMod) | Version: v1.0 | Website: N/A

Extended Renderer (ExtendedRenderer) | Version: v1.0 | Website: N/A

Extra Bees (ExtraBees) | Version: 2.0-dev4 | Website: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223525-binnies-mods

Extra Trees (ExtraTrees) | Version: 2.0-dev4 | Website: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223525-binnies-mods

Extra Utilities (ExtraUtilities) | Version: 1.1.0k |Website: N/A

ExtraCells (extracells) | Version: 2.1.12 | Website: http://m3gafr3ak.github.io/ExtraCells/

ExtraTiC (ExtraTiC) | Version: 0.8.4 | Website: N/A

Factorization (factorization) | Version: 1.7.10- | Website: http://minecraftforum.net/topic/1351802-

Factorization Miscellaneous Nonsense (factorization.misc) | Version: 1.7.10- | Website: N/A

Factorization Notification System (factorization.notify) | Version: 1.0 | Website: N/A

FastCraft (FastCraft) | Version: 1.9 | Website: N/A

Flaxbeard's Steam Power (Steamcraft) | Version: 0.26.4 | Website: N/A

Forbidden Magic (ForbiddenMagic) | Version: 1.7.10-0.53 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2305054-/

Forestry for Minecraft (Forestry) | Version: | Website: http://forestry.sengir.net/

Forge Microblocks (ForgeMicroblock) | Version:

Forge Multipart (ForgeMultipart) | Version: | Website: https://github.com/Chicken-Bones/ForgeMultipart

FoxLib (foxlib) | Version: 0.4.0 | Website: N/A

Funky Locomotion (funkylocomotion) | Version: 1.0 | Website: N/A

Galacticraft Core (GalacticraftCore) | Version: 3.0.4 | Website: http://www.micdoodle8.com/

Galacticraft Planets (GalacticraftMars) | Version: 3.0.4 | Website: http://www.micdoodle8.com/

Gany's End (ganysend) | Version: 1.8.2 | Website: N/A

Gany's Nether (ganysnether) | Version: 1.7.5 | Website: N/A

Gany's Surface (ganyssurface) | Version: 1.9.2 | Website: N/A

Garden Containers (GardenContainers) | Version: 1.2.1 | Website: http://www.jaquadro.com/

Garden Core (GardenCore) | Version: 1.2.0 | Website: http://www.jaquadro.com/

Garden Trees (GardenTrees) | Version: 1.2.0 | Website: http://www.jaquadro.com/

GearUtilities (GearUtilities) | Version: 0.0.1 Alpha | Website: N/A

Genetics (Genetics) | Version: 2.0-dev4 | Website: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223525-binnies-mods

Hardcore Ender Expansion (HardcoreEnderExpansion) | Version: 1.6.4 | Website: http://tinyurl.com/hc-ender-expansion

Hats (Hats) | Version: 4.0.1 | Website: http://ichun.us/mods/hats/

HatStand (HatStand) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: N/A

Hydraulicraft (HydCraft) | Version: 1.7.10-2.0.78 | Website: https://github.com/K-4U/Hydraulicraft

iChunUtil (iChunUtil) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: http://www.ichun.us/

Iguana Tinker Tweaks (IguanaTweaksTConstruct) | Version: 1.7.10-2.0.6 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2176855

I'm Looking At Blood (ImLookingAtBlood) | Version: 1.1 | Website: N/A

Immibis Core (ImmibisCore) | Version: 59.0.3 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1001131-110-immibiss-mods-smp/

Immibis's Peripherals (ImmibisPeripherals) | Version: 59.0.0 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1001131-110-immibiss-mods-smp/

IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2) | Version: 2.2.647-experimental | Website: http://www.industrial-craft.net

Inventory Tweaks (inventorytweaks) | Version: 1.59-dev-152-cf6e263 | Website: https://github.com/Kobata/inventory-tweaks

Iron Chest (IronChest) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/981855-

Iron Chest Minecarts (ironchestminecarts) | Version: 1.0.0 | Website: N/A

JABBA (JABBA) | Version: 1.1.4 | Website: N/A

JourneyMap (journeymap) | Version: 4.0.5 | Website: http://journeymap.techbrew.net

K4Lib (k4lib) | Version: 1.7.10-0.1.18 | Website: N/A

MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits (powersuits) | Version: | Website: http://machinemuse.net/

Magic Bees (MagicBees) | Version: 1.7.10-2.1.19 | Website: http://bit.ly/XFDvLY

Magical Crops (magicalcrops) | Version: 1.7.2 - 0.1 ALPHA | Website: N/A

Mantle (Mantle) | Version: 1.7.10-0.3.1.jenkins180 | Website: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/Mantle

MapWriter (MapWriter) | Version: 2.1.1 | Website: N/A

Mariculture (Mariculture) | Version: 1.2.3d | Website: http://mariculture.wikispaces.com/

Mekanism (Mekanism) | Version: 7.1.0 | Website: N/A

MekanismGenerators (MekanismGenerators) | Version: 7.1.0 | Website: N/A

MekanismTools (MekanismTools) | Version: 7.1.0 | Website: N/A

Metallurgy 4 (Metallurgy) | Version: 4.0.6 | Website: N/A

Metallurgy Core (MetallurgyCore) | Version: 4.0.4 | Website: N/A

Micdoodle8 Core (Micdoodlecore) | Version: | Website: http://www.micdoodle8.com/

Minecraft Multipart Plugin (McMultipart) | Version: | Website: https://github.com/Chicken-Bones/ForgeMultipart

MineFactory Reloaded (MineFactoryReloaded) | Version: 1.7.10R2.8.0RC3 | Website: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/minefactory-reloaded/

MineMenu (MineMenu) | Version: 1.2.0 | Website: N/A

MineTweaker 3 (MineTweaker3) | Version: 3.0.9 | Website: http://minetweaker3.powerofbytes.com

MoarPeripherals (MoarPeripherals) | Version: 1.7.10-1.65-1.4 | Website: http://wiki.theoriginalbit.com/moarperipherals/

Mob Lanterns (MobLanterns) | Version: 3.0 | Loaded From MobLanterns-3.1.jar on mods | Website: N/A

MobAmputation (MobAmputation) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: http://www.ichun.us/

MobDismemberment (MobDismemberment) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: http://www.ichun.us/

MobiusCore (MobiusCore) | Version: 1.2.3 | Website: profmobius.blogspot.com

Modular Force Field System (MFFS) | Version: @major@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@| Website: www.calclavia.com/mffs/

Modular Powersuits Addon (powersuitaddons) | Version: @VERSION@ | Website: http://www.machinemuse.net/

Morph (Morph) | Version: 0.9.1 | Website: http://ichun.us/mods/morph/

Morpheus (Morpheus) | Version: 1.7.10-1.5.24 | Website: N/A

Natura (Natura) | Version: 2.2.0 | Website: www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1753754-natura/

NEI Addons (NEIAddons) | Version: | Website: bdew.net/neiaddons

NEI Plugins Unofficial (NEIPlugins) | Version: | Website: https://bitbucket.org/mistaqur/nei_plugins/wiki

Nether Ores (NetherOres) | Version: 1.7.10R2.3.0RC3 | Website: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/netherores/

Not Enough Items (NotEnoughItems) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223

Nuclear Control 2 (IC2NuclearControl) | Version: 2.0.5b-Unicorn | Website: http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=5915

Numina (numina) | Version: | Website: http://machinemuse.net/

ObsidiPlates (ObsidiPlates) | Version: | Website: http://smarturl.it/ObsidiPlates

OpenBlocks (OpenBlocks) | Version: 1.3 | Website: http://www.openperipheral.info

OpenEye (OpenEye) | Version: 0.6 | Website: http://openmods.info/

OpenMods (OpenMods) | Version: 0.6 | Website: http://openmods.info/

OpenModsCore (OpenModsCore) | Version: @VERSION@ | Website: http://openmods.info/

Opis (Opis) | Version: 1.2.3 | Website: N/A

Pam's HarvestCraft (harvestcraft) | Version: 1.7.10b | Website: N/A

PiP (PiP) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: N/A

PneumaticCraft (PneumaticCraft) | Version: 1.2.6 | Website: www.minemaarten.com

ProjectRed (ProjRed|Core) | Version: | Website: http://projectredwiki.com

ProjectRed-Compatibility (ProjRed|Compatibility) | Version: | Website: N/A

ProjectRed-Expansion (ProjRed|Expansion) | Version: | Website: N/A

ProjectRed-Exploration (ProjRed|Exploration) | Version: | Website: N/A

ProjectRed-Illumination (ProjRed|Illumination) | Version: | Website: N/A

ProjectRed-Integration (ProjRed|Integration) | Version: | Website: N/A

ProjectRed-Transmission (ProjRed|Transmission) | Version: | Website: N/A

ProjectRed-Transportation (ProjRed|Transportation) | Version: | Website: N/A

PVP Toggle (PvpToggle) | Version: 0.1.0 | Website: N/A

Quartz 'N' Steel (quartznsteel) | Version: 2.0 | Website: N/A

Railcraft (Railcraft) | Version: | Website: http://railcraft.info/

Redstone Armory (RArm) | Version: 1.1pre1 | Website: N/A

Redstone Arsenal (RedstoneArsenal) | Version: 1.7.10R1.1.0B4 | Website: http://www.teamcofh.com

Refined Relocation (RefinedRelocation) | Version: 1.0.6f | Website: N/A

Resonant Engine (ResonantEngine) | Version: @major@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@ |Website: https://github.com/Universal-Electricity/Resonant-Engine

Sanguimancy (Sanguimancy) | Version: 1.1.7 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...ft-mods/2194354-blood-magic-addon-sanguimancy

Shatter (Shatter) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: N/A

Solar Flux (SolarFlux) | Version: 1.7.10-0.4b | Website: N/A

Steve's Carts 2 (StevesCarts) | Version: 2.0.0.b18 | Website: N/A

Steve's Factory Manager (StevesFactoryManager) | Version: A92 | Website: N/A

Steve's Workshop (StevesWorkshop) | Version: 0.5.1 | Website: N/A

StopGap (StopGap) | Version: 2.0.5 | Website: N/A

Sync (Sync) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: http://ichun.us/mods/sync/

Tails (Tails) | Version: $version | Website: https://github.com/kihira

Talismans 2 (Talismans 2) | Version: Beta 1.0.0 | Website: http://gigabit101.co.uk/mods/talismans/

Technomancy (technom) | Version: 0.8.1 | Website: N/A

Thaumcraft (Thaumcraft) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2011841-thaumcraft

Thaumcraft Gates (thaumcraftgates) | Version: 1.4.0 | Website: N/A

Thaumic Energistics (thaumicenergistics) | Version: 0.6.10b | Website: N/A

Thaumic Exploration (ThaumicExploration) | Version: 0.6.0 | Website: https://github.com/Flaxbeard/Thaumic_Exploration

Thaumic Revelations (trevelations) | Version: 1.0 | Website: N/A

Thaumic Tinkerer (ThaumicTinkerer) | Version: 2.5-1.7.10-158 | Website: minecraftforum.net/topic/1813058-

Thaumic Tinkerer Core (ThaumicTinkerer-preloader) | Version: 0.1 | Website: N/A

The Farlanders (farlanders) | Version: 1.2b | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1501583-1

The Twilight Forest (TwilightForest) | Version: 2.3.2 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/561673-

Thermal Expansion (ThermalExpansion) | Version: 1.7.10R4.0.0B5 | Website: http://www.teamcofh.com

Thermal Foundation (ThermalFoundation) | Version: 1.7.10R1.0.0B3 | Website: http://www.teamcofh.com

TiC Tooltips (TiCTooltips) | Version: 1.1.11b | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2509840-

Tinkers' Construct (TConstruct) | Version: 1.7.10-1.7.1.build748 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1659892-tinkers-construct

Tinkers' Mechworks (TMechworks) | Version: 1.7.10-75.0afb56c | Website: N/A

Tinkers' Steelworks (TSteelworks) | Version: 1.7.10-1.0.6 | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2227330-

Torched (Torched) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: N/A

TrailMix (TrailMix) | Version: 4.0.0 | Website: N/A

Translocator (Translocator) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223

Traveller's Gear (TravellersGear) | Version: 1.6 | Website: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/224440-travellers-gear

Universal Electricity (UniversalElectricity) | Version: @major@.@MINOR@.@REVIS@ | Website: www.universalelectricity.com/

Waila (Waila) | Version: 1.5.3a | Website: N/A

Waila Harvestability (WailaHarvestability) | Version: 1.1.0

WaslieCore (WaslieCore) | Version: 1.1 | Website: N/A

Witchery (witchery) | Version: 0.20.6 | Website: http://sites.google.com/site/witcherymod/

WR-CBE Addons (WR-CBE|Addons) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223

WR-CBE Core (WR-CBE|Core) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223

WR-CBE Logic (WR-CBE|Logic) | Version: | Website: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223

YAMPST (yampst) | Version: 1.3.2 | Website: http://yampst.net/

Zombie Awareness (ZAMod) | Version: v1.9.5 | Website: N/A


**Any servers listed here are not official or affiliated with dark_raven87 or brizzle any issues you experianced on a server please do not direct to us‏. Do however post any bugs or crashlogs to the modpack gitHub: https://github.com/BrizzleMFD/MechanicalTitan/issues



**If you wish your sever to be listed here please make sure it has a post in the sever section of the FTB forums and give a link to Brizzle or dark_raven87‏

How do I get this ModPack? Is there a code?
First paragraph has the code, but I would not play the pack as there is a game crashing bug when you look at a block.
If there are any active bugs please post them to the GitHub listed in the OP. I want to be able to close this pack up in a nice bow as I already have a rebuild of this pack for 1.8.9 under way.
If there are any active bugs please post them to the GitHub listed in the OP. I want to be able to close this pack up in a nice bow as I already have a rebuild of this pack for 1.8.9 under way.
Can i be a tester? BTW, do you still have a TS3 server?
Aobozu it is great to see you. Of course you can be, the pack is currently on curse, that's why there is no dedicated thread to it here.
Aobozu it is great to see you. Of course you can be, the pack is currently on curse, that's why there is no dedicated thread to it here.
Nice! I was building my own pack for 1.8.9 so far... Well, Do you still have a teamspeak server?
Trying to install the modpack as it sounds really good but on launch, I get the message:

"Forge mod loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation the mods and versions below could not be found mrtjpcore mod"

Can someone please help!