[1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

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that gets me an apple tree, but apple trees aren't what i need :/
Scratch this question, my world crashed relogged into a sandstone wasteland with no way to return (cheating in dialers and such tells me invalid destination when trying to return) death just brings me back to the sandstone world. Was a fun pack, I dont wanna redo all that work i just did though :(
I've tried and I created a random tab but once I type in the command, red font 'The dimension information is already present', and nothing happen after that.

That means the dimension is actually ok and you should be able to teleport there.
Scratch this question, my world crashed relogged into a sandstone wasteland with no way to return (cheating in dialers and such tells me invalid destination when trying to return) death just brings me back to the sandstone world. Was a fun pack, I dont wanna redo all that work i just did though :(

That waistland is the overworld. :/
So I updated the pack and restarted a new world. Two different times, once each in a different save, I logged out on the initial pad that is created (the hardened clay square, not the actual device) and afterward the game closes back to title screen. Don't know if this is known or not, maybe I missed something in one of the posts about dimlets, but wanted to share what I have.


Hope I did that right at least.

I found a way to open the world up again after closing it once, by removing Modtweaker, but there is serious block lag with, or without, Modtweaker still installed. I don't have a log for it but there is yellow text explaining how long it takes to do something with the Underdark, this is the last thing mentioned before the yellow text. I am off to take a Bio midterm with dissected frogs and sheep hearts. (Blaarghh) I can try to get a copy of what I mean when I get home later tonight.
Found an interesting bug with "Manganese Dust", when you smelt it in an Alloy Furnace instead of "Manganese Ingots" you get "Iron Ingots".
Happened on V. 1.03.
When recipes go mia try /
I found a way to open the world up again after closing it once, by removing Modtweaker, but there is serious block lag with, or without, Modtweaker still installed. I don't have a log for it but there is yellow text explaining how long it takes to do something with the Underdark, this is the last thing mentioned before the yellow text. I am off to take a Bio midterm with dissected frogs and sheep hearts. (Blaarghh) I can try to get a copy of what I mean when I get home later tonight.

GL with your midterm & yuck..

That's probably fixed in rftools 2.63
lol is that desperation & hope..
I've found 2 potentially bug in 1.0.3 on SMP :

- NEI don't display the best layer to find ore
- WAILA don't display the amount of RF of every machine.
Captains Log, more than a week has passed since I came to this god forsaken place, I was right about coal & ores, & have even found ways to make far better tools due to the manuals, the manual gave me a hint to making a new world & on doing so was confronted be even more creatures, spiders half the size of a man, green hissing abominations that seem only to exist to kill you by self exploding, green man like creature that could have been human at one time, & the one that almost tipped my sanity over the edge, walking dead it truth little more than shambling piles of bones, I returned to my hole in the hill, for now what I call home & safety, vowing never to return to that hell hole, now that I have a stock of materials a small fenced off compound with a little farm I feel I need to explore more, I do need some lava & none shows up on my hud, but I do see what could be buildings or ruins worth exploring, maybe there are people here I could befriend.

At dawn the next day I set out with a bag full of food, a tank just in case I find lava, & an empty bag, the dense forest make it hard going, just can't see to far ahead so must depend on the hud more than ever, I first find ruins of what may be a grave yard, a simple chest holds some bones cobwebs, next I find a wooden shack with the basic comforts of home, in a chest more bones & some rotten flesh, as darkness starts to descend I am forced to spent the night huddled in this shack beset by creatures, as the sun finally came up, to my amazement most of the creatures burned in the sunlight, when the sun had done it to the creatures I ventured out again, home to safety or onward with the search, I choose the latter & set off, I noted on the horizon a strand sight a build that just did not fit with the shacks I have encounted so far, it looks way to high tec, on closer inspection its hold some of the dimlets I used on pathfinder to get here !, this makes me even more confused than ever. no time for that now it will soon be dark again got to find a safe haven for the night, wandering around in the direction of what I hope is lava displayed on my hud, I find a tiny mine shaft with rail track, its long long abandoned but 2 chest hold ingot I have not seen or heard of, I quickly stow all in my pack & grab the weapon, like nothing i have ever seen before a sword, just how old is this place a damn sword, I keep the sword in hand anyway, ancient the Ender mades me feel a little safer, the hud guided me to what was lava & after filling the tank, I head in the direction of home, what was that sound, not the normal animal sounds or even the night creature, i must find out, creeping nearer & nearer I peak over a small rise & see a dog like creature, its sees me at the same time but does not run or attack, just staring, I wonder I seem remember dogs were once kept as companions, I slowly inch my way forward the dog seems to regard me with little interest, until I rummage around in my pack & eventually produce the bones, I offer it bones that are greedily devoured, after a couple it stops eating & sits befor me wagging its tail, no more time I must press on home or risk another night, I use the hud to plot the best line home, followed by me new friend.

Home at last, the dog is still with me, he (I think) will stay when commanded but is happier to follow, at least now I have something to speak to, I must crack open the books & manuals & research the new ingots I found & the dimlets I need to understand how they work maybe then I can find a way back home to Earth.
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@egor66 Now this is the sort of thing I would do for a LP of Pathfinder, had I more time.... perhaps I'll make some somewhere...
Well you need to go to that world to get food, wood, and other materials to proceed with the quests. How else are you going to solve the quests?

But the whole going to your created dimension thing doesn't feel like I need to go there. When i first launched this modapck, I thought, "Heh, nearly got this fist quest line do-- oh, gotta make my self a teleporter outta iro--- nope, just wood... well, off home I go..." And then realised after i returned to my ship that there was a questline to do on my newly created planet. That questline doesn't nearly stand out enough, even though it seems to be something quite important in this modpack. The fact that it passed so under the radar when I started shouldn't happen. Maybe alter the teleporter thing's recipe to include iron, and then encourage us to explore the world instead of hit tree, make survivalist generator, go home.

Just saying, I need an actual motive to be on that newly made planet instead of just quest coz I can.

Sorry if this comes out as aggressive, i don't mean it to.
But the whole going to your created dimension thing doesn't feel like I need to go there. When i first launched this modapck, I thought, "Heh, nearly got this fist quest line do-- oh, gotta make my self a teleporter outta iro--- nope, just wood... well, off home I go..." And then realised after i returned to my ship that there was a questline to do on my newly created planet. That questline doesn't nearly stand out enough, even though it seems to be something quite important in this modpack. The fact that it passed so under the radar when I started shouldn't happen. Maybe alter the teleporter thing's recipe to include iron, and then encourage us to explore the world instead of hit tree, make survivalist generator, go home.

Just saying, I need an actual motive to be on that newly made planet instead of just quest coz I can.

Sorry if this comes out as aggressive, i don't mean it to.

It would be more interesting if the first world was per-generated and something like a wasteland. And you had to collect the dimlets to make a more livable one.