I stuck with my first dim for the entire playthrough, aside from short jumps into two other dims for nether stuff and to finish the Sol quest. Normally I would have expanded the ship into my full time base, but moving that much material with such limited inventory space put me off of doing so. By the time I had unlocked the full inventory, my base was just too big to consider relocating. IE: a 4x4 plot for every single plant type, machines for everything, etc, etc. Also the bug with having to restart the client to change to a different dim put me off using them.
I think in any future playthroughs I do of this pack, I will just cheat in the full inventory unlock trophy. The limited inventory combined with item weights is just overkill IMO. Just my personal view on it anyways, I absolutely hate character inventory management. Even in Skyrim and Fallout games I use mods that vastly increase inventory capacity. I guess I'm just too much of a hoarder...
On that note, maybe the Phoenix Team can make a pack about hoarding all the things?