[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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SAG Mill to the rescue once again! I turned all of that coal dust into Bedrockium Drums with the help of a Transfer Node, a few HV Packagers, and a SAG Mill.

Yeah, that was my initial plan, but reading your post makes me re-visit it, because 10 Bedrockium Drums (taking up a gigantic 10 blocks of space LOL) seems a much better idea than my ten full-size steel Railcraft tanks which takes up a 3x3 chunk by 10-blocks-tall volume of space. Talk about a no-brainer... just for portability of fluids alone, nevermind the space occupied. Thanks for the idea! It will also eliminate (or reduce drastically) my current "web" of fluid conduits between my Distillation Towers, the Oil Cracker, and all the various tanks. Awesome, because I love to reduce clutter!
My Advanced Miner II got me 712 stacks of Crushed Redstone Ore (because it pulverizes into 10 crushed ores insead of the usual 2), which means I now have to process almost 50,000 crushed ores. Wow. Since I know I cannot possibly ever use 712 stacks of Redstone Dusts, what should I do here? What do you do when you process a Redstone vein to get Ruby/Chrome? The Cinnabar is quite valuable just because I can turn it into mercury for use in processing magnetite for gold dusts, etc... is that the ultimate end-use for Redstone Dusts as well? Making mercury out of it? I see centrifuging redstone also provides some silicon (and pyrite) so I guess that's probably my answer?
SAG Mill to the rescue once again! I turned all of that coal dust into Bedrockium Drums with the help of a Transfer Node, a few HV Packagers, and a SAG Mill.
Remind me, what tech is required for the bedrock drums?

Well, I'm thinking about using my coal dust for the production of pyrotheum
This seems like a smart idea.

One of my favorite projects is taking all these secondary energy sources and somehow feeding them into my overall energy scheme. Its common for me to do weird things like having a Diesel Engine with a machine controller, which only turns on when the storage batteries are full. Meanwhile, the batteries are getting powered as much as possible from all the "secondary" sources, such as sulfuric acid batteries, methane, and so forth, which I'm creating more or less by accident.
My Advanced Miner II got me 712 stacks of Crushed Redstone Ore (because it pulverizes into 10 crushed ores insead of the usual 2), which means I now have to process almost 50,000 crushed ores. Wow. Since I know I cannot possibly ever use 712 stacks of Redstone Dusts, what should I do here? What do you do when you process a Redstone vein to get Ruby/Chrome? The Cinnabar is quite valuable just because I can turn it into mercury for use in processing magnetite for gold dusts, etc... is that the ultimate end-use for Redstone Dusts as well? Making mercury out of it? I see centrifuging redstone also provides some silicon (and pyrite) so I guess that's probably my answer?

You can process the redstone dusts into ruby dust and then into chrome. iirc that also gets you even more mercury from the redstone processing.
Remind me, what tech is required for the bedrock drums?

An HV Chemical Reactor to make Enderium Dust and an EBF with Nichrome Coils (3600K) to smelt it. The molten Enderium is used for Ender-Infused Obsidian to make the QED and Ender-Flux thingies. After that, the drums are basically made from vanilla materials.
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I think the Advanced Miner II/ Pulverizer is still the better route with most stuff.

for most cases where you want the main resource of the ore, yes. The sag mill is case to case, like if you pass iridium ore on it you "can" get osmium ore, them wash it with the leafs/comb and end with 4 ores, while doint it on the normal way would require more than just a few blocks (but it is not that much usefull because is heavily nerfed).

One thing I really love about this modpack and about GregTech is how all materials seem to have a use somewhere

nope, that is incorrect, gregtech is probably the mod with most useless ores and metal , gregoriust added those just because he wanted, it is blood aspen and the dev team of the pack that gave an use for some of the metals/ores.

You can also use an ender quarry to clean up a specific vein if you want. That will give the ore blocks.

also drone and something i will say below.

So I built

Hi! I'm novice in Infitech, but I really like infitech. There are resources on Mars that is not in the overworld? Why go to other planets?

moon, mars and the asteroids belt have a higher ratio of the uncommon ores than the overworld, so instead of find a ton of chaco/redstone/glauco/coal , you can find others more common , but is still a pain to actually go there only for that.

And, what are the first methods to mine in this modpack, after the usual picks? The quarry from buildcraft is off... drills like too. Sorry I'm novice in complex modpacks like infitech2 )) and sorry my bad English!

well my first "autonomous" minig type was railcraft tunnel bore, quite easy to get and set.

then I realized I don't have enough Gravel to make more Flint

cobble gen+forge hammer=gravel.

Since I know I cannot possibly ever use 712 stacks of Redstone Dusts, what should I do here?

you just answered your own question, i gain most of my redstone from crops, since 10 redstone = 1 ruby, 6 ruby= 1 chrome, it goes down pretty fast, more in the red alloy than ever, once you start AE and try to make bigger disk, it goes down hill.

on kirara we did not had the choice to make mercury solid and use it on thaumcraft as metallum, so i did use it to power the system that process the red field, so i gain power with the mercury.
well my first "autonomous" minig type was railcraft tunnel bore, quite easy to get and set.
Did you actually have luck with this? I've tried this 3 times with Infitech, and I've never really gotten it to work satisfactorily. Its like a (very) poor man's arcane bore in theory though.

I forget what my issues were. Keeping it fed with charcoal maybe (its hungry)
An HV Chemical Reactor to make Enderium Dust and an EBF with Nichrome Coils (3600K) to smelt it. The molten Enderium is used for Ender-Infused Obsidian to make the QED and Ender-Flux thingies. After that, the drums are basically made from vanilla materials.
Thanks, that's what I'm looking for.

I could swear once upon a time it was made from ultra-compressed cobble.
It still is made with cobble and diamonds, which are vanilla materials. The QED to make the actual bedrock ingots is gated behind HV tech.
Thanks, that's what I'm looking for.

I could swear once upon a time it was made from ultra-compressed cobble.
You get two options for making bedrockium. You can smelt octuple compressed, which is more than 40 million cobble, into a block of bedrockium. You can also QED 4 quadruple compressed, 4 triple compressed, and a block of diamond into a single bedrockium ingot.
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So I have been playing around with Big Reactors a little and I have noticed that you can generate a ton of steam with the big reactor. Until now I was powering my base with Large Boilers but a single big reactor can easily produce more steam than my boilers. Does anyone know if the steam created from big reactors will work in Large Steam Turbines?
So I have been playing around with Big Reactors a little and I have noticed that you can generate a ton of steam with the big reactor. Until now I was powering my base with Large Boilers but a single big reactor can easily produce more steam than my boilers. Does anyone know if the steam created from big reactors will work in Large Steam Turbines?
It should work just fine for the regular large turbine. It won't work for the superheated turbine.

Just be aware that you're going to emit distilled water rather than regular water, which is useless for the reactor itself (even setting aside the fact that non-BR closed loops are 99% useless anyway)
So I have been playing around with Big Reactors a little and I have noticed that you can generate a ton of steam with the big reactor. Until now I was powering my base with Large Boilers but a single big reactor can easily produce more steam than my boilers. Does anyone know if the steam created from big reactors will work in Large Steam Turbines?
It should work, with caveat: Big Reactors convert water to steam in a 1-to-1 ratio. You will need to supply a lot of water to your reactor. Good way to get distilled water though.
Did you actually have luck with this?

So I have been playing around with Big Reactors a little and I have noticed that you can generate a ton of steam with the big reactor. Until now I was powering my base with Large Boilers but a single big reactor can easily produce more steam than my boilers. Does anyone know if the steam created from big reactors will work in Large Steam Turbines?

sure you can, i just did some time ago, but my small big reactor did not produced that huge amount of steam , keeping it with water will be difficult, even using extra utilities.
It should work just fine for the regular large turbine. It won't work for the superheated turbine.

Just be aware that you're going to emit distilled water rather than regular water, which is useless for the reactor itself (even setting aside the fact that non-BR closed loops are 99% useless anyway)

It should work, with caveat: Big Reactors convert water to steam in a 1-to-1 ratio. You will need to supply a lot of water to your reactor. Good way to get distilled water though.

sure you can, i just did some time ago, but my small big reactor did not produced that huge amount of steam , keeping it with water will be difficult, even using extra utilities.

Once UNG_God found out that you can still use the extra utilities Fluid Transfer Nodes despite there not being infinite water makes supplying the thing with water really simple. I just threw down a few transfer nodes with with a couple of stacks Transfer and Speed upgrades and I'm having no trouble at all. The speed upgrades cost like 3 Gold and 4 blocks of redstone for 4. That is practically nothing. I just finished my first Advanced Miner II over a redstone vien. I currently have 4 barrel fulls of the stuff. Also, I am running a simple 5x5x5 (3x3x3 internal) reactor with just checkered fuel Rods and I am getting 3kmB Steam/t. That certainly beats the crap out of my 1.2kmB Steam/t Large Boiler. Also, that is just with graphite as a filler. Which is not the best.
Once UNG_God found out that you can still use the extra utilities Fluid Transfer Nodes despite there not being infinite water makes supplying the thing with water really simple. I just threw down a few transfer nodes with with a couple of stacks Transfer and Speed upgrades and I'm having no trouble at all. The speed upgrades cost like 3 Gold and 4 blocks of redstone for 4. That is practically nothing. I just finished my first Advanced Miner II over a redstone vien. I currently have 4 barrel fulls of the stuff. Also, I am running a simple 5x5x5 (3x3x3 internal) reactor with just checkered fuel Rods and I am getting 3kmB Steam/t. That certainly beats the crap out of my 1.2kmB Steam/t Large Boiler. Also, that is just with graphite as a filler. Which is not the best.
if you increased your reactor size to an internal 5x5, and added twelve lead blocks on the outer ring, excluding the corner. You'd get way better efficiency...
I've been bee breeding for a bit, and am currently trying to get a lapis bee (imperial + demonic). No matter what I try, the mutation just won't happen. I added lapis blocks, lapis ore near the hive. Out of frustration I cheated in the other lapis ore as well, to check if that did anything. Is there some secret to this mutation?
Alright, don't crucify me here but I'm going to try and do some calculations. My current reactor is producing 3kmB Steam/t and it's fuel consumption rate is about .865mb Yellorium/t.

My first time running the Advanced Miner II I got 1604 Yellorium.
(3kmB Steam/t) / (.865mb Yellorium/t) = 3,468mB Steam / 1mB Yellorium. => (3,468mB Steam/1mb Yellorium) * (1000mb Yellorium / Ingot) = 3,468,000 Steam / Ingot.
(3,468,000 Steam / Ingot) * (1604 Ingots of Yellorium) = 5,562,672,000 Steam. Using 2 Steam / Eu, we're talking around 2.7Billion Eu at around 1500~1600Eu/t over 22+ Hours.
That's pretty good. As was already stated, this is a whatever build. I just threw this thing together with zero thought.

EDIT: Ok so apparently, each ingot actually counts as 1B of Yellorium in the reactor not 144mB. This means my calculations were much lower than first time calculating. Fixing now to reflect this new information. I thought it was a sweet deal when I was calculating using 144mB per Ingot but with 1B per ingot, the amount of power really seems pretty high.
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I've been bee breeding for a bit, and am currently trying to get a lapis bee (imperial + demonic). No matter what I try, the mutation just won't happen. I added lapis blocks, lapis ore near the hive. Out of frustration I cheated in the other lapis ore as well, to check if that did anything. Is there some secret to this mutation?

With the Demonic bee involved, I suspect the breeding must take place in the Nether, altho that's not normal for a Lapis bee... but then again this isn't a normal modpack (thank goodness for that!). Haven't done bees yet so I don't know for sure, but you didn't mention biome which is why I'm suspicious.
Is there a "techy" way to light up a large area? I can make arcane lamps, but they just don't mesh with my clean modern nuclear power plant.