[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Thanks everyone, I know a lot more now than I did a couple of hours ago. But, even though I haven't got the cropnalyzer yet, I thought I'd start messing about with nether wart. Something new showed up, looked a bit like Ferru but it seems like I got Aurelia! Talk about beginner's luck.

I'm nervous about punching it now, though, just in case it doesn't give back any seed bags!

View attachment 27006
Don't be totally bummed out if your Aurelia plant suddenly disintegrates for "no reason".

I found that certain high-level crops like this would eventually disappear because my environment wasn't sufficiently friendly to crops.
Don't be totally bummed out if your Aurelia plant suddenly disintegrates for "no reason".

I found that certain high-level crops like this would eventually disappear because my environment wasn't sufficiently friendly to crops.

At the stage I'm at, I'd be more sad if I lost that gold block! Thanks for the warning though.

UPDATE: Sadly it was a false positive! I waited a fair amount of time before replacing the iron block with the gold one, and it started growing pretty much straight after that.

But, turned out to be coffee after all. Ah well.
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Not a bad idea Tyriael.
You do need to have some sort of soldering material though do you not? I often use a rod since I can get 2 for one ingot in a single process.

Thats my point, asides to brick void being rude and not thoroughly reading my comment before opening his mouth, as usual... (am i the only person who notices that?) ... you can use fine solder alloy wire - which is 8 per ingot , convert it to wires and then wiremill it again for 8 - this makes sense (either that or foil it and then wire it, i cant remember offhand), because if you've ever done basic circuitry work in the real world, then you will know that solder itself comes in a rather fine thread (far smaller diameter than the copper cables that power things in your house) and is an incredibly soft metal, its bendable at room temp.
However, thats not entirely my point; the matter of the fact is that i had both ingots AND fine solder wire in my inventory and it consumed an ingot instead of the wire, which lead me to question how one would solder a BAR of metal onto a circuit in that fashion without not only wasting the metal, but also risking shorting the circuit itself by melting far too much metal over the connectors - which again, as id like to point out ... is the very reason why solder is supplied in "wire" format, i question the wisdom of the repair system using a whole bar of metal - let alone a rod of conductive material in this fashion.

One more thing; what happens to the electric tools when you break them?
I spent half an hour with the weakest possible thing, but that 4% damage chance just made me get bored before i finished testing it, bunged it in an LV disassembler machine and i got the bottom two rows of parts back ... so, does the tool break and vanish like a pick, sword, axe or wrench would? or does it come back with a "you need to replace the drill head" tooltip or something like that? (i actually never used GT electric tools till this point because thaumcraft had superior and easily reachable digging and farming tools that substituted as a wrench or were totally automatic ways of harvesting things like logs)
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If I do not use gene machines from Gendustry, how exactly do I get bees to have some trait? I've got (finally!) the Tin bees now, and Clay ones. While Tin bees I don't really care of right now, I really want the Clay ones to have maximum lifespan and productivity. I see that I can extract alleles from bees using gendustry, but I don't want to use it at all.

Also, as a side note, how actually do I get the best production bees?
Thats my point, asides to brick void being rude and not thoroughly reading my comment before opening his mouth, as usual... (am i the only person who notices that?) ...)
We mostly ignore BrickVoid at this point until he learns to contribute constructively.

Also, I don't recall what happens to your electric tools. Let us know :)

If I do not use gene machines from Gendustry, how exactly do I get bees to have some trait? I've got (finally!) the Tin bees now, and Clay ones. While Tin bees I don't really care of right now, I really want the Clay ones to have maximum lifespan and productivity. I see that I can extract alleles from bees using gendustry, but I don't want to use it at all.
Also, as a side note, how actually do I get the best production bees?
I'm actually looking forward to trying it the Gendustry way :)

That said, its a bit tricky and time consuming to do it the "right" way. You need to crossbreed your pure bee with a bee that has the traits you want, and then re-purify that bee with luck or your drones.

You can work with either the queen or the drones. Either way, you want to make a bunch of drones first so that you can get your Clay bees back no matter what.

So, for instance, take your clay queen, and breed it with a high production bee of your choice. You'll most likely end up with a crappy hybrid princess and a bunch of drones. Hopefully one or more of those drones will be pure or hybrid Clay and with high production. Then you re-breed that bee with your queen. You may occasionally need to re-introduce your pure drones to get your pure clay thing back on track. Keep scanning the offspring to take the ones with the most Clay and Production traits.

My only major advice here is try not to cross-breed with a bee that can generate other mutations. You probably just want crappy hybrids at this point because it increases your chance of keeping the Clay trait in the offspring.
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We mostly ignore BrickVoid at this point until he learns to contribute constructively.

Also, I don't recall what happens to your electric tools. Let us know :)

I'm actually looking forward to trying it the Gendustry way :)

That said, its a bit tricky and time consuming to do it the "right" way. You need to crossbreed your pure bee with a bee that has the traits you want, and then re-purify that bee with luck or your drones.

You can work with either the queen or the drones. Either way, you want to make a bunch of drones first so that you can get your Clay bees back no matter what.

So, for instance, take your clay queen, and breed it with a high production bee of your choice. You'll most likely end up with a crappy hybrid princess and a bunch of drones. Hopefully one or more of those drones will be pure or hybrid Clay and with high production. Then you re-breed that bee with your queen. You may occasionally need to re-introduce your pure drones to get your pure clay thing back on track. Keep scanning the offspring to take the ones with the most Clay and Production traits.

My only major advice here is try not to cross-breed with a bee that can generate other mutations. You probably just want crappy hybrids at this point because it increases your chance of keeping the Clay trait in the offspring.
Um okay, thanks for reply. :) Still I don't get how do I get the fastest worker trait in the first place (is it a trait of some worldgen bee or is it randomly assigned when mutating?)
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Um okay, thanks for reply. :) Still I don't get how do I get the fastest worker trait in the first place (is it a trait of some worldgen bee or is it randomly assigned when mutating?)

If ebony mutation still exists, you can use those to battery traits - its a dead end and wont mutate when you crossbreed it with anything.
We mostly ignore BrickVoid at this point until he learns to contribute constructively.

also guys, I don't get what's your problem with BrickVoid. Even the first clash when he has said something about default configs being stupid.. English is not my native language, but in my native language, saying that something is stupid does not imply that any person who creates or uses that is stupid. Why do you get that sooo personal?

For last couple of pages, which I've quickly walked through - I do not see any "rude" messages in there. May be misunderstandings between him & whoever talks to him (as in - misreading, or not undertstanding the point of messages, etc etc) but no actual crimes.
If ebony mutation still exists, you can use those to battery traits - its a dead end and wont mutate when you crossbreed it with anything.
Aha. So I want to get max-lifespan-max-productivity-whatever-else-max-I-want ebony drones and then have my fun with them? Allrighty. (but I suppose that multiple tries with "pure" original bee would convert this said bee to ebony as well.. so need to be careful in there. :-3)

thanks anyways.
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Um okay, thanks for reply. :) Still I don't get how do I get the fastest worker trait in the first place (is it a trait of some worldgen bee or is it randomly assigned when mutating?)
Sorry Mikhail, now I understand your question better.

My understanding is that you cannot get the trait unless you find a bee that has that trait. I could be wrong but I believe Industrious bees ended up having the Fastest Worker trait, which I used to spread to other bees.
Interestingly this means that a mutation can result in a trait (such as production speed) being overwritten by the default trait for that mutation-species.
It'll take that on breaking a hive or being created by mutation.
Aha, cool. Thanks for the replies! ^^

So if I finally understand this all correctly, what I want to get max speed is to get this guy: http://ftbwiki.org/Aura_Bee (since ftbwiki claims that its the only one with fastest trait. Also is fastest only achievable with magic bees, not with vanilla forestry?), and then try to get this trait onto the bee species I want to be fastest ones.
So if I finally understand this all correctly, what I want to get max speed is to get this guy: http://ftbwiki.org/Aura_Bee (since ftbwiki claims that its the only one with fastest trait. Also is fastest only achievable with magic bees, not with vanilla forestry?), and then try to get this trait onto the bee species I want to be fastest ones.
That's out of date yeah, checking NEI for traits gives the following bees with the Fastest trait, we can't obtain either bee with Blinding which is a tier above as they're thermal expansion and Ars Magica bees. The two bees with the Fastest trait are the Aer bee and the Neighsayer which are the bee for thaumcraft aer shards and the horse bee respectively,
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I tried it on Limonite ore that gives me Iron.
Limonite is oxygen + iron. Also, when you'll get to macerator, don't forget to check recipes for whatever you're going to smelt.
Pure crushed ores (copper, iron, gold, tin, ...) give you 10 shards (how's that called? I forgot lol) per crushed ore, BUT complex ones (Limonite etc) only give you 3-4 shards per crushed, so you want to macerate them, and hammer them after that to get impure dusts.

Also, as for later game stages, you'll have >1 variants for ore processing to get different kind of by-products. So, check nei for that as well.

Also, always check nei. This is quite important with GT (and with any other mods tbh, but other mods you tend to get "used" to and memorize the recipes.).
Limonite is oxygen + iron. Also, when you'll get to macerator, don't forget to check recipes for whatever you're going to smelt.
Pure crushed ores (copper, iron, gold, tin, ...) give you 10 shards (how's that called? I forgot lol) per crushed ore, BUT complex ones (Limonite etc) only give you 3-4 shards per crushed, so you want to macerate them, and hammer them after that to get impure dusts.

Also, as for later game stages, you'll have >1 variants for ore processing to get different kind of by-products. So, check nei for that as well.

Also, always check nei. This is quite important with GT (and with any other mods tbh, but other mods you tend to get "used" to and memorize the recipes.).

Thx! WIll look it up :) No ore doubling before Macerator then I guess :)