Don't be totally bummed out if your Aurelia plant suddenly disintegrates for "no reason".Thanks everyone, I know a lot more now than I did a couple of hours ago. But, even though I haven't got the cropnalyzer yet, I thought I'd start messing about with nether wart. Something new showed up, looked a bit like Ferru but it seems like I got Aurelia! Talk about beginner's luck.
I'm nervous about punching it now, though, just in case it doesn't give back any seed bags!
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Don't be totally bummed out if your Aurelia plant suddenly disintegrates for "no reason".
I found that certain high-level crops like this would eventually disappear because my environment wasn't sufficiently friendly to crops.
Not a bad idea Tyriael.
You do need to have some sort of soldering material though do you not? I often use a rod since I can get 2 for one ingot in a single process.
We mostly ignore BrickVoid at this point until he learns to contribute constructively.Thats my point, asides to brick void being rude and not thoroughly reading my comment before opening his mouth, as usual... (am i the only person who notices that?) ...)
I'm actually looking forward to trying it the Gendustry wayIf I do not use gene machines from Gendustry, how exactly do I get bees to have some trait? I've got (finally!) the Tin bees now, and Clay ones. While Tin bees I don't really care of right now, I really want the Clay ones to have maximum lifespan and productivity. I see that I can extract alleles from bees using gendustry, but I don't want to use it at all.
Also, as a side note, how actually do I get the best production bees?
Um okay, thanks for reply.We mostly ignore BrickVoid at this point until he learns to contribute constructively.
Also, I don't recall what happens to your electric tools. Let us know
I'm actually looking forward to trying it the Gendustry way
That said, its a bit tricky and time consuming to do it the "right" way. You need to crossbreed your pure bee with a bee that has the traits you want, and then re-purify that bee with luck or your drones.
You can work with either the queen or the drones. Either way, you want to make a bunch of drones first so that you can get your Clay bees back no matter what.
So, for instance, take your clay queen, and breed it with a high production bee of your choice. You'll most likely end up with a crappy hybrid princess and a bunch of drones. Hopefully one or more of those drones will be pure or hybrid Clay and with high production. Then you re-breed that bee with your queen. You may occasionally need to re-introduce your pure drones to get your pure clay thing back on track. Keep scanning the offspring to take the ones with the most Clay and Production traits.
My only major advice here is try not to cross-breed with a bee that can generate other mutations. You probably just want crappy hybrids at this point because it increases your chance of keeping the Clay trait in the offspring.
Um okay, thanks for reply.Still I don't get how do I get the fastest worker trait in the first place (is it a trait of some worldgen bee or is it randomly assigned when mutating?)
We mostly ignore BrickVoid at this point until he learns to contribute constructively.
Aha. So I want to get max-lifespan-max-productivity-whatever-else-max-I-want ebony drones and then have my fun with them? Allrighty. (but I suppose that multiple tries with "pure" original bee would convert this said bee to ebony as well.. so need to be careful in there. :-3)If ebony mutation still exists, you can use those to battery traits - its a dead end and wont mutate when you crossbreed it with anything.
Sorry Mikhail, now I understand your question better.Um okay, thanks for reply.Still I don't get how do I get the fastest worker trait in the first place (is it a trait of some worldgen bee or is it randomly assigned when mutating?)
Hm. Does this mean that worldgen bee's traits are more or less randomized? I thought that that's not the case since all of them were stackable for me..My understanding is that you cannot get the trait unless you find a bee that has that trait.
No, every species has a default set of traits. It'll take that on breaking a hive or being created by mutation.Hm. Does this mean that worldgen bee's traits are more or less randomized? I thought that that's not the case since all of them were stackable for me..
Aha, cool. Thanks for the replies! ^^It'll take that on breaking a hive or being created by mutation.
it takes `pure` ores, e.g. iron ore, copper ore, etc; but not the ores with complex chemical formula (tetrahedrite, etc).The Grindstone from AE2 won`t take ores from GregTech. Is that on purpose?
That's out of date yeah, checking NEI for traits gives the following bees with the Fastest trait, we can't obtain either bee with Blinding which is a tier above as they're thermal expansion and Ars Magica bees. The two bees with the Fastest trait are the Aer bee and the Neighsayer which are the bee for thaumcraft aer shards and the horse bee respectively,So if I finally understand this all correctly, what I want to get max speed is to get this guy: (since ftbwiki claims that its the only one with fastest trait. Also is fastest only achievable with magic bees, not with vanilla forestry?), and then try to get this trait onto the bee species I want to be fastest ones.
it takes `pure` ores, e.g. iron ore, copper ore, etc; but not the ores with complex chemical formula (tetrahedrite, etc).
Limonite is oxygen + iron. Also, when you'll get to macerator, don't forget to check recipes for whatever you're going to smelt.I tried it on Limonite ore that gives me Iron.
Limonite is oxygen + iron. Also, when you'll get to macerator, don't forget to check recipes for whatever you're going to smelt.
Pure crushed ores (copper, iron, gold, tin, ...) give you 10 shards (how's that called? I forgot lol) per crushed ore, BUT complex ones (Limonite etc) only give you 3-4 shards per crushed, so you want to macerate them, and hammer them after that to get impure dusts.
Also, as for later game stages, you'll have >1 variants for ore processing to get different kind of by-products. So, check nei for that as well.
Also, always check nei. This is quite important with GT (and with any other mods tbh, but other mods you tend to get "used" to and memorize the recipes.).
Why? You've got pure ores in ore mixes, see the oregen book (in-game item).No ore doubling before Macerator then I guess