[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone got some tips how I could get more manganese? I mined days on the correct layer, but can't find any veins containing it....

I currently try to process almandine and pyrope ore, as you can get a little manganese out of it, but I mined the only vein I found so far and I still can't satisfy my need for stainless steel

To stop EU going through cable you can just use Shutter module with Machine controller.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone got some tips how I could get more manganese? I mined days on the correct layer, but can't find any veins containing it....

If you have a lot of patience, bees are a viable route to most resources as an alternative to hunting and mining. Takes a large investment of time, but once you get there bees are a reliable, steady, inexhaustible source.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just wondering what a good scrap recycler set up is ,, and debating allowing stone for recycling ... however when the gregtech config file easystonerecycling_true=true the recycler still does not produce scrap or accept any forms of stone


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone got some tips how I could get more manganese? I mined days on the correct layer, but can't find any veins containing it....
When you say on the correct layer it makes it sound like you're searching for veins by mining horizontally. If so I think you're better off searching vertically. I use advanced diamond drill to mine a 3x3 shaft in the middle of chunk to bedrock, will usually find any vein in that chunk, move over 2-3 chunks, do it again. Is easy with that drill and flight of some sort. An alternate method is mining wells and a capacitor bank.

Did quite a bit of that yesterday. Running short on emeralds for ludicrite blocks.

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if anyone is experiencing freezes roughly every 30s you have two options currently.
1) Disable JourneyMap mapping (but your map data will not be saved (doesnt affect waypoints) - open JourneyMap [J] -> Actions -> Disable Mapping
2) Be patient, i am helping @techbrew to come up with the fix. However its slightly harder to do because of stupid Timezones (he USA, me EU)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Totally unrelated to recent conversation and way less sophisticated of a question: Why would a guy want to use GT chainsaw complete with titanium business end if it doesn't "treecapitate" like the GT axes do? Plus, it breaks.

I don't use the GT chainsaw, I use the IC2 chainsaw (and not an upgraded version, just the basic chainsaw). Have you tried using the GT axes on the ExtraBiomesXL Fir Trees? Even the highest durability tool is no match for them. I use Tungstensteel axes and still go thru em like they're nothing. And tungstensteel is NOT something you want to be wasting. So as long as I'm in a reasonably patient mood, I'd much rather use a tool that doesn't get used up (IC2 Chainsaw) than one that does (GT axe).

Having said all that, even my patience is in short supply usually, so I finally just went to Thaumcraft Golems to do all my tree farming for me. No more manual tree chopping, altho I still carry the chainsaw around for those very rare moments when I actually do need to cut a tree down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone got some tips how I could get more manganese? I mined days on the correct layer, but can't find any veins containing it....

I currently try to process almandine and pyrope ore, as you can get a little manganese out of it, but I mined the only vein I found so far and I still can't satisfy my need for stainless steel

You need to find a Grossular vein, which will also contain Pyrolusite and Spessartine Ores in addition to a few pure Mang ores. Its been a while since I've played but I think Pyrolusite is the main ore I used to get enough Mang to make Stainless.

It took me a while to find a Grossular vein and it was really holding me back for the same reason you described (stainless steel). Wouldn't you know it... when I finally found a vein of it, guess where it was? Not more than 30 blocks north of my base. LOL Top of the ores is at elev 26, if that helps you... probably need to be looking way down low for these ores.

The way I finally found it is I made a IC2 Nano Suit so I could fly, and an IC2 mining laser which I put into mining mode and pointed straight down. Then I could fly down the hole and inspect for any GT ore veins. I made these holes in the middle of every third chunk (I made a grid, basically) and that's how I discovered the Grossular. Good luck!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just as an FYI, 32 ludicrite blocks are good for 16826RF/t in this pack.

sick brag :D

I just made one in a Forgecraft world and it got the standard 28K+ so that's almost a 50% output reduction in this pack. But just getting to that point will be a major accomplishment and def worth a fist-pump if/when I do. Not sure I ever will.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Jason McRay are the Greg Tech ores still Tile entities in GT5U mod? A network that i play on are thinking about opening a public server of this pack, Only issue is GT5 ores. When we had a Resurrection server, they seemed to cause performance issues. Has anything changed about GT ores?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any chance you would add Deco Craft and Immersive Engineering.
Deco Craft is amazing for detailing your builds.
Immersive Engineering has some cool power gen and power transfer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have my MkII fusion reactor all built and energized. I went ahead and built everything with UV hatches so I wouldn't have to rebuild them again later. UV transformers are nice in this respect :). I'm ready to start making Americium, but I've only got like 120 lutetium stored atm.

Maybe I should find/design a thorium reactor that burns through double or quad cells fast that uses all one cell type so I can automate it. I'm using 2 different reactor designs, a 7 chamber that takes all 3 sizes of cells that Xavion posted a long time ago on this forum, and then a 2 chamber design that uses quad and double thorium cells.

Am I correct in thinking that in order to automate an IC2 reactor that I need to have all 1 type of cell? Anyone have any guides on automating IC2 nukes?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have my MkII fusion reactor all built and energized. I went ahead and built everything with UV hatches so I wouldn't have to rebuild them again later. UV transformers are nice in this respect :). I'm ready to start making Americium, but I've only got like 120 lutetium stored atm.

Maybe I should find/design a thorium reactor that burns through double or quad cells fast that uses all one cell type so I can automate it. I'm using 2 different reactor designs, a 7 chamber that takes all 3 sizes of cells that Xavion posted a long time ago on this forum, and then a 2 chamber design that uses quad and double thorium cells.

Am I correct in thinking that in order to automate an IC2 reactor that I need to have all 1 type of cell? Anyone have any guides on automating IC2 nukes?

No, you can have mixtures of cell types. Logistics supplier pipes with the placement upgrade can place a specific type of item in to a specific slot.

I had a few teething troubles setting up a logistics pipe system, (I used the wrong power adapter and couldn't get an ME interface to provide my whole AE storage) but I got it working pretty easily once I got it working. I use AE to export the types of fuel rods I want into a chest, and then the logistics pipes pull from that. I'm sure I just got something really simple wrong (and I'm still running 3.1.7, so if there was any problems they are probably fixed by now).

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Jason McRay are the Greg Tech ores still Tile entities in GT5U mod? A network that i play on are thinking about opening a public server of this pack, Only issue is GT5 ores. When we had a Resurrection server, they seemed to cause performance issues. Has anything changed about GT ores?
Yes they are still Tile Entities and will always be. Some performance tweaking has been done by @Blood Asp as well.
Any chance you would add Deco Craft and Immersive Engineering.
Deco Craft is amazing for detailing your builds.
Immersive Engineering has some cool power gen and power transfer.
DC maybe.
IE probably not. I like IE, I am playing with IE on ProjectFlux modpack and it is fun. But it doesnt really add anything that we don't already have. So no to Immersive Engineering.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I cleared a 1000x1000 block area around my base to inspect for ores using /cofh clearblocks commands... that's probably well over 1 billion blocks cleared leaving just the GT ores for flying around and inspecting/waypointing. While I found somewhere between 10-20 diamond ore veins, and multiple veins of every other Overworld ore deposit, there are two ore veins that I did not see at all - Sheldonite (which is Platinum ores) and Plutonium 244... naturally, these were the two ore veins I was seeking, and why I went thru all the hours of work. sigh

The other thing I've been missing and still cannot find is an ExtraUtilities Division Sigil. Clearly, they are NOT found in mob spawner chests, nor in minecarts found in Abandonded Mineshafts. I checked 100+ such chests and not a single Division Sigil to be found. I did find 25 Ender Lily seeds however they are not distributed "1 seed here, 1 seed there". Instead, they are quite rare, but when they do show up in a chest, you are likely to see 7 or 8 of em in there. I think the 25 seeds I found were contained in just 6 or 7 chests, all the other chests just contain various ingots and foods (like Deluxe Cheeseburgers). I did not check villages however, since the /cofh clearblocks process basically destroys them. Plus, I was flying down near bedrock since I'm 99.9% positive that's where Plutonium 244 and Sheldonite will be located.

Anyhow, just figured I'd post the results. If you looking for Plutonium 244 like I am, in order to make the fuel pellets to run a whole bunch of IC2 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators, you might wish to re-think it because unless you're VERY lucky it would appear Plutonium is one of the rarest overworld ores there is. There's TONS more diamonds than plutonium in the ground.

Oh, one bright side to my time investment... I discovered 2 of the 3 Strongholds/End Portals, so at least I can finally get to The End and have a decent supply of enderpearls (finally!).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Jason McRay are the Greg Tech ores still Tile entities in GT5U mod? A network that i play on are thinking about opening a public server of this pack, Only issue is GT5 ores. When we had a Resurrection server, they seemed to cause performance issues. Has anything changed about GT ores?

Yeah, when a GT server is lagging, it's even worse than when normal server lags... because the GT ores takes extra time to "pop into view". They'll look just like stone, except suddenly the block might change to a GT ore block. It does make mining very aggravating.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Plutonium 244... ExtraUtilities Division Sigil.

Plutonium 244 is no longer generated in the world. This change happened a few versions back. I still get some that was generated in chunks created back then, but none otherwise.

The Division sigil is obtained from defeating the Wither.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I cleared a 1000x1000 block area around my base to inspect for ores using /cofh clearblocks commands... that's probably well over 1 billion blocks cleared leaving just the GT ores for flying around and inspecting/waypointing. While I found somewhere between 10-20 diamond ore veins, and multiple veins of every other Overworld ore deposit, there are two ore veins that I did not see at all - Sheldonite (which is Platinum ores) and Plutonium 244... naturally, these were the two ore veins I was seeking, and why I went thru all the hours of work. sigh

Sheldonite is Supposed to be located at between levels 40 to 50. Though I have not found that yet either.