So after probably 10 days of constant checking and finding no problems, I notice my EBF is shut off earlier than expected from cooking up a stack of Tungsten ingots. "Screws are missing". Lovely. I break out my screwdriver, fix it, whack the EBF with my wooden hammer and - no doubt whatsoever - I right click on the controller to see "Running perfectly".
Two hours later I return to once again see my EBF shut off early. Once again I see "Screws are missing." So I fixed it a second time, started it back up and checked to see "Running perfectly" yet again.
So now I'm wondering, what is the average time between maintenance issues on these Multiblock machines? I always assumed it was a long, long time, say 1 to 2 weeks of real days, not minecraft days. I play on a server so my base is running 24/7/365 and yet I still never experience problems with machines that are running nonstop. What are the odds of having the same exact problem in the same multiblock happen in a 2-hour time frame? Wouldn't you say the odds of such a thing are astronomically low? Or am I way off base by thinking that?