[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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anyone have problems trying to complete HV Tools quest in the hardcore mode quest book. ive created the jackhammer and it wont unlock or say I have it in the book.
anyone have problems trying to complete HV Tools quest in the hardcore mode quest book. ive created the jackhammer and it wont unlock or say I have it in the book.
Add this line to the gt_ic2.zs file in scripts folder:


It should fix it. If not. just ignore that quest for the time being. Its optional quest, will not break other quests that are important.

ok dont put crystal container things from witching gadgets into a railcraft tank...
Yes. Its known and should be fixed in next Railcraft update. (https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/issues/830)
Add this line to the gt_ic2.zs file in scripts folder:


It should fix it. If not. just ignore that quest for the time being. Its optional quest, will not break other quests that are important.

Yes. Its known and should be fixed in next Railcraft update. (https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/issues/830)

just a heads up i was lucky to have backups every 15 mins or a lot of people wouldve been pissed. but i wasnt expecting that. i thought they always worked anyways
For those wondering if BioGas can be viable. It's rudimentary but it work (i espect that with double this setup, i'll barely drain the tank using 1 MV Turbine to charge my batterys.) It's probably not the most efficient but it's my version of a Medieval Distillery Tower :p 2016-07-29_19.57.43.png

It's powered by 2 MV Gas Turbine feeding each an LV Transformer feeding 5 Distillery each.

Edit: In reality...your looking at the core of a true Distillery tower...:rolleyes:
lol that is nice MarcNemesis. ok so does anyone else lag in the nether sometimes. like random lag but really horrible lag? i never lag in the overworld and i only got one pump in the nether for some lava. so it cant be machines.
lol that is nice MarcNemesis. ok so does anyone else lag in the nether sometimes. like random lag but really horrible lag? i never lag in the overworld and i only got one pump in the nether for some lava. so it cant be machines.
Do you use a texture pack? It is often the main reason for lag other than flowing lava.

ps: Thanks :D
Do you use a texture pack? It is often the main reason for lag other than flowing lava.

ps: Thanks :D
no i stick to vanilla i use mod blocks to make things look nice. i dont need texture packs. but i didnt think there was many flowing lavablocks since there is no lava near me most of the time.
Where do you post if you are looking for a few people to join a small dedicated home-server? Seems to be no section for it other than the server page, which is a tad too overkill for what I have.
i like your idea. and you said from basic pumpkin on crops? does that mean not bred? or are you refering to the potential? you also meant later about breeding thats why i ask. also doesnt pumpkins give less methane then potatoes? ill look this up. can you tell me about what teir and stats on the bred pumpkin seeds if it isnt standered?

also i cant explain how due to it being a big exploit and a few of you may know it, i was also asked not to explain in detail how but there is a way to automate filling and transfer of batteries. just a heads up if anyone else knows or is wondering. its not as simple or easy as you want it to be.

Yes, not bred. Just pumpkin seeds from minecraft hooked up on crops. If my memory serves me, basic stats is growth:3, gain:1, resist:2, and all what i wrote is about such seeds, and no one bothers breed them to, hmm, 16,14,4, but there is a trick: the higher stats, the higher requirements, and such seeds will not grow without watering, even better seeds also requires fertilizer. Potatoes on average gives only 71% of pumpkin output because of growth speed.
Accumulators has no way to automate, only single-use batteries.
I took some time off the pack, and when i returned i discovered i was running versions behind, but after seeing what was changed, i wonder, on the new gt5u we should have the assembler line, but i do not see it on the pack, so i believe it is not on the game yet.
well i was wondering about total eu gain from each since i never see any info on biogas. i mean whole process. and i feel that biogas is much faster to produce. unless im missing a step. cause i can macerate faster then one centrifuge can produce methane from a potato. i admit i gota add a few more steps to the process but i also get more biogass in the end then i would methane from the same amount of potatos
It's simple. There is a two way: IC2 stuff and GT stuff, on each step you can just replace IC2 things by GT things.
  1. Biomass creation:
    - IC Multipurpose Canning Machine take 1 Bio Chaff and 1 B of water to produce 1 bucket of Biomass.
    - GT Pyrolyse Oven take 4 Bio Chaff and some water, 4 B of water and produce 5 B of Biomass, it's a LV recipe and takes 45 sec on 10 eu/t, costs 9K eu.
  2. Biogas creation:
    IC2 fermenter makes 200 mB of biogas per cycle consuming 10 mB of Biomass (x20), slowly but surely, and takes 50% for support the process, so per 1 bucket of Industrial Biomass you will get 10 buckets of Biogas. Every 20 cycles you will get 1 fertilizer.
    GT Distillery produce 32 mB of Biogas from 1 mB of Biomass, 2 sec per cycle on 16 eu/t, costs 640 eu
    Ditillation tower makes 8 B of biogas, 125 mB of water and 1 fertilizer per 250 mB of biomass every 12 sec on 480 eu/t, costs 120K eu.
  3. Energy generation:
    IC2 semifluid generators with 8 eu/t and 30K eu per bucket, exclusive transformation loss - you'll need to convert energy.
    GT Gas turbines. LV, MV, HV, large gas turbine. Real energy output per bucket is ~26.7K for LV, ~24.8 for MV and ~21.7 for HV instead of 32K. There is a reason to use large turbine, but math for it bit complex, depending of rotor. I didn't calculate for huge rotors and HSS-? rotors, so:
    - Vanadiumsteel rotors: Small gives 24K, Normal gives 31.5K, Large gives 39K.
    - Tungstensteel rotors: Small gives 27.7K, Normal gives 36.8K, Large gives 44.2K.
    - Blue Steel rotors: Small gives 21.9K, Normal gives 29.7K, Large gives 37.5K
    - Ultimet rotors: Small gives 28.9K, Normal gives 35.7K, Large gives 43.9K
    That's not counting the cost on output losses.
    The main difference from methane is that you can create from 4 pumpkins 10-15B of biogas or, well, 130-150 mB of methane. As they say, Cheaper by the Dozen.
Also i don't know about biogas -> boilers -> steam -> turbines, but it is also the way.
P.S. As you can see, guys, large turbines is a cool thing.:D
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lol that is nice MarcNemesis. ok so does anyone else lag in the nether sometimes. like random lag but really horrible lag? i never lag in the overworld and i only got one pump in the nether for some lava. so it cant be machines.
It might be JourneyMap, if you open the map mode and go into actions, then disable mapping... that might fix it. It's useful to know since the nether-map isn't all too helpful imo.
I took some time off the pack, and when i returned i discovered i was running versions behind, but after seeing what was changed, i wonder, on the new gt5u we should have the assembler line, but i do not see it on the pack, so i believe it is not on the game yet.
Assembly line is in, but you need to manually select modpack version to
Hey Im having a problem with this pack and I cant seem to find any information online... How do you break/move the gregtech cables? It says wrench in Nei but holding left click with a wrench does absolutely nothing the way using a pick on dirt does nothing. I've also tried right click and shift-right click and even a yeta wrench and nothing works. Is this just impossible?
Hey Im having a problem with this pack and I cant seem to find any information online... How do you break/move the gregtech cables? It says wrench in Nei but holding left click with a wrench does absolutely nothing the way using a pick on dirt does nothing. I've also tried right click and shift-right click and even a yeta wrench and nothing works. Is this just impossible?
WAILA is wrong, you use a wirecutter... It's one of the basic tools you need.
tl;dr: golem use core is (imo) a bit out of line with the others.

Why are golem tree farms gated well into HV? The chop core is "easy" enough, but the use core requires a T2 CPU, so you need to get data circuits. If compared with the other farm options it does not seem to provide such a huge advantage over them:
Steve's carts:
Never used it, but you have a clear advantage due to not using fuel and not requiring diamonds to repair the cutter. This is a low tech tree farm, the other options are usually better, but also gained later.
Ender IO farming station:
Uses 40rf/t idle and uses tools, but I managed to death rush the Wither, so I just use a healing axe now. A single LV steam turbine runs two farms without problems. So no big advantage over golems here, the farming area might get a bit larger with octadics, but the power will also go up. Available early MV (advanced fluid extractor).
Forestry farms:
In my tests it seemed to use 20 rf/t, so if I scale up my tests with the farming station, it means 4 farms running of a single LV steam turbine. Uses no tools, but consumes water (free) and fertilizer (apatite, so you need to mine). Also converts dirt to sand, so you need to either gather dirt or use bio chaff to get dirt. On the other hand the farming area is gigantic and it handles basically anything you throw at it. Available early MV (again advanced fluid extractor).

So if you compare it, it feels kinda steep to use data control circuits to get rid of a negligible power drain (vs. eIO) or an even smaller power drain and apaite and dirt drain (vs. Forestry). Also the materials are a good bit harder to get, requiring stainless steel and quite some crafting.And the use core is a bit out of line with the other T2. The T1 cores require only some alchemy, T2 needs infusion with some materials (EEPROM, Item filter, HV parts, ...). So the use core is the only one needing a deep dive into HV, the others can be done mostly, or even completly, on MV.

Scaling back to a T1 CPU does not remove the HV requirement, if we follow the logic and require some type of control logic, a T2 microchip might do it. Maybe even adding in EEPROM for "remembering" the locations for the click. If this is adjusted you get access to the comparable end game tree farms at roughly the same time.
Why are golem tree farms gated well into HV? The chop core is "easy" enough, but the use core requires a T2 CPU, so you need to get data circuits. If compared with the other farm options it does not seem to provide such a huge advantage over them:
tl:dr too, golem farm dont require any maintenance, and with grown lamp can be pretty fast, while ender io require tools, cart have durability (except last tier) and forestry fertilizer.
Part of what you have to remember about the use core is that it's not actually just for tree farms, it's a fully capable fake player really. While yes it's primarily used for tree farms it's far from the only use, just using it to place blocks is actually one of the simplest uses for it. There are alternatives to it for placing blocks too, you can use the chop core with an alternative as a result. Can't remember why the T1 CPU wasn't used, but it was definitely intended that the Use Core requires HV machines unlike the rest.

Admittedly with block placers disabled alternatives are trickier, it's possible to build things with chop golems and other methods of placing the saplings though.
tl;dr: golem use core is (imo) a bit out of line with the others. - crop -
I don't know but it seems you are complaining something akin to "Renting a car costs more than buying a bus ticket". When it's put in those words it's more obvious that a car can take you more places than the bus-line. But if you don't need to go there, or don't like/need the freedom of going anywhere at anytime, you don't need a car...

That's my thoughts on your post ;)