[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Good screenshots. My best guess: I'm thinking you need to forcibly extract distilled water from the steam producer output. Use enderIO fluid conduits to (filter) extract distilled water and send it back to the input buffer. It may be causing a backlog which is preventing the HE from having anywhere to "send" heat.
Still the same Problem. Can anybody reproduce?


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That issue comes from GT rising the energy value of coolant 4x. Before the smallest heat Pack was 10, now it is 40.

This does results in the shown behavior, and forces you to adjust your Setup to fit it, but on the up side, your hot coolant is worth much more.
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Thanks for your help!
Adding a 3rd Liquid Heat Exchanger and then running 2x80 and 1x40 did the trick. Chicken to boot as well =)


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Change asap to the large heat exchanger. The small IC2 exchanger and turbines are already annoying enough without the change from GT.
I've got freezing fps lags for long time and this really makes me crazy... Mostly it goes smothly with ~50 fps but suddenly freezes game for like 3-4 seconds. Restarting the game help me to spare from freezes for ~20 min. It happens much more frequently with resource packs. I've got good PC (8 GB, 6 core processor, medium graphic card). Game runs low graphic quality.
i have found solution. The problem was in internet browser (firefox, or any addon for it, idk). When i closed browser the lags have disapeared. I think it's weird cuz its memory consumpion is just ~400 mb.
Hey I know this pack is supposed to be hard but I didnt expect it to blatantly lie to me. The bronze blast furnace block (and a bunch of others) specifically say they *wont* be consumed when crafting a guidebook but mine did consume it. Im guessing this is a bug? It made a sound like an item should have popped out when I did it but it was nowhere to be found, It wasnt on the ground and I had space in my inventory so its not like it tried to give it to me and failed. I was using an arcane workbench if that matters at all.
Hey I know this pack is supposed to be hard but I didnt expect it to blatantly lie to me. The bronze blast furnace block (and a bunch of others) specifically say they *wont* be consumed when crafting a guidebook but mine did consume it. Im guessing this is a bug? It made a sound like an item should have popped out when I did it but it was nowhere to be found, It wasnt on the ground and I had space in my inventory so its not like it tried to give it to me and failed. I was using an arcane workbench if that matters at all.
As far as I know this can happen when you dont use the vanilla crafting table.
Hey I know this pack is supposed to be hard but I didnt expect it to blatantly lie to me. The bronze blast furnace block (and a bunch of others) specifically say they *wont* be consumed when crafting a guidebook but mine did consume it. Im guessing this is a bug? It made a sound like an item should have popped out when I did it but it was nowhere to be found, It wasnt on the ground and I had space in my inventory so its not like it tried to give it to me and failed. I was using an arcane workbench if that matters at all.
XACT and Arcane workbench does not handle mine tweaked recipes with reuse properly. I managed to fix the crafting of players first wand in Arcane workbench. Doing the same does not work properly with GT machines since I cannot use them for some reason as "container item". So the bug is on the thaumcraft side, which will not be fixed.

So use vanilla crafting table for the guide books

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I spend two weeks away and... well I hope some of this wall of text will help some of you :)

By the way, if an electric pump is attached to and then crowbared off a machine, it won't stack with newly crafted ones.
A placed cover retains some of the settings when "yanked" from it's location even if you have changed no settings, if you want them all to stack just place and yank all the covers ;)

Hi guys! it's me again! I got back to infitech 2 after pausing minecraft for a few months and I'm a bit lost right now!

I currently have almost every LV machines, the first tier of EBF, an advanced extruder/electrolyser and the precision engraver/forming press/assembler combo for making the universal macerator.

The problem is: my energy generation SUCK I have 2 distilleries pumping biodiesel into a big tank powered by itself and it's slooowly building up, it works fine when I don't have too much to do at the same time but now that I have my oil drilling rig up I just hit a wall so big even trump can't dream about it. I have heavy oil under my base and whether I want to make biodiesel or process the heavy oil I need the distillation tower but that need so much stainless steel I won't make it with my little power generation, also, I think the distillation tower needs cracked fuel somewhere in the recipe, that adds a lot of stainless steel..

So do you have any sugestions about my power issues (should I make more distilleries for biodiesel or start making nitrodiesel with my heavy oil even if it's a waste of oil?) and about my game plans (getting cracking unit and then the distillation tower)? what were you doing at this time of the game? :)

-as a side note I won't use wood, either charcoal for steam or logs for oil, I don't want to.

also jason, watch your step
A friendly fellow geek from this thrad made this lovely document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...GNUgDUOqpP4Q/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1352951525
I warmly recommend it for most people wanting ideas and inspiration, or raw data, for building energy production systems...
Make nitrodiesel with oilsand deposits early on is my 5cents... save the heavy oil in a tank.

Regarding machines and rain. What are the rules? How can you protect them? Is there a different way than just building a roof, like putting a cover on top? And for the roof, is it just a block on top, or does it have to be bigger?

If the rain falls on top or on the space next to the machine, it will cause explosion. You can cover it, but you would need to cover all the sides exposed to rain.

There is a cover you can use... I believe it's called a drain or something. you can configure it to block rain in a 3x3 area out from it's face, meaning if you place it on top of a machine it blocks rain above the cover and on all eight blocks surrounding the cover...

The species (can't remember the name) that produce silk wisp helps a lot in making Thaumcraft candles.

The Ruby bee is not hard to breed, and makes you swim in chrome.
Did you just say breed Rubees? ;)

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey yoooooooooooooooooooooooou guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys!

So I'm ending up with tons of glue... Is there anything useful to do with it, really? Carton, cardboard and all that don't seem to have any useful application, I can't break it into essentia, or burn it for fuel... Should I just be dumping it somehow?
Isn't it used to bind books or something?

I'm feeling really dumb right now. I just forgot bronze age completely. :(
So, this is my current set up:
  • Two Small Coal Boilers and a Simple Solar Boiler feeding into a Railcraft Tank
  • Small Bronze Fluid pipe (800L/sec) from Railcraft Tank to back of Steam Alloy Smelter
When I place 3 copper and a tin in the smelter, nothing happens at all. It looks like it isn't getting steam at all, no clue why.

EDIT: I also can't turn in the quest for making crafting an Iron Tank. It won't detect my walls for some reason.
I generally never use the small bronze fluid pipe for steam machine input. It has too low throughput, 800 / 20 / 2 = 20 steam / tick in a non-pressurized GT pipe-system, so only good for one steam machine imo.

Additionally, the vent on the Alloy Smelter needs to be unobstructed. It's not for input.
This is true for all steam consumers.

I agree as well. I am not a fan of this "feature", however I understand why it exists.
It's really only an issue for instantanous item transport like ender io. Would it be possible to only enable battery transport in buildcraft/logistic pipes only? Their slowness and cumbersome nature would be a fair tradeoff I think!

That being said I recall talk about how you can power the desulfuration of fuel by the biproduct. I assumed this was done by making sulfuric batteries and automating their recycling. Is this not possible now then? Or if this is wrong how do you powere this step?
An emptied single-use battery isn't a battery any more and can be refilled with any fluid/dust to make a new battery so it doesn't use the battery ID.

Once you get to the point where you can supply a large boiler or RC hp boiler with no problem, gt hp small boiler is a nice and simple way to get some constant steam with little waste, as to recicle it is very simple, but blocking the feed of charcoal, makes it less interesting. The setup to produce alumentaum is a problem one must solve before using large boilers non stop. - crop -
According to http://ftb.gamepedia.com/High_Pressure_Coal_Boiler_(GregTech_5) at top temperature a HP boiler will take about 2h50m to run down a stack of charcoal... if you can't be bothered with going to fill them up so seldomly I guess you need to go for less effective but early automatable solutions for power-generation. (you in this instance refers to any player, not @UNG_God in particular)

I've got freezing fps lags for long time and this really makes me crazy... Mostly it goes smothly with ~50 fps but suddenly freezes game for like 3-4 seconds. Restarting the game help me to spare from freezes for ~20 min. It happens much more frequently with resource packs. I've got good PC (8 GB, 6 core processor, medium graphic card). Game runs low graphic quality.
If you use Shift + F3 you can see the top "criminals" that are causing issues for you... I've commonly seen Journey-map having pride of place there... so sometimes you can tweak the setting of that mod to reduce lag... or just turn off auto-mapping if you are playing in your base building. But as a general tip it's worth using the detailed view of processes.

Hey I know this pack is supposed to be hard but I didnt expect it to blatantly lie to me. The bronze blast furnace block (and a bunch of others) specifically say they *wont* be consumed when crafting a guidebook but mine did consume it. Im guessing this is a bug? It made a sound like an item should have popped out when I did it but it was nowhere to be found, It wasnt on the ground and I had space in my inventory so its not like it tried to give it to me and failed. I was using an arcane workbench if that matters at all.
This is an instance where cheating back your machine does NOT constitute cheating, but is merely a way to work around mod-incompatibility.
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Hey guys, I've got a quick question about machine tiers and energy consumption. As I understand it, there's generally a decrease in power generation efficiency as you go up tiers, but is there any further efficiency loss on recipes? I noticed one site said that higher tier machines "cost" 4x as much to craft the same recipe as the tier below. This is the PER TICK consumption, and the total power consumer for a given recipe remains the same, regardless of tier, correct?
Ah, damn. Was hoping to make use of the wind and water turbines, but wires don't connect, so moving the batteries seemed like the best way. Sigh!
I have not tested this on the current version of Infitech2, but it worked great on 3.1.x, and I intend to try it again soon in the current version of the pack.... I connected wind turbines to an IC2 batbox, then to a GT transformer, then to a line of 12x ULV cable (which had zero transmission loss). Worked like a champ. Was able to put my wind turbines at max height and transfer the power losslessly to my base at sea level. Just needed to transform the power again at the bottom before feeding it to machines. Was able to run my entire comb processing line on wind power... very cool... very green :-)
I have not tested this on the current version of Infitech2, but it worked great on 3.1.x, and I intend to try it again soon in the current version of the pack.... I connected wind turbines to an IC2 batbox, then to a GT transformer, then to a line of 12x ULV cable (which had zero transmission loss). Worked like a champ. Was able to put my wind turbines at max height and transfer the power losslessly to my base at sea level. Just needed to transform the power again at the bottom before feeding it to machines. Was able to run my entire comb processing line on wind power... very cool... very green :)
AFAIK, the batbox has been disabled in Infitech2, sadly. That seems like a very cool setup though. My "green" setup has reverted to steam boilers just feeding into an LV steam turbine to power a gregtech battery charger. Can't be automated though, unfortunately. (Unless there's some "does this machine have enough power" or "are these batteries fully charged" mechanism that I'm not aware of...)

My current main power generation method involves the EnderIO farming station planting rubber trees, which are harvested by golems, then centrifuged for plant balls to make biogas. Not terribly green, though technically carbon neutral...
Hey guys, I've got a quick question about machine tiers and energy consumption. As I understand it, there's generally a decrease in power generation efficiency as you go up tiers, but is there any further efficiency loss on recipes? I noticed one site said that higher tier machines "cost" 4x as much to craft the same recipe as the tier below. This is the PER TICK consumption, and the total power consumer for a given recipe remains the same, regardless of tier, correct?
I'll give you a quick example:
Methane extraction in a centrifuge on LV tier costs 5EU/t (yes on LV) and can be supplied with a ULV current if that is desired.
On MV tier this recipe takes 4x per tick or 20EU/t (inside a MV centrifuge, not a LV centrifuge) but the recipe finished in half the time as on LV tier.

So let's say you want to know how a recipe behaves if it normally runs in a MV machine... (that's any recipe with higher than 32 V at 1 A or more) then for each tier higher just multiply the EU/t by four and decrease the run-time by half. It's an important distinction to make: the run-time and energy cost is based on the lowest tier machine that can run the recipe.

Hope that helps.
I'll give you a quick example:
Methane extraction in a centrifuge on LV tier costs 5EU/t (yes on LV) and can be supplied with a ULV current if that is desired.
On MV tier this recipe takes 4x per tick or 20EU/t (inside a MV centrifuge, not a LV centrifuge) but the recipe finished in half the time as on LV tier.

So let's say you want to know how a recipe behaves if it normally runs in a MV machine... (that's any recipe with higher than 32 V at 1 A or more) then for each tier higher just multiply the EU/t by four and decrease the run-time by half. It's an important distinction to make: the run-time and energy cost is based on the lowest tier machine that can run the recipe.

Hope that helps.

That helps somewhat, but it sounds like higher tier machines do double the total cost of a recipe, which is a significant concern for fuel/energy processing.

Take for example distillation of Industrial Biomas into Biogas. (600EU total at 30 EU/t @ LV) This yields 32mb of biogas, so you need to perform this operation 33 times to get one full bucket, which can be burned at 95% efficiency in a LV Gas Turbine for 30400 EU (according to the wiki, anyway).

So, this means it costs 33*600 EU to create one bucket of biogas, so the net energy gain is 19800 EU (excluding other processing costs, for the sake of this example).
However, if we move this up to MV, then according the provided math, it takes 2x the energy to complete the recipe, so it would cost 33*1200 EU to create one bucket of biogas now, which could be burned for 28800 EU, so the net energy gain would be -10800 EU, which makes any tier higher than LV useless for that form of energy production.

Is that correct? Am I misinterpreting something?
That helps somewhat, but it sounds like higher tier machines do double the total cost of a recipe, which is a significant concern for fuel/energy processing.

Take for example distillation of Industrial Biomas into Biogas. (600EU total at 30 EU/t @ LV) This yields 32mb of biogas, so you need to perform this operation 33 times to get one full bucket, which can be burned at 95% efficiency in a LV Gas Turbine for 30400 EU (according to the wiki, anyway).

So, this means it costs 33*600 EU to create one bucket of biogas, so the net energy gain is 19800 EU (excluding other processing costs, for the sake of this example).
However, if we move this up to MV, then according the provided math, it takes 2x the energy to complete the recipe, so it would cost 33*1200 EU to create one bucket of biogas now, which could be burned for 28800 EU, so the net energy gain would be -10800 EU, which makes any tier higher than LV useless for that form of energy production.

Is that correct? Am I misinterpreting something?
You are correct...
If you want to process things like fuels I recommend going the other route available... building multiple machines of the lowest possible tier rather than upgrading tiers... since excluding energy transport you get an (obvious?) doubling of processing speed with no higher total cost by having two machines(machine-lines) of the same tier.
"which makes any tier higher than LV useless for that form of energy production" Yes and no... if you use a free energy source(like solar) as input power it's possible that higher tier recipes are workable... especially for fuels that have higher energy gain by processing... but in general I'd say that increasing tiers while processing fuels is a lose-lose situation, at least if you have enough space to build additional processing-lines.
I had a few problems with a few machines on (beta). the electric blast furnace (MV) is setup exactly how it suppose to. it has enough power. it flicks on and off and consumes the materials I put into it. I tried using infinite batteries nothing. worked fine when the EBF was LV.

Advanced electrolyzers and advance centrifuge don't do anything. I set them up with a lot of power, liquids. no response from the machine. tried different materials nothing.

none of the advanced machines work.
basic machines work perfectly
is this a bug or something. been going at it for like 4 hours.
is there a config file I have to tweak?
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if you use a free energy source(like solar) as input power it's possible that higher tier recipes are workable...
Using solars doesn't change a thing about this because you can still use the solars alone without the fuel processing line which means you still have to calculate their energy production into your net gain (or loss).
Using solars doesn't change a thing about this because you can still use the solars alone without the fuel processing line which means you still have to calculate their energy production into your net gain (or loss).
I only used solars as an example for energy that you might not use normally... for example I use solars and HP boilers to produce steam and then split water and upgrade to methane... at the moment I only use LV but since the desired effect is to compress the energy content in steam(2/1 eu) into methane(1/45 eu) I could consider using higher tiers of machines for that processing-line... (the 2/1 and 1/45 is only valid before you add losses from the turbines)
Another thought is to use some of the by-products from the distillation tower to power "loosing" processes is you are currently just piping those energies into a void-pipe...

It's true that using energy this way does not make the matters less costly, however it's imo a better way of using things like by-products rather than just throwing them away.
Hey Guys,

can anybody tell me an alternative source for nebriscum? I checked the code for infinity core and found only precouse catalyst, chrome-osmiridium and magic catalyst, which all need platin or iridium to produce.
