[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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I forgot to give this a +1, early-game light source problem solved, thank you very much for the helpful advice. Sticky resin only costs 5 wood planks for a tree tap, and I'd say the chances of encountering an IC2 rubber tree are much better than the chances of coming across a GT coal seam during the first few days of play. Those rubber trees stick out like sore thumbs with the two leaf blocks atop the trunk. Love em!

Please take SpwnX's advice and enable the IC2 config file to show the hidden recipes in NEI. Thanks!
I did not enable it? Sorry, it will be fixed probably in next QuickFix bunch.[DOUBLEPOST=1413673900][/DOUBLEPOST]
I used to get intolerable lag on 1.7.x till i installed Fastcraft, havnt had a problem since - though i did make a point of disabling inventory tweaks too because it was making minecraft play the stop 'n' go game when i opened chests and crafting tables.

Edit: well nevermind the multiblock farms, i just saw the response on github, would of been nice to see it in patch notes first though, just saying - its a pretty big change imo.
Sorry but i am unable to keep a track on changes to with the mods. I am only capable of making the Update Notes for the pack with stuff I personaly changed, or some big bug fixes, which were reported to me.
Anyone else using multiblock tree farms seeing weird behaviour? i know you can make them square but mine is still the diamond shape because im lazy, could that be why im seeing weird behaviour?
Excessive fertiliser consumption, by this i mean: even switching down difficulty levels to check, a full stack of fertiliser is lasting less than an hour o_O
Dirt is being consumed at a rate of knots, much like saplings (before i was getting more than i could shake a stick at :O)

Edit: They seem to misbehave whenever the chunk theyre in is unloaded, items go missing etc.
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Pretty every mod is switching from MJ to RF. There are only last two mods supporting MJ (big mods), and those are Buildcraft and Railcraft. But from what I heard they will also switch to RF at some point.
Pretty every mod is switching from MJ to RF. There are only last two mods supporting MJ (big mods), and those are Buildcraft and Railcraft. But from what I heard they will also switch to RF at some point.
Well, i guess its its not like they had much of a choice being screwed out of battery storage after 1.5.1 has pretty much forced their hand, so i don't know why i was so surprised really.
Its kinda funny that people rag on 'oul greg for his "forceful" methods of making people use his system, but COFH? naw, theyre bloody saints.
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So. can anyone help me? ive been trying to find Sb (antimony) for batteries cause ive have played enough to get to that stage of machines. i looked at Greattech (lol JK, its just gregtech) and their batteries are not able to be had until a bit later it seems. either that or NEI is lying to me. Help please?
So. can anyone help me? ive been trying to find Sb (antimony) for batteries cause ive have played enough to get to that stage of machines. i looked at Greattech (lol JK, its just gregtech) and their batteries are not able to be had until a bit later it seems. either that or NEI is lying to me. Help please?

Since version 1.1.5 of the pack, you have to build a turbine and grunt-work your first batteries out, ie you need several basic machines first, you can build an ic2 batbox to help with early game energy before you fill a GT battery though - hulls can be built without an assey machine, use a fluid extractor to melt redstone and a canning machine to place it in a lv battery hull.
Antimony is found in Tetrahedrite or Sbinite, usually found at rather high altitudes - Tetra is red, Sbinite is black, Sbinite is what you will want to get started because it is just raw antimony.
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Oh cool, I found Stibnite next to the Tetrahedrite. I thought I was stuck on antimony too. Thanks for the tips. I just built my first GregTech steam turbine but I have no idea how to connect it to the Railcraft boiler. The GT bronze fluid pipes don't seem to work, I think I need a "powered" fluid pipe? Without TE3 and its fluid conduits I'm so lost. LOL Maybe the EnderIO pressurized fluid conduits will work? I guess I need to go back to basics and use redstone engine and waterproof BC pipe?

Building a Batbox is a sticking point for sure, NEI doesn't show any recipe for RE-batteries that don't involve machines... and I need the batbox and Re-batteries to make the machines! LOL At least I know I'm on the right track now, fluid extractor and canning machine, so there is indeed a way to do it. I can't wait to get into the electrical age but this has been a real puzzle to do it. Typical GT. :)

NEI isn't complete in these modpacks, red alloy ingot recipe isn't shown (smelt red iron ingot). That sure isn't helping me any. And red alloy plates takes a huge amount of steam to forge hammer. Takes forever since I'm gonna need so many of them to make the NAND chips.

First things first tho - a wire mill and a forge hammer to save on materials, right?
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Maybe the EnderIO pressurized fluid conduits will work?
Stop right there, you nailed it.
But also, you should consider putting a buffer steam tank flush against the side of your boiler (make sure the valve on the tank connects, with GT boilers make sure the output hatch connects) - EIO Tier two pipes should move enough steam to make a LV turbine run, it did for me at least.

First things first tho - a wire mill and a forge hammer to save on materials, right?
Plate bender, not forge hammer - you will also need to build your polarizer first - or you will need 4 redstone per magnetic rod.
So basically: Polarizer > Plate Bender > Wiremill > Fluid extractor (remember that this can be configured to empty directly into pipes or an available compatible liquid inventory, ex. assembly machine, this will ease the production of NAND Chips later) > Fluid Canning Machine (to fill batteries) > Assembly machine (cheaper NAND chips) from there on in, its your choice what you build next - but i would personally recommend an electrolyzer so you can extract sodium for GT batteries, cadmium is too rare and lithium needs medium voltage.[DOUBLEPOST=1413764859][/DOUBLEPOST]

Ok, like the image suggests ... what in the hell is that?!
Tainted enderman, enderspider? i think its being displayed by PZ but i cant find anything to do with it on either the PZ wiki or the thaumcraft wiki.
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Many blessings for offering your guidance. :D Been wracking my brain all weekend trying to keep making certain I've got a (semi-?) solid gameplan for how to bootstrap my way into the Electric Age. I am going to put the Polarizer down the list only because I did find a redstone vein and I have no problem sitting in front of that cauldron washing three at a time, fill bucket, fill cauldron, wash three more ores, etc etc. LOL Magnetic rods are not the problem, wire and plates def are. But the rest of your progression is more or less where I was headed (with the sole DOH! exception of my forge hammer/plate bender gaffe).

I did find a rock salt/lithium deposit and I celebrated more because of the lithium for rechargables, but i guess it will be all that salt ore that will be more important right now - good to know. Can't thank you enough!

Oh, a correction from my earlier post - there is indeed a recipe for red alloy ingot in NEI - one copper dust plus 4 redstone dust in an alloy smelter. I was using the crafting table recipe costing 8 redstone dust which was quite steep.


Update: So I finally got electrical power going (yay!), but when I put a tin plate into the wiremill, it didn't give me GregTech tin wire, it gave me the IC2 version. Why doesn't a GT machine give me GT products? Is there a setting for that on the wiremill? Or is there a way to covert between the two tin wires that isn't shown in NEI? Okay I got it - plates give 4 IC2 wires, and ingots give 2 GT wires. I'm in the Electrical Age! Woohoo!!
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Some wires are interchangeable, for example you can still use ic2 tin cable to make LV battery hulls in the crafting table.
IC2 copper cable can also be used for the MV batt hull as well as basic circuits.

Oh, a correction from my earlier post - there is indeed a recipe for red alloy ingot in NEI - one copper dust plus 4 redstone dust in an alloy smelter. I was using the crafting table recipe costing 8 redstone dust which was quite steep.

If you're using the FTB launcher version: Dont try using those red alloy ingots to make a EIO capacitor, just an fyi.
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Some wires are interchangeable, for example you can still use ic2 tin cable to make LV battery hulls in the crafting table.
IC2 copper cable can also be used for the MV batt hull as well as basic circuits.

If you're using the FTB launcher version: Dont try using those red alloy ingots to make a EIO capacitor, just an fyi.
This has been fixed in the first QuickFixes bunch. Its available to download from the first post under QuickFixes.
View attachment 13189

Ok, like the image suggests ... what in the hell is that?!
Tainted enderman, enderspider? i think its being displayed by PZ but i cant find anything to do with it on either the PZ wiki or the thaumcraft wiki.
That picture is Ender Demon from Hardcore Ender Expansion. He is.... fun (no spoilers)
Some wires are interchangeable, for example you can still use ic2 tin cable to make LV battery hulls in the crafting table.
IC2 copper cable can also be used for the MV batt hull as well as basic circuits.

Understood. Quite clearly, since one GT wire seems to equate to two IC2 wires, we want to use IC2 wire/cable whenever possible in a crafting recipe since the wiremill gives us double the amount (one plate equals 4 IC2 tin wires but one ingot only equals 2 GT tin wires). The only time I'm using GT wire/cable is when we do not have the option to interchange them. I don't quite understand how/why they are sometimes interchangeable in recipes, and sometimes they aren't, but whatever. I don't make the rules, I just try to figure them out and follow along. :)

I got very very very lucky in my world. Somehow (random chests?) I acquired 12 nether quartz, which was just barely enough to make my first 8 EnderIO pressurized conduits so I could get steam from my boiler/buffer tank to my steam turbine. Why is that lucky? Because I cannot figure out any way to get a solitary steel nugget... which I need to make flint & steel, which I need to light my first nether portal so I can go and get more nether quartz. If I had less than 12 quartz, I might be stuck without any conduits and still trying to figure out how to make it all work. But yeah, the EnderIO pressurized conduits are everything the TE3 conduits used to be.

Also... railcraft boiler really use a lot of coal/charcoal. Holey moley. I'm not sure I like that very much. And it also uses up water too fast. I'm lost without a TE Aqueous Accumulator and haven't figured out a way to get water into the boiler except by hand. I already let the boiler run dry once already, and had to shut it down and lose all that heat. What a waste. I guess I can use an IC2 pump? Why doesn't Greg have any pumps amongst his machines? Or does he? What are some other options for early-game steam/turbine power? Does everyone use the Railcraft boilers?

I just thought of another lucky thing... fire charges. I got 4 of em from creeper kills, I guess, because I still am not able to go to the nether to get blaze rods and haven't found a desert for cinderpearls. But since I had 4 fire charges, I was able to make 4 fireboxes for a small Railcraft boiler. Without the fire charges or the nether quartz, I think I'd still be pulling my hair out.
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Understood. Quite clearly, since one GT wire seems to equate to two IC2 wires, we want to use IC2 wire/cable whenever possible in a crafting recipe since the wiremill gives us double the amount. The only time I'm using GT wire/cable is when we do not have the option to interchange them. I don't quite understand how/why they are sometimes interchangeable in recipes, and sometimes they aren't, but whatever. I don't make the rules, I just try to figure them out and follow along. :)

I got very very very lucky in my world. Somehow (random chests?) I acquired 12 nether quartz, which was just barely enough to make my first 8 EnderIO pressurized conduits so I could get steam from my boiler/buffer tank to my steam turbine. Why is that lucky? Because I cannot figure out any way to get a solitary steel nugget... which I need to make flint & steel, which I need to light my first nether portal so I can go and get more nether quartz. If I had less than 12 quartz, I might be stuck without any conduits and still trying to figure out how to make it all work. But yeah, the EnderIO pressurized conduits are everything the TE3 conduits used to be.

Also... railcraft boiler really use a lot of coal/charcoal. Holey moley. I'm not sure I like that very much. And it also uses up water too fast. I'm lost without a TE Aqueous Accumulator and haven't figured out a way to get water into the boiler except by hand. I already let the boiler run dry once already, and had to shut it down and lose all that heat. What a waste. I guess I can use an IC2 pump? Why doesn't Greg have any pumps amongst his machines? Or does he?
You don't have a bronze blast furnace yet? That's typically the first step to get away from steel. From your talk of wiring and whatnot I figured you were already in the electrical age.

Also: Steel items are extremely common in chests; you can get a nugget by smelting some steel armor down.
You don't have a bronze blast furnace yet? That's typically the first step to get away from steel. From your talk of wiring and whatnot I figured you were already in the electrical age.

Also: Steel items are extremely common in chests; you can get a nugget by smelting some steel armor down.

Thanks. Yes I have two Bronze Blast furnaces, I already went thru 2 stacks of steel so I had to build another (sharing one wall of the first one, of course). Oh, I see what you mean - I can smelt an iron nugget into a steel nugget in the blast furnace? Doh! I can be so darn blind sometimes (no imagination or creativity) which is why I come here to post and get help/answers/advice/tips.

I'm also learning about railcraft boilers the hard way. There was no need for me to do a 2x2x2 HP, what I really should have done is just a 1x1x1 (or 1x1x2) LP boiler, which would be more sufficient and use less fuel/water. Welcome to two years ago, I know... LOL I just never used steam power before in any world, ever, so I'm even more lost than normal. My bad. But the tip about the steam buffer tank was priceless indeed. I gave some thought to using the ExtraUtil Steam Drums, but I'm a creature of habit and went with the RC tank which I know and love.
Thanks. Yes I have two Bronze Blast furnaces, I already went thru 2 stacks of steel so I had to build another (sharing one wall of the first one, of course). Oh, I see what you mean - I can smelt an iron nugget into a steel nugget in the blast furnace? Doh! I can be so darn blind sometimes (no imagination or creativity) which is why I come here to post and get help/answers/advice/tips.

I'm also learning about railcraft boilers the hard way. There was no need for me to do a 2x2x2 HP, what I really should have done is just a 1x1x1 (or 1x1x2) LP boiler, which would be more sufficient and use less fuel/water. Welcome to two years ago, I know... LOL I just never used steam power before in any world, ever, so I'm even more lost than normal. My bad. But the tip about the steam buffer tank was priceless indeed. I gave some thought to using the ExtraUtil Steam Drums, but I'm a creature of habit and went with the RC tank which I know and love.

I love using steam, it feels more 'real' to me. I had two 1x1x2 LP boilers going but I soon ran out of steam now I'm getting into MV with the Electric blast furnace. I've got a bronze steam boiler going, if you thought the RC boiler eats fuel try out one of gregs bad boys!! Although they create vast about of steam and can fill a 5x5x5 RC tank in less than 2 mins using two stacks of charcoal.

I love the ExtraUtil drums, they're good for transporting liquids over distance. Just leave a pump going at an oil field (with chunk loader) filling up the drums and collect later for fuel :D

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The only real issue I have with this pack is probably the time it takes to launch it. I can tell MC to launch with it, then go make some coffee, have a shower, bake a loaf of bread, eat diner, then come back and play.
Then there are minor things like it feels like forever before I actually find enough copper and tin to make stuff, but that might just be me being lazy/played too many casual modpacks.