[1.7.10] Let it End

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Jul 29, 2019
In life you are faced with many questions. Who am I? How did I get here? What is my purpose? Who are my friends? etc. etc. And having many of these questions being left unanswered can drive a person insane, or in some cases plunge someone into a state of depression. And that is what this mod pack is loosely based off. Read the spoiler at the end of this thread for all inspiration and how it contributed to this idea.

Pack Code: LetItEnd
Map backup in case you lose it

Back story for the map:
You have just left the biggest time sink of your life so far, school/education, and this world represents how you feel. Alone, nothing but a few specs of hope, represented by the tree. And a small amount of comfort represented by the (poorly built) cafe/restaurant . But you start out in the middle, with no directly obvious way to get to either of them.
You also do not start with any direction, you must find your own.
You know life gives you quests, but you must find the quests before you can embark upon any.

Backstory behind the quests and rewards:
Each quest line will have different "imagery" behind it. The question "Why" is a common question, but also a really sad one, as it can be asked to any answer you give.
Why are you sad? Because I have no one to talk to
Why don't you have anyone to talk to? Because I pushed them all away
Why did you do that?...

As for the rewards each quest line will give you the option to directly get 2.5 hearts. This is due to the way interest is lost, and a common slang way of saying this is that you "lost your heart" at doing something. So each time you embark upon a quest line, you will first off receive a full heart for the first quest, then the second will give you 3/4, third 1/2 heart, fourth 1/4 heart, and every quest after that you won't receive hearts anymore. Although you may receive a rotten heart to symbolize how much you have come to hate the tasks you undertook.

Do you like the idea so far? Then you may want to download the map and mod pack:

Of course, there are a lot of mods that will be helpful when it comes to keeping you on the right path when it comes to completing this quest to overcome depression:
Applied Energistics 2
Blood Magic
Blue Power
Carpenter's Blocks
Compact Machines
Ender Storage
Ex Astris
Ex Nihilo
Extra Utilities
Flowing Flux
Forbidden Magic
Hardcore Questing Mod
Hunger Overhaul
In Game Wiki Mod
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
Journey Map
Logistics Pipes
Minefactory Reloaded
Mob Properties
NEI Addons
Pam's HarvestCraft
Small Boats
Solar Expansion
Soul Shards Reborn
Steve's Workshop
Thaumic Energistics
Thaumic Tinkerer
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
Tinkers' Construct
Tinkers' Mechworks
Tinkers' Tooltips
Tree Ores
Tree Simulator 2014
Twilight Forest

Mod updates, New quest rewards, FINALLY OUT OF BETA, and a few minor reward changes

Mod Updates

Updated all mods and forge :)

A lot of small things I don't remember

Added to FTB launcher, for previous changelogs go here

New recipes that NEI won't show:
//**Drying Rack Recipes**//
Birch Sapling = 1 string

Known issues:
Quests do not show that they have had their reward claimed.
Fido cannot be made to stand up (the dog's a lazy **** if you ask me)

Playthroughs of the alpha version:

Special Thanks:
To all the people who are/have played through any of the alpha versions of the packs:
The Mobius Archives
Primal Demon

Inspiration for the pack:
Inspiration came from two fronts, the Minecraft community, and real life. I will start with naming names:
-Gideon Seymour and his amazing Running Red. This pack is an inspiration as it showed me that you can have a serious pack, one based around serious things, and still have it be fun.
-JadedCat and her Agrarian Skies pack. This pack just inspired me to poke fun at questing as a thing that makes you lose heart in the tasks you undertake, as some of the late game quests in AS make you lose heart :p

Now for the boring stuff:
For the past 4 years I have been suffering from depression, and also gone through many of the "side effects*" of depression, such as self harm and anorexia, which I thought could lead to certain "interesting" aspects for this map. Using Blood Magic's sacrifice system, which is essentially self harm, to gain stuff that would be simple in the eyes of most people, such as getting food.
At the onset of my depression food was not an issue, which is reflected in the map, you get given quite a lot of food, but as time went on I started to develop an eating disorder, and food started to become more of an issue, which is something that will be replicated in the pack, with the lack of access to grass, which you won't get until you start to get into Blood Magic, where you will have to pay for the privilege to eat by cutting yourself.
It is a very morbid idea, but I feel that making something based off of experience will turn out a lot better than if I was to try and do a pack based off of something I have never experience e.g. coping with the loss of a loved one.
Anyway, I went off on a bit of a tangent... to carry on with stuff that inspired aspects of this pack. After leaving school, I didn't keep in contact with anyone I went their with, as I either did not get along with them, or I didn't want to seem annoying. So I lost a lot of friendships like that, and it felt as if I was living on my own little island, with no one else.
When I get around to doing the nether part of the map, the place will seem more idyllic, because throughout the past few years the nether/hell/death has been an occasional thought of heaven. Somewhere where I would want to end up. But of course the more you get into it, the more you think "will it be better?".

And a final inspiration, the first optional quest reward, the golden lasso called Fido. I used the name Fido as it is a common dog name, but my dog is called Benji, and I have had him for about 6 years now. He's getting old, which pains me to say, but he is something that always manages to cheer me up, no matter how I feel. He is the most docile dog you'll ever meet, but he somehow was there for me, whenever I needed someone. So, I thought giving the player that option of having a companion to start out with would be a little comfort in the lonely world.
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Looks interesting; I'm enjoying the symbolic resonance modpack creators(or at least you and gideonseymour) have been striving for lately. I can't wait to see how it's presented through the quests/mechanics.
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Seems interresting... I like packs with symbolism and feelings added to it. just gonna wait and wait untill it's out in beta...
Looks really good. I liked the Running red storyline but I got bored of it in some way but oh well. I hope this one will be good :)
It looks really good, just a suggestion, in the end you could have your character find happiness, so you get the ability to fly and gold rains down around you
It looks really good, just a suggestion, in the end you could have your character find happiness, so you get the ability to fly and gold rains down around you
I'm already ahead of you. That is why the Twilight Forest mod is installed ;) Once you achieve true happiness (finish all the quests) you will have access to the magical forests of amazingness :)

Can't be worse than Running Red early game.
Running Red's early game wasn't that bad. You had to utilize the golden apples correctly though :P
If there was hunger overhaul I wouldn't have to eat as soon as I drop below 9/10 hunger wich is bad game design.
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Ok let's try to read your comment:
"If there was hunger overhaul I wouldn't have to eat a[sic] soon as I drop below 9/10 hunger wich[sic] is bad game design"

So you're upset that there isn't hunger overhaul because you need to eat too often, in a pack that provides you with plenty of food, far more than enough to feed 3 players (my friends and I are playing together, we're almost through and we still have a stack of both golden and regular apples on reserve).

Furthermore, the main mode of production requires you to harm yourself, giving more purpose to the golden apple. Also, you don't HAVE to eat at 9/10 hunger, you're not losing health, you've got a good 5 minutes to get things done.

And finally: THIS IS A SKYBLOCK WITH LIMITED FOOD INCOME Hunger Overhaul would force unnecessary mechanics into the gameplay that would only serve to prolong the map in ways that every other hqm map has, breaking Running Red's theme (also can this not be discussed here this is neither the Running Red thread or the Running Red complaint thread).
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Running Red complaint thread
In my experience, every thread is the running red complaint thread, am I right Gideon ;)

No, but Mist is correct. If you have an issue with a different mod pack, then there are places where you can happily vent either frustration or ideas, and the right people will read it. But doing it here will probably see it go unnoticed as this isn't Gideon's thread :P
However, there is nothing stopping you adding mods like hunger overhaul to mod packs, although, it was probably left out with good reasoning.
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If there was hunger overhaul I wouldn't have to eat as soon as I drop below 9/10 hunger wich is bad game design.
And if there was Hunger Overhaul, the player would have to...:
a). Have a constant supply of food, which is not readily available nor focused upon in the quest line
b). Break with the story. The player is dead. They shouldn't have to worry about starving to death.
c). u wot m8
d). This is not a pack where it is meant to be hard to survive, which is what Hunger Overhaul tries to do. Adding Hunger Overhaul would be the exact opposite of my vision for the pack.
e). If you really need Hunger Overhaul to feel fulfilled in your life, add it yourself
f). Take up your complaints in this thread, not one that just happens to be similar in style or that I happened to post in.
And if there was Hunger Overhaul, the player would have to...:
a). Have a constant supply of food, which is not readily available nor focused upon in the quest line
b). Break with the story. The player is dead. They shouldn't have to worry about starving to death.
c). u wot m8
d). This is not a pack where it is meant to be hard to survive, which is what Hunger Overhaul tries to do. Adding Hunger Overhaul would be the exact opposite of my vision for the pack.
e). If you really need Hunger Overhaul to feel fulfilled in your life, add it yourself
f). Take up your complaints in this thread, not one that just happens to be similar in style or that I happened to post in.
And if there was Hunger Overhaul, the player would have to...:
a). Have a constant supply of food, which is not readily available nor focused upon in the quest line
Disable passive hunger loss in the config file so. Also, giving tons of golden apple as reward isn't what you call a constant supply of food ?

And if there was Hunger Overhaul, the player would have to...:
b). Break with the story. The player is dead. They shouldn't have to worry about starving to death.
Because eating golden apple is more adequate with the story ? Sure.

And if there was Hunger Overhaul, the player would have to...:
c). u wot m8
I will.

And if there was Hunger Overhaul, the player would have to...:
d). This is not a pack where it is meant to be hard to survive, which is what Hunger Overhaul tries to do. Adding Hunger Overhaul would be the exact opposite of my vision for the pack.
So Hunger Overhaul is only meant to make surviving harder ? Please tell me more. This mod add so much tweaks I will not list them.

And if there was Hunger Overhaul, the player would have to...:
e). If you really need Hunger Overhaul to feel fulfilled in your life, add it yourself
Want to know what I eat at breakfast too m8 ?

And if there was Hunger Overhaul, the player would have to...:
f). Take up your complaints in this thread, not one that just happens to be similar in style or that I happened to post in.
Or here, since the discussion started here.
Ok, hoping that conversation moves in another direction, I'd love to alpha test if you're at that stage already.