[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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I found out you can make a 'chunkloader' using a poppet shelf. Poppet shelves will keep the chunk loaded but I don't know if you need a poppet on it or not. You just need to have some nether brick, green wool, and 4 attuned stones which require a diamond, bucket of lava and whiff of magic each. The whiff of magic can be retrieved by burning a rowan sapling in a witches oven. The witches oven just requires some iron and clay jars for the whiff of magic and the rowan sapling can be made by using mutandis on grass/saplings/plants. You may get some other types of plants before you finally get the rowan sapling.
Or Or you could make a chunk loader for 5gold 1ender pearl 1book two diamonds and 4 obsidian
I was thinking that the Twilight Forest should be an endgame reward, instead of being an early- and lategame punishment. And all those dogs make it hard to wallow in the beauty that is the Twilight Forest.

It is possible to make the configuration of the Twilight Forest so that we need an netherstar instead of an diamond ? I think that would be an fair substitute for having zombie dogs.
The twilight adds no option but I may be able to create a script that does otherwise. The twilight is due for an overhaul and I an up for all suggestions, but I would like to get a testing version of Banished out before I do any more major releases
The twilight adds no option but I may be able to create a script that does otherwise. The twilight is due for an overhaul and I an up for all suggestions, but I would like to get a testing version of Banished out before I do any more major releases

In Regrowth, you can craft the endportal with ender essence. Maybe make an crafting recipe for the twilight forest portal?
Perhaps if I used a Gaia spirit?

I think that the players should get the twilight forest when they don't have any problem dealing with the taint. Aka, they can make the etheral bloom, AND/OR they resist the taint with their sheer defense (thats why i suggested an netherstar). You don't want to give players the Twilight Forest to late, since a good chunk of it was made for vanilla players in iron armor. But if you want to make it endgame, might aswell make it need an archmage bloodorb. ;)

Speaking of the Taint, i would suggest that - if it is possible - that the disabled taint monsters - like the taintswarm - spawn again after a certain period of time, like 20 ingame days - a purely tainted region only spawns tainted creepers, which are mostly harmless after getting some good armor.
I think that the players should get the twilight forest when they don't have any problem dealing with the taint. Aka, they can make the etheral bloom, AND/OR they resist the taint with their sheer defense (thats why i suggested an netherstar). You don't want to give players the Twilight Forest to late, since a good chunk of it was made for vanilla players in iron armor. But if you want to make it endgame, might aswell make it need an archmage bloodorb. ;)

Speaking of the Taint, i would suggest that - if it is possible - that the disabled taint monsters - like the taintswarm - spawn again after a certain period of time, like 20 ingame days - a purely tainted region only spawns tainted creepers, which are mostly harmless after getting some good armor.

That is really hard to set up as it is a config to disposable the swarms (also they don't know when to stop spawning exceed the mob cap and causke laggggggg) the botanicals cold be turned on however as they regulate themselves somewhat (only one in x radius) and aren't too much of a threat early game)
I think that the players should get the twilight forest when they don't have any problem dealing with the taint. Aka, they can make the etheral bloom, AND/OR they resist the taint with their sheer defense (thats why i suggested an netherstar). You don't want to give players the Twilight Forest to late, since a good chunk of it was made for vanilla players in iron armor. But if you want to make it endgame, might aswell make it need an archmage bloodorb. ;)

I'm currently playing a run with my buddy and we like to take things slow and roleplay a bit as we play. Right now I just got us into the Twilight Forest and we're currently building little wooden houses and farms in a flat area to start producing some suitable food for ourselves. Before that we were living on a 20x20ish square of dirt floating in the sky, occasionally venturing off our dirt platform to go dungeoneering, mining, or just general adventuring. Now we were upset because what we were doing felt rather crummy, but living on the ground is just ridiculous. Sure we could a wall to keep out the taint, but that felt about as crummy as living on our dirt platform. We figured we'd go live in the Twilight Forest and come back to the overworld once we had enough to remove the taint instead of just ignoring it.

Now the story of this game is that you're trying to defeat the taint that has taken over the world, so I would imagine you would be rewarded for clearing out taint. I just don't know if there's any way to enforce that. If Drastic really wanted to make it so that the Twilight Forest was unlocked at a very specific time, he could put in a quest item that would activate the portal just like a diamond would. Actually, I wonder if the twilight portal block is actually placeable, in which case you could just give players a single block of the portal.

Also, what is up with those dumb floating wooden platforms? They're some sort of generated dungeon-like structure that have a bunch of loot chests in them and nothing else. I refuse to loot them because it feels like lategame dungeon loot for zero risk.
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Also, what is up with those dumb floating wooden platforms? They're some sort of generated dungeon-like structure that have a bunch of loot chests in them and nothing else. I refuse to loot them because it feels like lategame dungeon loot for zero risk.
What version was the world generated on? They were removed a few versions ago.
Uhmm you might want to check the requirements for the ritual diviner quest as both unbound and bound don't register. At least for my server it didn't.
Blood armor

I want to use botania armor to defeat the botania boss. The lexica says that elementium is better, but terrasteel is like a diamond armor and elementium is only iron, i want to know if is better the protection of terrasteel or the help of the fairies.
I've have done Gaia one with enchanted terra fairly easily in general the more expensive is better (within one mod)

also since the Gaia boss drops items that upgrade the terra helm that is the set to go with

I'd also advice one of the two capes
The tower guardians have started to ressurrect after I kill them, but they are lying down/floating around attacking instead. Really annoying and weird bug :p
The tower guardians have started to ressurrect after I kill them, but they are lying down/floating around attacking instead. Really annoying and weird bug :p
Haha yeah, they disappear eventually. If you need to force kill it, do /cofh killall
The tower guardians have started to ressurrect after I kill them, but they are lying down/floating around attacking instead. Really annoying and weird bug :p

That happened to me today too, for the first time. The tower was already exploding - so i couldn't get any treasure - AND his drops fell into lava.

Btw, just a word of forwarning for all new AM2 users - the flight spell needs an netherstar.
well i kind of have problems finding any thaumcraft structures on a normal generated world on a server.
I dont know why that is, sometimes worlds also have you spawn in the middle of an ocean making you walk 1000 blocks until you reach land.