[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No one told me it would EXPLODE. What is this, Gregtech ?! Great. And of course, AFTER i used my materials ! Bah. I just wanted to make an complex spell to level up my magic, so i finally could get a red skillpoint for flying.
I didn't know either. After reading up about it I figured out the book should go red when the spell is too complicated. Something I didn't notice before blowing my altar.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't know either. After reading up about it I figured out the book should go red when the spell is too complicated. Something I didn't notice before blowing my altar.

Hm. And it hought it shows that it is an advanced spell. Very well then. I guess i should be happy that i only lost some potions. Sigh.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RIP my latest hardcore world.. about 15 hours put into it, I died to an infernal zombie, with a hint of carelessness and a dash of panic. "Hubris" is a very fitting name for this modpack!
I had almost everything researched in Thaumcraft and was pretty close to defeating Hardcore mode itself :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RIP my latest hardcore world.. about 15 hours put into it, I died to an infernal zombie, with a hint of carelessness and a dash of panic. "Hubris" is a very fitting name for this modpack!
I had almost everything researched in Thaumcraft and was pretty close to defeating Hardcore mode itself :(

You never defeat hardcore. If anything, hardcore defeats you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hardcore is harder and mostly for those that like rogue-like games but it does make you better at surviving. also interdiction torches are the best thing ever for hardcore players. Terra what life are you on now and what is your system to survive the early game?

Edit: spelling
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't get me wrong, i do like rogue like. I played ROTMG for quite a while, after all. But, if there is no sense of (ingame) progression, i feel... lost? Also, Rogue-likes are all relativly short - not something enourmous like Minecraft!

Regarding survival, im always careful - since i hate dying -, no matter the prize - so i wouldn't play hardcore to strengthen my survival skills, since they are to the max all the time anyway.

IF i would play hardcore, i would use the same seed everytime... but that isn't really rouge-like now, isn't it?

On another note, i upgraded my AM2 altar with emerald and nether blocks... sunstone will have to wait until i have that anti-lava pendant from botania. Looks like i was one effect to short from what my crafting altar delivered - I thought that witchwood planks give +3, not +2...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
See that is where I think we don't see eye to eye my 1st rogue-like was nethack and that is a very long game per run and there is definite progression. the other part that I like about hardcore is it locks you into hard difficulty permanently. One thing I would like to know what do you drop when you die?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
[...] one thing i would like to know what do you drop when you die?

Im confused. You mean, in this modpack?

And regarding "game proggresion" i was a little... imprecise. I meant passive bonuses like in rogue legacy where you build your castle or in don't starve where you unlock new characters, that sort of thing. And i have an rudimentary idea of nethack, thought it's gamelength still is rather short to the fast endlessness of a game like minecraft.

On other news, i found an way to automate TNT production for entropyniums - witching gatchets gives us an cobblestone generator, which can be used with an conjuration catalyst from botania to get unlimited sand.

As for gunpowder, it can be made from flint and an conjuration catalyst, which in turn can be made in an alchemic chemistry set (don't forget the alchemy ritual here) which in turn needs gravel, which only needs another conjuration catalyst.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys... It's "Rogue-like", not "Rouge-like".
Rogue is a character class in dnd, that sneaks around and steals and stuff, and also how the title of the game that genre is based off of is spelled.
Rouge is a kind of makeup you put on your cheeks to make them slightly more red.
So please stop talking about how you've been doing beauty product minecraft runs. XD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hardcore is harder and mostly for those that like rouge-like games but it does make you better at surviving. also interdiction torches are the best thing ever for hardcore players. Terra what life are you on now and what is your system to survive the early game?
My system for surviving early game is to find a decently sized lake and build a floating base above it, with the ladder being a few blocks into the water (taint doesn't spread to water, this stops taint climbing up the ladder and into your base before you get ethereal blooms) and try to be self sufficient (i.e. make farms asap, go branch mining, automate all the things) without visiting the dungeons or fighting mobs.
That said, I am impatient as hell and like to die repeatedly in hopes of getting lucky in the dungeons, losing countless worlds in the process. I think I've died ~50 times doing this. I should stop that. :confused:

On other news, i found an way to automate TNT production for entropyniums - witching gatchets gives us an cobblestone generator, which can be used with an conjuration catalyst from botania to get unlimited sand.

As for gunpowder, it can be made from flint and an conjuration catalyst, which in turn can be made in an alchemic chemistry set (don't forget the alchemy ritual here) which in turn needs gravel, which only needs another conjuration catalyst.
Witching gadgets also lets you make sand via alchemy. You can essentially turn 4 cobble into 1 sand and 3 charcoal into 2 gunpowder with Thaumcraft. It's also fairly simple to automate with golems.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have improved my text.

Btw, does anyone know what spell gives the most exp per cast? Mana cost doesn't matter.


Witching gadgets also lets you make sand via alchemy. You can essentially turn 4 cobble into 1 sand and 3 charcoal into 2 gunpowder with Thaumcraft. It's also fairly simple to automate with golems.

Still needs less cobble - and in my opnion, it is faster too - to use the alchemy catalyst (wrongly assumed the conjuration catalyst, they look so much alike) for the sand. However, i don't see how 3 charcoal become 2 gunpowder.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Trisscar: thank you i have fixed my posts.

NoElement: I was asking about what looks like a tablet item that drops when I die (not the gravestone it is its own entity) I never get a chance to pick it up but i know its not something I carry on me. As far as nethack and rogue like games. the original game rogue there was no legacy involved. It was you have one life and went about to try and win that round not try and advance the next round a little bit more.

Btw, does anyone know what spell gives the most exp per cast? Mana cost doesn't matter.

AM2 exp is based on the mana cost to effect done. So for offensive spells it how much damage it does to a valid target for the light spell its how many spaces are illuminated. So for good training spells (for pure grinding) touch light is a good one (set up a dark room set the light punch it out again and again and again only good for leveling up low levels) and once you can i would suggest "self storm": This is what i use to level up to 120 and higher on my past experience with AM2. Storm has a nice exp ratio per cast and its self cast cost is really low making it spamable. Some drawbacks is it does take time but you are training time is to be expected. It makes it rain (not always a drawback... *cough water guardian cough*. and lastly it will strike nearby hostel mobs with lightning witch will inflict you with infernal mobs effects as if you had shot them with a arrow (expect to randomly drop your spell book so always have a magnet on when useing this method)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, i wouldn't know about any tablet... because i haven't died so far... besides my first map - which i discontinued - where i was killed by an tower golem, which in turn killed my stuff anyway with explosions. (There was another death by an gravity creeper, but that didn't count, since i revived with one of the twilight forest charms)

As for AM2, level 120 ? I have to say, thats impressive. I stopped once i had a spell at level 70 or so which flatened an entire mountain in seconds. Never unlocked any of the silver skills, too. But thanks for the tip!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Silver skills are fantastic I had a dmg+++ firestorm that killed witchery death boss in about 3 seconds.

If you want I can send you the silver skill unlock requirements.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nah, don't worry about it - i plan to have this world a LONG time, might aswell experiment with some things, no ?

Also, i just tested light again just now (i use projectile, btw), but even in the darkest rooms i only get 6 exp, in comparsion to the best so far, regeneration with 12 exp per cast.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've run into a problem. I can't make a farm because whenever I try to use a hoe on dirt, nothing happens and when I use it on grass, I get dirt. I've tried this in creative with every hoe I could find, and got nothing but dirt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've run into a problem. I can't make a farm because whenever I try to use a hoe on dirt, nothing happens and when I use it on grass, I get dirt. I've tried this in creative with every hoe I could find, and got nothing but dirt.

Use fertilized dirt from random things it accelerates growth and doesn't need water ( I think) (also I believe the farmland issue is a bug with the biome make sure you have good lighting and water)

Also, i just tested light again just now (i use projectile, btw), but even in the darkest rooms i only get 6 exp, in comparison to the best so far, regeneration with 12 exp per cast.

Like I said the light method is for very early levels and is more reliable then regen as regen only gives xp when you are hurt (also cost more mana then light)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
NoElement: I was asking about what looks like a tablet item that drops when I die (not the gravestone it is its own entity) I never get a chance to pick it up but i know its not something I carry on me. As far as nethack and rogue like games. the original game rogue there was no legacy involved. It was you have one life and went about to try and win that round not try and advance the next round a little bit more.
^This. Games that do the "Die and get some progress" are technically rogue-lites, not rogue-likes.