Optifine gets updated every now and then, give it a shot. It might just be working fine.
Static blocks don't really strain your performance, and I haven't played tolkiencraft so it's not a valid reference point for me.
I think that processes like mana generation, substantial ones, much like bigger machine setups in other packs, are much more of a strain on fps.
Even my i5 3k series at 4.4 ghz can only get me 100 fps in my base while on a new world easily over 200.
Oh and an i3 has 4 threads but 2 physical cores and I don't think minecraft is optimized for multi-threading.
I know of the cloth, but I need to keep the enchantment to put it on something else, "preserving it. What the auto-disenchanter does"
The auto-disenchater is able to remove an enchantment and produces book with the same enchantment.