[1.7.10] [Forge] BloodMagicHacks b1.0-2

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Updated to b1.0-2.

This actually wouldn't be good for me actually, I always keep myself at 1/2 a heart when using the knife lol.
Now you can get your +11.11% blood average, changed from "<= 3" to "<= 2"

just read the source, this would be pretty laggy.
Optimized a little bit. I mean I could use AWWayofTime API directly without UniqueIdentifiers but I don't think they lag.
My CPU is 6 years old and seems to work fine with this mod and 99 others


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Updated to b1.0-2.

Now you can get your +11.11% blood average, changed from "<= 3" to "<= 2"

Optimized a little bit. I mean I could use AWWayofTime API directly without UniqueIdentifiers but I don't think they lag.
My CPU is 6 years old and seems to work fine with this mod and 99 others
You're missing the point. This is cheaty and, as you say, hacky. This is not an appropriate mod to release, let alone continue to update. Cease and desist.


Lord of the Tumbleweeds
Sep 21, 2013
Where else?
The lack the "grumpy cat is grumpy" meme annoys me.
well, i was annoyed, not grumpy. but you mentioning this.....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hum.. Seeing as @WayofTime even tried fixing Speed Sacrificing, or however it's called, just killing over and over and get blood fast, I don't think would be approved by him. And.. this is just a personal opinion, but if you make an add-on which might be/is against the wishes of the original mod author you shouldn't publish it.. I wouldn't say not keep it to yourself, but still.
(And since this is client-side, I think using it in servers if you kept it for yourself/as it is would also be pretty bad)
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