[1.7.10] Flux Galaxy - A Space-Based MagiTech Modpack

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Okay so I was checking out the weeds issue, but it seems it doesn't happen as long as you farm properly. Basically if you have any empty crops surrounding crops there will be a chance for weeds to grow (watering cans accelerate this lol). So you have to make your farms either smaller or not have empty crops near the ones the you're growing. This was tested on pack version 0.8pre3.
An example of how to avoid weeds from spreading onto crops:

If you use the watering can on this setup, the weeds will never spread to the crops. Just make sure there are no empty crop sticks next to the crops you're growing and you should be fine.

Other issues brought up:
- What is the Nether Gate glitch? I'll have to see if it's already fixed in the latest Galacticraft version.
- I've thought about making the Mekanism Teleporter more expensive, but I dunno I just left it alone. It's not the best teleporter anyway and you still need to get to the planet at least once before setting up a portal on it. Server owners can easily disable it if they want to though.
- I'm not sure what I can do about the BC Quarry issue, but I'll look into it.
- We are using the last stable version of Forestry which is over a month old. I'm betting it's probably fixed in the latest unstable builds, so I'll try that later today.
- Elevator recipe seems fine to me. I don't want to make the other two options useless.
- Nova will only be on Technic.
Thanks again for the quick reply. After trying it myself I found your 100 percent right. I guess my next question is can you breed the harvestcraft seeds to increase any of their attributes, am I just being to impatient or is it just not possible?

It looks like I'll be using the technic launcher then :) Can't wait for Nova but I gotta finish this pack first :)
I guess my next question is can you breed the harvestcraft seeds to increase any of their attributes, am I just being to impatient or is it just not possible?
Yes you should be able to increase attributes for the Harvestcraft seeds. I've seen a soybean crop that gave like 4 soybeans per harvest (fully maxed out).
Other issues brought up:
- What is the Nether Gate glitch? I'll have to see if it's already fixed in the latest Galacticraft version.

Your homepage for these projects is slick (nice). (Y)

I Ususally ask around the players on TeamSpeak if they discovered any "problems".

Nether gate glitch:
-have an activated gate to the nether in your home in the overworld
-go up with a rocket from beside your home
-arrive, and make a base up on the planet
-put down and activate (in oxygen) a nether gate 100 block away, and enter it
-you will arrive in the nether at the gate in your home leads to
-if you go back, you are in the overworld
-put down and activate a gate in the nether, fixed to the coordinates (1/8) of the gate on the planet, and activate
-if you go into that, you will exit the gate on the planet

As for the quarry issue, the nungeon should be roofed by unquarriable blocks, but that's not your responsibility. :)

Thank you, refreshing my pack, looking into your Nova.
If you think about it, elevators can only allow you to go up or down and only if the elevator is close enough and on the same Y co-ordinate. Travel anchors allow you to teleport to any nearby anchor regardless of the y co-ord, and if using the staff of traveling the only limit to the anchor distance is your render distance. Therefor I think the travel anchor recipe should require an elevator and some more expensive items, rather than it being the other way around.

Also in response to the quarry issue, I think there is a blacklist on what blocks the quarry can mine.
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I apologize if it is already in the pack and i don't see it or if this was already answered, but is thermal dynamics going to be added? I checked the mod list from the title screen and it was not there.
Dimensional Anchors!

These has a compete max loaded chunk per player and lots of different fuel config options in immibis.cfg
but you never gave it any love! :3

Also there are the ralcraft ones - not bot kinds of these 3 different loaders earned any hard recipes from you?!?
I will go low on player-tears... :(
I was wondering. Have you given any consideration to adding Infernal Mods and Special mobs? It makes mob spawning a lot more fun. rather then going "oh look a zombie -continues work-"
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I was wondering. Have you given any consideration to adding Infernal Mods and Special mobs? It makes mob spawning a lot more fun. rather then going "oh look a zombie -continues work-"
that doesnt sound pleasant especially with blood moons and ender zoo
Are mystical flower seeds obtainable through mutations or is there another way and NEI just isnt showing it?
Mystical flower seeds? Like the botania mystical flowers? Because they should be world gen, they are also obtainable by using floral fertilizer on grass.
that doesnt sound pleasant especially with blood moons and ender zoo
thats the point. theres a lot of magic mods and barely any reason to even use the powerful stuff, because most mobs are not dangerous. it gets boring.
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Mystical flower seeds? Like the botania mystical flowers? Because they should be world gen, they are also obtainable by using floral fertilizer on grass.
not the flowers, the agricraft seeds. if you played regrowth, i mean the seeds you put on crops to get petals
Config ideas around the mods already here:

I:meteoriteDimensionWhitelist <
0 <--- not on overworld

enderzoo <--- kill it, it moved

# set to false to force forestry to skip generating own apatite ore blocks in the world
world.generate.apatite=true <--- set it to False, it populates new chunks with apatite after the chunks generate, so laggy

Nether ores - I've set it smaller chance bigger bang, pigmen won't go angry, but I have other dangers in the nether

# The density of each flower patch generataed, defaults to 16, the lower the number, the less each patch will have.

# The quanity of flower patches to generate in the world, defaults to 2, the lower the number the less patches geenrate.
Set them to zero! This is Sparta! Create your own fluffy flowers, hippies! Ahem... :)
Also my petal apothecary recipe is from quartz slabs, and 4*compressed cobble, so no early botania. :3

Computercraft - please make those cheap, easy recipes harder to make program wizards cry! ;( (or make them suffer with opencomputers)

# The maximum amount of blocks the elevator can pass through before the teleport fails. -1 disables this

# The range of the drop block

I've made several recipes harder requiring parts from my main tech mod (thermal expansion)

# Should monsters spawned by a bloodmoon vanish at dawn?
B:BloodmoonVanish=true <--- makes easier on the server

Mekanism - Galacticraft
Can you make oxigen compatible, or craftable into eachother?

EnderIo - Galacticraft
Can you make rocket fuel compatible, or craftable into eachother?

The base component is expensive - I think no one will make low level frames with it (planks versus obsidian is no big deal)

supercraftingframe.cfg <--- A real puny one, Taigetos ripe

Thaumcraft - I see a heavy dose of thaumcraft here with a lot of support and connect mods.
Maybe you should set thaumcraft to a real hard level, research, danger, and agressively encroaching taint biome.
So that's another cause to go for living on other planets.

A choice between the chunk loader types and config.
Now everyone loads chunks freely. This can be a disaster on a server.
My solution for this is the Extra Utilities Soul Fragment (used to make reinforced watering can only) in the recipe. It comes off the max HP, so no overuse can be archieved.

I am happy to be a possibble help, modpacks can be fueled by player tears. :3
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As for the dangers of the monsters, I have a solution.
The mod is big, that may be a problem.
Lycanites mobs.
I set it up a way, that the chance of spawning these monsters are really low, so they come as a surprise when they do.
It also contains a complete taming/farming/scanning/summoning system.
Config ideas around the mods already here:

I:meteoriteDimensionWhitelist <
0 <--- not on overworld

enderzoo <--- kill it, it moved

# set to false to force forestry to skip generating own apatite ore blocks in the world
world.generate.apatite=true <--- set it to False, it populates new chunks with apatite after the chunks generate, so laggy

Nether ores - I've set it smaller chance bigger bang, pigmen won't go angry, but I have other dangers in the nether

# The density of each flower patch generataed, defaults to 16, the lower the number, the less each patch will have.

# The quanity of flower patches to generate in the world, defaults to 2, the lower the number the less patches geenrate.
Set them to zero! This is Sparta! Create your own fluffy flowers, hippies! Ahem... :)
Also my petal apothecary recipe is from quartz slabs, and 4*compressed cobble, so no early botania. :3

Computercraft - please make those cheap, easy recipes harder to make program wizards cry! ;( (or make them suffer with opencomputers)

# The maximum amount of blocks the elevator can pass through before the teleport fails. -1 disables this

# The range of the drop block

I've made several recipes harder requiring parts from my main tech mod (thermal expansion)

# Should monsters spawned by a bloodmoon vanish at dawn?
B:BloodmoonVanish=true <--- makes easier on the server

Mekanism - Galacticraft
Can you make oxigen compatible, or craftable into eachother?

EnderIo - Galacticraft
Can you make rocket fuel compatible, or craftable into eachother?

The base component is expensive - I think no one will make low level frames with it (planks versus obsidian is no big deal)

supercraftingframe.cfg <--- A real puny one, Taigetos ripe

Thaumcraft - I see a heavy dose of thaumcraft here with a lot of support and connect mods.
Maybe you should set thaumcraft to a real hard level, research, danger, and agressively encroaching taint biome.
So that's another cause to go for living on other planets.

A choice between the chunk loader types and config.
Now everyone loads chunks freely. This can be a disaster on a server.
My solution for this is the Extra Utilities Soul Fragment (used to make reinforced watering can only) in the recipe. It comes off the max HP, so no overuse can be archieved.

I am happy to be a possibble help, modpacks can be fueled by player tears. :3
Mekanism and Galacticraft are already compatible, you just need about 50 separators to make anything sustainable
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