[1.7.10] Double Personality {HQM} {Custom Progression} {Magi-Tech(ish)}


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have been captured by an evil, unknown, source, and sent into this odd world, where the only solid thing is a small island. In this world, things are different. Some things you have grown used to, don't exist. Alot of mechanics from your normal world don't exist here. You'll have to deal with them, and use them to your advatange, because to leave this place, I'm sure you'll have to face the evil. And that's no easy job. You should get started, we don't know what the evil has in store for you.

Hi everyone, I'm posting this to introduce everyone to my W.I.P. ModPack/Map submission to JamPacked (not anymore, check bottom of this post), Double Personality. Now, I won't reveal the reason behind the name, for what I think are obvious reasons.
This pack is completely customized to progress in a very different way. I'm gonna show you how the start is, as an example.

You spawn in a small island, there's a tree. You cut it down, and make a crafting table. You leave the rest of the logs alone (not crafting them into planks). You will not have enough to make the following item, so you'll have to get another tree. Plant another tree, there's extra saplings in a chest if needed, and also bonemeal. After having 5 logs available to you, you can craft a Wooden Cross. This is crafted in a + form, and is a transmutation tool, made with Tabula Rasa and MineTweaker. Putting it a crafting grid with 3 saplings will give 1 cobblestone. You can't make tools out of cobblestone, you have to use smooth stone. So you make a furnace first, smelt cobble, and make your stone tools. You can also make a Stone Cross, which is a upgraded version of the Wooden Cross. Now, if you use it, it'll give you two cobblestone. This is just the beggining. I have a real neat idea for getting ores, but later on that.

No pics no clicks.
Well, there's no link to click on, for that matter. But if you insist...

The Island, at the moment.


The Starting Chest, at the moment.


The Quest Book, at the moment as of now.


I haven't done much progress on quests, working more on the custom progression part at the moment.

Applied Energistics 2
BiblioWoods (Forestry Edition)
Binnie's Mods (Extra Bees, Extra Trees) Binnie's back, so I'm guessing he'll update them soon. Hopefully.
Blood Magic
Carpenter's Blocks
ChickenChunks ChickenBones has yet updated this one.
Ender IO
Extra Cells
Extra Utilities
Forbidden Magic You know the drill.
Hardcore Questing Mode
Magic Bees Not being updated anymore - Is anyone making a port to 1.7?
Minecraft Loader Doesn't work on 1.7.10
MineTweaker 3
NEI Addons
NEI Plugins
Redstone Arsenal
Rock Digger
Steve's Factory Manager
Tabula Rasa
Thaumic Tinkerer
Those 3, not yet updated. :(
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
TiC Tooltips
Tinkers' Construct
Tinkers' Mechworks
Translocators ChickenBones. Blah Blah. Not Yet Updated
What's This Pack

*MekanismGenerators are not included.
-Very subject to change-

Just a little bit of information, there will be a resource pack for this, to supply textures for custom items with Tabula Rasa.

@Golrith and @King Lemming for Tabula Rasa (Golrith = Idea, King Lemming = Doing it)
CoFHTeam - Some textures used in the resource pack for Tabula Rasa. The textures are fully theirs. I haven't modified one pixel of them.
Tinkers' Construct, mDiyo, Slime Knights - Some texturesed ued in the resource pack for Tabula Rasa. The textures are fully theirs. I haven't modified one pixel of them.
@Gideonseymour with his pack Running Red, it inspired me with the customization (inspired, I did not copy!), it's another JamPacked submission.. it's really cool. Check it out.

I hope the thread doesn't come out messy. I also want people's feedback, for example, any suggestions for reward bags' rewards?
Note: Download won't be available for a while, sorry.

I won't have this ready for JamPacked. I will remove now the tag, or when I finish building the new pack for... 1.7.10. Yep, the pack will be released for 1.7.10, so I can use ModTweaker in MineTweaker 3. I only used 1.6.4 as it was the requirement for JamPacked. Sorry for this if you wanted to play this now.. but for this to be releasable and good it'll take some time.
JamPacked wannabe
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Shucks, my name got mentioned :p

Not sure, but I think you can reference other mods textures without needing to take a copy of that image. Haven't tested this, but in theory I think it would be like:

Haven't a clue on rewards, but make them actually rewards. Too much of Arg Skies are useless troll rewards. If you have gathering quests, split into 2, with the first quest being a stack of a resource, then the follow on quest being the insane requirement, but give the reward for the first quest something that "helps" to the insane requirement. For example, the classic cobble. Gather 1 stack, reward is 1 Igneous Extruder. Hmm, nice you think. Follow on quest wants a few billion cobble, err, ok, that one extruder isn't going to help much.

You are excluding Mek generators, but I think you should include it, and just change recipes and reduce the power generation of the fuel-less generators. Or, remove the crafting recipes, but have the generators as various quest rewards.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Shucks, my name got mentioned :p

Not sure, but I think you can reference other mods textures without needing to take a copy of that image. Haven't tested this, but in theory I think it would be like:

Haven't a clue on rewards, but make them actually rewards. Too much of Arg Skies are useless troll rewards. If you have gathering quests, split into 2, with the first quest being a stack of a resource, then the follow on quest being the insane requirement, but give the reward for the first quest something that "helps" to the insane requirement. For example, the classic cobble. Gather 1 stack, reward is 1 Igneous Extruder. Hmm, nice you think. Follow on quest wants a few billion cobble, err, ok, that one extruder isn't going to help much.

You are excluding Mek generators, but I think you should include it, and just change recipes and reduce the power generation of the fuel-less generators. Or, remove the crafting recipes, but have the generators as various quest rewards.
I just think alot of people would probably ignore the fact that King Lemming might do the mod, and that's awesome, like, ALOT, legendary, but, without you, it wouldn't exist, and I think alot of people would (I think) ignore that.

Probably, but I just wanted it like that for organizational purposes.

That's a good idea, but I don't think I will have gathering quests, not like that ones. I might make a repeatable one for... say, 64 <metal> block, and it would give you reward bags or something. I mainly needed help for reward bags, as they're supposed to be random and helpful always (within the situation you're usually getting them). Normal rewards are part of the progression and so they're easier to make.

As of now, I don't want them. I'm not sure if I can customize them a whole lot, and I want to do that with power. Not just the recipes, and the output I probably don't care about, I want to change the materials given. See the Magi-Tech tag on the title? Well, power will probably come from magical sources, hopefully.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds amazing. Really looking forward to trying it out. Always great to see an original idea when it comes to the creation of a mod pack. So many use the same formula with just different settings that they tend to get boring quite quickly. All I would ask is to please please please do not include infernal mobs. I've lost so many countless hours of game play thanks to an unkillable mob with regen. Heck, I even had an extra fast spider spawn camp me in mysterious book o'tech on my first night haha.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds amazing. Really looking forward to trying it out. Always great to see an original idea when it comes to the creation of a mod pack. So many use the same formula with just different settings that they tend to get boring quite quickly. All I would ask is to please please please do not include infernal mobs. I've lost so many countless hours of game play thanks to an unkillable mob with regen. Heck, I even had an extra fast spider spawn camp me in mysterious book o'tech on my first night haha.
Not interested in adding that, I'm not looking for that kind of difficulty..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's my plans to get ores; you get liquid <ore> buckets, by using your copper wand + <liquid> bucket + <material>, and then freeze it with a Flint And Freeze, which is a Flint and a Frozen Ingot (copper and ice, not yet sure where this will be made (no ModTweaker for MineTweaker 3 in 1.6.4 :() so it might be in a crafting table OR alloy smelter, not sure. Since this process would be relatively hard, after you got quite a bit, you'd be able to transmute other materials into it, in some form or another...
This is a draft. Suggestions?

EDIT: Like this texture? Looks a bit weird when I'm zoomed at it, but cool (pun intended) when not the focus.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah maybe in the beggining you have to use a chisel to remove the ore from the bucket which would destroy some of the ore. When you get more advanced you will do it in another way and maybe get 2x the ore?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah maybe in the beggining you have to use a chisel to remove the ore from the bucket which would destroy some of the ore. When you get more advanced you will do it in another way and maybe get 2x the ore?
Hm maybe, I'm not quite sure if I just want the ore to be "magically" removed in form of a ingot or some more advanced system, with the more advanced system maybe early (really early) on using a chisel which would only yield like 3 nuggets? (being cheap because this system (if used) would only be used very early on, as I'm thinking the more advanced one after is relatively cheap (casting table)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think I'll have this ready for JamPacked. I will publish this pack eventually, but I really want to customize everything in the modpack, so that I know that if x trick allows for easy z, x trick will require some harder form to balance everything. I want to be on eye of everything, so that the pack is balanced and fully customized with fun mechanisms, hopefully. Sorry, but this will not be ready for a while. :(
EDIT: I'm not sure if I should remove the JamPacked tag yet, I think I might only remove it at the submission time of JamPacked, if it's still not in a releaseable state.
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Reactions: buggirlexpres


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update! Check the bottom of the original thread for information.
Sum: Won't release this in time for JamPacked, pack will be released later on 1.7.10.
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Reactions: buggirlexpres


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds like a great idea for a modpack and if you need testers I would love to help. I am hooked on the HQM mod and would love to try any new pack with that mod in it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds like a great idea for a modpack and if you need testers I would love to help. I am hooked on the HQM mod and would love to try any new pack with that mod in it.
Sure, when I have a releasable state of a pack (not for a while) you can test :) At the moment even testing it's only me. So testers might be wanted, I din't say anything because it'll take a while.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is this abandoned
It's not. I'm waiting on Tabula Rasa and looking into alternatives for the mean time, and planning a lot of stuff. This is a huge plan, and at the moment it's not my priority. But it is not abandoned.