[1.7.10] Death's Hardcore Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Map is meant to be played on Hard mode not hardcore mode*


This mod pack is supposed to challenge every aspect of Minecraft. The question is not will you die but when you die. We have changed a lot of configs and even more recipes. NEI is your best friend. Hard difficulty is recommended when playing. If you want an even greater challenge play it on Hardcore. But be warned. No place will be safe. Think you will be smart and kill a few cows on day one for food? Well guess what? You are in for a fight. Almost every mob is hostile. And yes even the chickens try to kill you.

Tips to Survive.

1. Use the extra utilities spikes around your base. For example, dig out all around your house and place them down around the outside of your house. So basically place them right next to your house so when the mobs are right at your walls they take damage.
2. Light up as much of the area in and around your house.
3. Do not and I mean DO NOT!!! use wood to build your house. Use stone. Lots of mobs cause fire. Trust me its bad...... I found out the hard way.
4. Do not build right next to water that is 2 blocks deep or more. Jengu's are bad. Same applies for lava.
5. Get an iron door as soon as you can.
6. Make kill holes. They help a lot.
7. And this is probably the most important. Take the time to make a nice escape tunnel. It will get used. If there is a blood moon your base area will be swarming with mobs. So its always nice to be able to leave.
8. Don't think of this mod pack as minecraft. Treat it more like a zombie survival game.
9. My personal favorite tip. Use death to your advantage. I don't even know how many times I have died playing this. One time we were trapped in our house by a swarm of Gorgonites. I think we died about 40 times each trying to kill all of them. And yes we punched them to death.

Story of the Pack
Your eyes slowly flutter open, your head pounds...where am I?....what happened?
As the fog slowly lifts from your brain you start to remember. It worked! You jump up
looking wildly around realizing that you are indeed a long long way from home. Taking stock
of what you have; a sword, pickaxe, mattock, torches and apples, you look at them in wonder.
I've only read about these in books, how far did I travel back? Well no matter, you think at
least I have some food, I'll have to find more soon and shelter, who knows what's out here.
Thats when you notice a chicken, mmm dinner. Taking your trusty sword and packing the rest away, you start after it...and it starts after you.....

Some time has passed since I have arrived in this place. I managed to find some empty books,
tried to make a book but that didnt go so well(rubs forehead absinetly, where his eyebrows
use to be). I must record my time here for I do not know how long it will be, and after a few
nights it has become imparitive that my survival in this place may not last that long. I have
seen things and done things that I not thought possible. I am not safe here so I must hurry!
For if you are reading this RUN! Don't look back, don't ever look back...oh god I can hear them
Download Code

Install fast craft to help with loading times.

Change log

- updated industrialcraft openperipheralCore and AnotherOneBitestheDust (AOBD), Pneumaticraft
- Fixed mekanism wind generator not working

- Disabled Factorization Magical Lamp due to breaking everything in game.

-Changed Starting Inventory to (hatchet,Pickaxe,Shovel, sword, 8 apples, 8 torches

- Made mobs a lil slower and decreased certain mob spawn rates.

- Complete overhaul of the pack from configs to mods. plus new recipes!
Updated mods: Open Computers, Botania, Tinkers' Construct, Min
eFactory Reloaded,
Thermal Foundation, Malisis' Doors, Malisis' Core, Th
aumic Energistics, Lycanites
Mobs, Automagy, Thaumcraft, CoFH Core Ender IO.
Removed Mods: Hunger Overhaul due to broken Recipes crashing the
lowered spawn rate a little bit on Lycanites and Infernal
Fixed tinkers tools not being able to be leveled up and unusea
Fixed Broken Vanilla Door Recipes Crashing Client and Server.
Updated Binnies Mods, Blood Magic Open Computers, and Gendustry
Disabled Klien Stars due to EMC Bug.
Added Recipe for Klien Star Omega
Fixed Tinkers not working
Disable the Blood Moon Rising Messege
Adjusted Stats on Lycanite Mobs
Adjusted Infernal Mobs traits.
fixed other minor bugs

    • Updated: Botania, Hardcore Ender Expansion, CoFH Core, TT Core, Tinkers' Construct, and Minefactory Reloaded, and Enderio,Chickencodecore,NEI(Not Enough Items)
    • Removed: Admin Commands Toolbox, Applecore, Mobius Core,Not Enough Keys, Steve's Workshop.
    • Fixed Water and Lava Source Blocks moving around.
    • Added: Tinkers' Steelworks, Cookiecore,AgriCraft
    • Added Bluepower ores, For more oregen
    • Nerf Recipe Hammer: Ender IO, Minefactory Reloaded, Thermal Expansion, Steve's Factory Manager. Computercraft. disabled molecular transformer.
    • Journeymap will be disabled by default.
    • Made the End a little harder
    • Readded chandeliers and magnum torches

    • Extra utilities nerfed even more
    • All Solar panel recipes are harder
    • blood magic and botania are integrated
    • Buildcraft got nerfed
    • no changes to railcraft as of now
    • Mekanism circuits no longer work with IC2
    • disabling certain items in Gany's End and Nether
    • Removed Carpenter Blocks, IHL machines&tools, Treecapitator, enderutilities, solar flux, solar expansion, minetweaker recipe maker, Inventory tweaks.
    • Updated, buildcraft, logistics pipes, open computers, gany's end, gendustry, bdlib, nei addons, project red, projecte, malisis core, malisis doors, Tinkers construct, iguana tinker tweaks, extra cells, cookie core, tinkers' steelworks, WAILA Plugins, Tic Tooltips, chisel, chisel Facades.
    • Added Gany's Surface, Crafting pillars, DoomlikeDungeons, Modtweaker 2
    • Recipes changes for: bloodmagic, botania, bigReactors, Bluepower, Buildcraft, Computercraft, EnderIO, Extra Utilities, Forestry, Gendustry, IC2, Mekanism, Metallurgy, Minecraft, Mob heads, NEI, Railcraft, Steve's Factory Manager, Thermal Expansion and Tinkers Construct.
    • Fixed minor lag and bugs.
    • made all difficulties the same, so no matter if it's easy, normal, or even Hard. its all the same.
    • Fixed certain mobs not spawning due to lycanite mobs

Mod Pack List


Dragon Nation Team:






For any bug reports or comments on the mod pack please post them in the comments on this forum post please.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hopefully we will be pushing a new update in the next few days. With a lot more balance changes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1.4 update submitted to FTB. Will post change log once the update is up on the launcher.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also be careful of being near a taint biome. The taint spreads at a rate of over 9000. So it can cause some lag issues. We will be fixing it in one of the upcoming patches.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am also looking for someone to do a ModPack Spotlight so anyone out there with a youtube channel that wants to do one please message me. And any streamers who are interested in the mod pack if you are free Saturday please send me a message.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really interesting pack. Don't know how I feel about peaceful mobs no longer being peaceful, but hey nothing ventured...nothing gained. Gonna give it a go regardless.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sweet, was looking just something alike Madpack. Will drop feedback after playing for a while.

Unbalanced stuff I've encountered while playing.

1) Tinker's Tools pick does not deal extra damage to Geonach's. Tinker's Axe does no damage to spawned trees. Probably same with Spriggans and Axe.

2) Getting killed by invisible animals. Can't hit them; Pig, Chicken.

3) Wither Cat nearly 1 shots you.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep. We wanted something challenging like mad pack but with more options and server friendly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Somewhat dumb question, but with what do you mine Iron? Regular (most) pickaxes disabled, and tinker's pickaxes (with copper start) require smeltery.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have to make a smeltry. Then get a copper pickaxe. Then you have to level it up. So full process. Wood pick, flint pick, copper pick, iron pick. And you have to level the pick up between each upgrade.
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