[1.7.10][Curse][Skyblock] Garden of Madness - A Garden of Glass based pack

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My problem with it is it seems to be sending a metric buttton of info somewhere and makes Minecraft non-responsive during this "Missing data dump."

Edit: For example, today I left it alone to do its thing for upwards, at most, half an hour, and it sent over 12 GB of data... somewhere. That is why I've a problem with it. I don't know where it's sending an entire video game's worth of data, and honestly I can't have it doing that.
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I'm going to try playing the pack with WAWLA disabled and see if it can start. I somehow doubt WAWLA is needed for the quests to be done.

Edit: Seems to work fine without WAWLA. I don't know why it was doing what it was, but I hope that whatever was happening is fixed at some point.
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Well my development computer is still in the repair shop. I'll look into Updating or changing WAWLA when I can. I'm very sorry you are having a problem with this.

Not sure what I can do to report it to the mod dev, generally they don't like reports that are hard to track down without a proper log.
Maybe I'm just a dumb, but how am I supposed to obtain portable water for the petal apothecary? I've no buckets or bottles. Unless I'm majorly missing something.
Maybe I'm just a dumb, but how am I supposed to obtain portable water for the petal apothecary? I've no buckets or bottles. Unless I'm majorly missing something.

Edit: Make wooden bowls, they will fill the Petal Apothecary for you and can be themselves filled from the single water source block you start with. If you are out of water, make water barrels from Agricraft and either wait for rain, or if you're in a hurry, turn rain on via cheats.

Ignore the below paragraph until you get to the Orechid stage! :D

Make Botania's Orechid, and cook cobble into smooth stone, place near Orechid, feed it mana from nearby sources, and sooner or later it will generate 3 Iron ore. Congratulations, bucket get! ;)

Cheers ...

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The only thing I can say is particularly irksome is the lack of a goal oriented progression found within the Achievement Book. I think it's largely because I tend toward Hardcore Questing Mod enabled packs and as a result it feels great to have the game recognize that I'm amazing.

I look forward to this pack's growth. Keep up the good work.
The only thing I can say is particularly irksome is the lack of a goal oriented progression found within the Achievement Book. I think it's largely because I tend toward Hardcore Questing Mod enabled packs and as a result it feels great to have the game recognize that I'm amazing.

I look forward to this pack's growth. Keep up the good work.

I may rewrite the achievement book to be more like the one in my Final Frontier pack where it's more like quests and goals than a progression how-to... But I also feel the progression of the pack needs to be explained because it's far from the usual progression of sky blocks.
Sorry to say that my laptop did not actually get repaired, it was like putting a cotton-ball on a bullet hole. The motherboard between the RAM and Harddrive is damaged so I need a new computer.

I will be delaying development and fixes for this pack until I receive and setup my new machine.

New Computer General Specs:
-Windows 10
-6th Gen i7-6700HQ quad core
-NVIDIA DeForce GTX 965 with 4GB dedicated
-1TB + 8GB Hybrid Harddrive, 5400 rpm standard magnetic, and NAND Flash memory
-CD/DVD double layer burner

It's not the best, but it's better than what I have, and it's still pretty good.

It should be here in about a week.
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Sorry to say that my laptop did not actually get repaired, it was like putting a cotton-ball on a bullet hole. The motherboard between the RAM and Harddrive is damaged so I need a new computer.

I will be delaying development and fixes for this pack until I receive and setup my new machine.

New Computer General Specs:
-Windows 10
-6th Gen i7 quad core with hyper threading
-NVIDIA DeForce GTX 965 with 4GB dedicated
-1TB + 8GB Hybrid Harddrive, 5400 rpm standard magnetic, and NAND Flash memory
-CD/DVD double layer burner

It's not the best, but it's better than what I have, and it's still pretty good.

It should be here in about a week.

Sounds marvelous! Did you remember to include the purchase of a lifetime warranty on all parts that you can get one on? ;)

Cheers ...

Well since it's a pre-built I get the warranty that comes with the machine, and I'm being a cheapskate by getting an "almost new" return instead of buying completely new :P

This will be my 4th laptop, I've run all my others into the ground with demanding games and programs.

Thankfully this one has specs that are all overkill for any of my current games, and way overkill for most minecraft mod packs.
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I've found that in my personal laptop it was the lack of sufficient cooling and the resulting overheating of critical components that ran it into the ground most often.
Also, making a hard drive run overtime, while on a twisting and turning train, couldn't have been good for the lens and the disk itself.

So make sure you have enough (if not overpowered) cooling and don't cause massive IO on unsteady surfaces.
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I've been getting into Nuclearcraft and I've found I need Boron, but I don't think my Orechid can give those, and I can't remember how I got the 10 tiny piles I have. Since I can't use WAWLA, does anyone know where I might've gotten these tiny piles of Boron-10?

I'm also kinda new to Botania. Does anyone know why my Portal to Alfheim would close on its own, and does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should make a Gaia Guardian platform out of?
1. I've been getting into Nuclearcraft and I've found I need Boron, but I don't think my Orechid can give those, and I can't remember how I got the 10 tiny piles I have. Since I can't use WAWLA, does anyone know where I might've gotten these tiny piles of Boron-10?

2. I'm also kinda new to Botania. Does anyone know why my Portal to Alfheim would close on its own, and does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should make a Gaia Guardian platform out of?

1. You can use NEI recipe function to find those. Simply float your mouse pointer above the itemstack, in this case the tiny pile of Boron, and press R. If Not Enough Resources is part of this pack as well, it may tell you where boron can be mined*, be found in treasure chests*, can be gotten as grass break drops or dropped by entities (I actually suspect Nuclear Monsters for dropping that stuff). If this doesn't tell you anything it must have been some obscure mod-specific crafting method that hasn't made itself compatible with NEI yet. In that case, good luck.

*Not applicable on this pack, because it's a skyblock.

2. A Portal to Alfheim needs to be fed a constant (but not very large) stream of mana after it's been opened, to keep it open. If either of the two manapools feeding it runs out of mana, the portal will close.
Okay, so, NER doesn't seem to want to say where Nuclearcraft items drop in regards to mobs. I'm guessing there's some kind of oddity in that regard.

I also figured the Nuclear Monsters could drop Boron-10, but I've not yet seen any drop from them since I began looking. I'm thinking I'll need to add Fortune or Luck to my weapons to really get a good chance of it, if they drop it at all.

Edit: Also, do you have any suggestions on reactor design? I've been getting a lot of Uranium from my Orechids.
Nuclear monsters are all over the nether they drop small amounts of elements, but I believe you can get boron from mining Quartz ore. (i'll double check that)

Edit: Yes you get Boron-10 from Quartz ore

and I do not know any nuclearcraft reactor designs personally, I've been using the Mekanism Fusion Reactor. Maybe I should look more into a Nuclearcraft reactor XD

As for my Botania stuff I found a slime chunk and make a Slime Mana Reactor, it keeps MANY, MANY mana pools full quite easily.

Here's my Slime Reactor post: https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/how-do-you-generate-power.86495/page-5#post-1734073

P.S. I got my new computer early, I'll get back to development and bug finding right away (again)

Edit: holy cow this computer is covered in ventilation on the bottom and sides, it's pretty much impossible for it to overheat... Man I love this laptop!
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Sorry It's taken a while, I've been busy, but here's what's coming up in the update:

Disabling Nuclearcraft mob drops - No more junk clogging up your mob farms! No more special records, food items, or bullets from regular mobs. This was a huge annoyance to me and I can only imagine how others feels about it. (you sill have to deal with bows and armor :P)
Revamped Achievement Book! The Achievement book has been re-written after FAQs about how to use the water source in the petal apothecary early game, among other reasons.

Overall game play and progression remains the same, this is just a quality of life update for the pack.
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