[1.7.10][Beta] Kawaiicrops Mod

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Using the frying pan, is there a cooking speed difference between lava, netherrack+fire or an active furnace? Or are they all equivalent heat sources? Thanks in advance for the reply and keep on the good work! Amazing mod!
They're all the same ! You just have to qualify what counts as a block that's a good heat source for cooking on ^^
Update: 0.5.9b - Stable

All the bugfixes ! Some due to forge updates, others due to derps. May have slightly updated dependencies on WAILA though. If you're using an old version of WAILA + This mod you might get a crash.

Mostly this fixes:

  • Tile Entities for Crops (forge broke them by cleaning up after entities I didn't want cleaned up ! no longer needed though, so all is well!)
  • Lots of crop internals due to loss of tile entities
  • Some recipe fixes
  • Some NPE fixes (whoops !)
  • More metadata support !

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This is a great idea for a mod, something I definitely see people picking up on in the future once it becomes a bit more stable. There's lots of mods for adding food and for processing other resources, but there really isn't much in the way of processing food.

Something I was curious about however; Is the barrel system actually "fully" implemented? It seems (to me) a bit lack-luster compared to some of the other items. From what I can tell your just supposed to add a crafting recipe for the barrel with the contents inside, place it and in time it becomes the finished item... Even this I cant seem to get working, though I may be doing it wrong. I feel like it may be better however to add the barrel as an actual block, then players could right-click with the contents themselves to start the aging process. I haven't yet tried the "permitted items" part much, as I was worried about the barrels constantly updating, searching for nearby blocks.

I've made a ton of items using your mod however, mostly mod related items, like cooking meats from other mods, makings soups using the Pam's Harvestcraft crops, etc... My favourite bit being the custom cakes... I must of made 40+ cakes last week when I first discovered the mod lol. I really hope some of the core mechanics of the mod get straightened out, I'd be more then happy to contribute textures and what-not.
Barrels aren't meant to be anything terribly fancy, we couldn't think of good uses for them beyond cheese, pickles, soy and maybe booze. Honestly there's nothing terribly fancy about it, you put something out to sit long enough and let fermentation/brineing do it's thing ! The mechanics weren't complex because the block itself isn't very complex, there's not much you can do with it beyond wait until it's done, somewhat like a crop (save that it can spoil). We just gave it a couple fancy looking models.

The good news, Sasha and myself, while playing the BlastOff! map pack were blown away to discover that our mod was actually being used ! Like, completely forgot what we were doing and nerded out for a solid 10 minutes while our supplies of water slowly diminished. So that's inspired us to work on it again.

We're still working on the the big content pack but it looks like a lot of fun. Right now it's mostly crops we've got done (Lots and lots of images, and Sasha comes up with them all on the fly, no "borrowing" assets so we don't have to deal with copyright stuff.) Planned to go in is lots of fun dairy stuff (Mostly "realistic" methods of making various cheeses, from milk + rennet to the final product), lots of natural ingredients ( We have sugar, sure that's easy, flour makes sense, but how about Starch ? Probiotics like yeast ? etc.), and LOTS of use of the ore dictionary to mix and match foods to get some fancy completed dishes.

In the meanwhile, https://github.com/kawaiiwolf/kawaiicrops/issues is the best place to report probems/crashes. A handful of squashed bugs were reported there and already fixed. Here's probably the best place to add feature requests. Think to yourself: "If I was stranded all alone with no access to the supermarkets, how could I make ..." . If you couldn't do it with the available tools/methods (We've got steaming, boiling, frying, grilling, drying methods for cooking alone ! Ontop of minecraft's default "baking") that's a good candidate for the next update.

So, without further delay ...
0.5.10b - Stable
  • Fixed harvesting frying pan with object in hand NPE
  • Fixed NEI Crash bug with OreDictionary
  • Added Sheared Drop Table for Trees
  • Duplication bugs fixed on cooking recipes
  • Better detection for automation (Aborts recipe when ingredients are swiped from inventory)
  • WAILA integration fixed
  • Various NPE errors fixed
  • Added tooltips for ItemBlocks of various CookingBlocks


Hopefully this should be the last of the Crash/NPE and Dupe bugs, but I'm not getting my hopes TOO high. Additionally automation works as expected using hoppers/ducts/pipes as far as I've tested. Some things still require the personal touches, but an Autonomous Activator works surprisingly well as a surrogate. Please report any you do find at https://github.com/kawaiiwolf/kawaiicrops/issues !
Community Request:
- Tree Shapes. If you can find some open source mods that have licensing such that we can use their code, we'll add their tree shapes to our own. Tree generation was the only bit of this mod I didn't code from scratch myself, the code was simply lifted from base minecraft and converted from natura, the one mod I found with:

a) pretty trees
b) "simple" enough open source code to copy/pasta and hammer into the right shape
c) a generous license to let us do so in the first place
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Why not add cross-mod pam's Harvestcraft interaction? There would be so many possibilities for recipes, and adding hunger overhaul would force you to cycle through various foods! It would definitely change the way survival works.
Why not add cross-mod pam's Harvestcraft interaction? There would be so many possibilities for recipes, and adding hunger overhaul would force you to cycle through various foods! It would definitely change the way survival works.
That would be a cool little thing :3
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This mod was developed to work with LOTS of other mods. You can use items/blocks from other mods in the user generated recipes, add them to custom ore dictionary entries, use potion effects from other mods, adding drops to other mod's drop tables, etc. ! This doesn't like to play around with NBT data (that's tricky to configure and the configuration files opt for ease of use over perfect customization.) This mod works perfectly well with mods like Hunger Overhaul and already includes built in integration for NEI ( All the custom cooking blocks have handlers) and WAILA (They've all got helpful state bsed tooltips, some of which are highly configurable.)

There's no need to build in explicit integration with mods like harvest craft when it already exists with a little configuration. With very few exceptions, you could configure this mod to duplicate other basic mods (like pam's) in it's entirety. It'd be a lot of work, however, as thinking of all that content and generating the art assets usually takes a good deal more time than you'd imagine, but it's certainly doable.

As for specific mod integration, that deals more with hooking into other mod's unique systems, example: Redstone Flux from Thermal Expansion, Aspects from Thaumcraft, etc.. That sort of thing can possibly come later if it seems appropriate, but right now the mod is still in beta.


The good news, we're working hard on the big content patch and bug squashing has been going better than ever. It looks like all the game crashing bugs have been dealt with (fingers crossed) and most of the fiddly bugs (the "ohh that's not working right" type) are being sussed out as content is being developed. Hopefully we should have our first production release "soon" (tm), but it takes a while to generate all the content even if the mod framework makes that easy, especially when you've got work and class schedules to work around.
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Hi there,
Not sure whether this is already set to be fixed or whether I'm just doing something wrong, but in regards to the churn.. If you give it an item and right click to 'churn' with an empty hand, the item inside simply disappears and the tooltip just reverts to 'empty' (same thing applies to the hand mill). Works great if you have something in your hand while churning though! neat mod.
I love the design of your kitchen tools. They're great but what I'd love even more is an ability to get NPCs to interact with them. I'm thinking Little Maid Mobs for starters. I'm not sure if it's possible but I'll definitely look into it and ask the dev to look into it if I can't get it working.
This :D mod :D is :D so :D well :D done!
I've been playing on 1.6 because no one will release a custom content mod like this.
Not only does it have this, it is made to be easy to compile. All instructions are created for each block and item.
This person/ team took their time with this and it is so good.
Thank you!