1.7.10 Baubles LAN Fix


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Mostly unrelated) I've been playing Local regrowth world with my sister and I haven't been able to use nearly any baubles. Botania Sashes, Thaumcraft Rings, Mana Bands, Ring of Far Reach, etc.
Oddly enough, my Tainted Blood Pendant does work.
This, as you can guess, is starting to get frustrating as I would like to take advantage of the different baubles each mod adds.

(Relevent) Going through the GitHub for Baubles, I see that Azanor has responded to, and closed, a bug report for this exact problem in the [] version of this mod for [1.7.10]. He said this problem would be 100% fixed (and supposedly is) in the [] release of this mod.
...which is for 1.8.9.

My request is for someone to provide a patch, or some other solution to the many, MANY people playing on 1.7.10.
I know this isn't a problem for non-locally hosted server so I can forsee that it isn't that important since like 99% of people don't play local but as seeing as 1.8.9 is still in Alpha/Beta testing it'd be really appreciated if this could be fixed for the current version because I highly doubt any of the current modpacks (Regrowth, Infinity Evolved, etc.) will be updated to 1.8.9 fully even after the majority of their included mods.
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Yup...Aznor's response is pretty frustrating since the lion share of mods are going to be on 1.7.10 for at least a year or perhaps forever. I second this request as it is really frustrating for LAN players.
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