Level 7 The Beginning
Main TE processing, AE storage and MAC, To the left is the Big Reactor and behind is the farms.
Another angle, can see into the reactor room and into the farming area.
The Big Reactor, started out with one 7x7x7 passively cooled then added in a second to make the cyanite I needed for the turbines quicker. Then joined the 2 together to make a 15x7x7 with checkerboard pattern of fuel rods and made it actively cooled with 4 turbines upstairs, currently producing about 90k RF/t(about 4% of total power production, you'll see later) but could support a lot more turbines.
Transfer nodes and water feedback from turbines upstairs keep everything happy, could actually remove the transfer nodes. Used to be controlled by a Rednet Controller, set to lower output when demand dropped while it was passively cooled, still the same controller but no idea how it works now it's actively cooled.
Compression dynamos at the bottom of shot running of Liquifacted Coal are my backup generators if anything breaks and activate automatically when my Energy Cells are empty.
The farms, Magic Crops, Witchery, Wheat, Trees, Mana Beans, Natura Berries, Canola, Sugar Cane, Pumpkins, Cactus, Melons, Dye Trees, Brine, Sheep, Cows, Chickens and Squidoo the Squid...
My original mining shaft actually came through the middle of this room, can still get to it by breaking the brick floor, aaaah nostalgia hit.
It's all here in this room, for a sense of bearings, the top floor at the back of shot(grey stone wall) is level 7 and the door below it is level 6. To the right you can see the dye trees and just out of shot is the brine production, this is under the cigar shaped building on the surface, directly behind is the mana bean farm.
Other shots of the farm, wooden door is the one you see from the exterior shots and was the original entrance to my cave base, my ender chest containing all my tools which I access through an ender pouch is still there.
Can also see the Mekanism brine production which I "helped" with Time Torches and a slight glimpse into the Mystcraft nexus room. As well as my floodlights in the ceiling, fairly proud of these, made with wrathlamps and a combination of chisel, carpenters blocks and microblocks.
Oh yes and the chandelier
Mana bean farm, this is the most effective farm design I've found, someone from forgecraft I think. Nothing visually stunning, magic biome comes from a silverwood above on the surface.
Mystcraft nexus to all the various spots, made to look like the trunk of the tree on the surface... Doesn't line up but you would've been fooled if I hadn't told you...
Next up, the Lag-O-Matic 9000, making every known product of a cobble gen...
Oh and we're halfway there!!!!
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