I disagree. I like building solutions using several mods. I've made tree farms using Steve's Carts, turtles (three different designs), RedPower frames, and MFR. I look forward to using golems for my next one. I've processed the charcoal using FZ, IC2, and TE. Right now, the only mod bottleneck for large scale MJ production is Railcraft, as it's the only mod that adds boilers and 8MJ/t engines. I don't want Forestry to become another bottleneck, becoming the only way to generate sufficient liquid fuel for power. If I can't harvest the tree and the saplings two or three different ways, then they don't exist for me. Why is it that I can automate my bees with FZ, BC, RP, or AE, yet if I want to automate my trees I have to use a Forestry Multifarm?I, for one, welcome our new liquid fuel nerf overlords.
Solid-fueled (charcoal) boilers are still working the same way in 1.6.4 and the liquids seem to be encouraging (forcing) tree breeding, which is not a bad thing.