[1.6.4] HappyDiggers AMP - Updated - Now with 98% more Awesome!

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Jul 29, 2019

Unlock the mod pack with code: HappyDiggersAMP
Be sure to give HappyDiggers AMP at least 3GB or RAM on the FTB client using the OPTIONS menu. See Installation section below for more details.

Server files are available on the FTB client.


Want to be a pirate? Want to go to the Moon? Want to fight scary monsters and loot dungeons? Want to build big bases with loads of high-tech equipment? Want to get into magic and explore the world? Want to get into agriculture? HappyDigges AMP is one of the most versitile and diverse mod packs currently available.

The HappyDiggers Awesome Mod Pack, or AMP, is a tech oriented pack with a strong focus on the environment. This means that it has technology mods like Thermal Expansion, Steve's Carts 2 and Galacticraft but it also has a lot of mods that change the world in which we play the game like Thaumcraft, Natura, Extra Trees and the Alternate Terrain Generator. With well over 100 mods this is one of the bigger mod packs.

The world has the most awesome world gen with rolling hills, epic meadows and long beaches. They are filled with a wide variety of biomes that have colorful flowers, butterflies, plants, melons, coral and has a ton of stuff to do for players who want to take a break of the regular tech stuff we see in so many mod packs today.

If you like diversity, try out HappyDiggers AMP. We did not focus on bringing balance. We focused on giving you a lot of fun stuff to do. You get to choose how you play the game.


HappyDiggers AMP is in on-going development, meaning we are testing all the mods to see if they work well together, submitting bug reports and applying patches and updates. The following list is subject to change. If you have a good and founded idea about a mod we should include, please let us know.

Mod list:
  • Advanced Brewing
  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • Alternate Terrain Generation
  • Applied Energistics
  • Aroma1997s Dimensional World
  • Barrels
  • Better Dungeons 2
  • Better Grass and Leaves
  • Better Signs
  • Bibliocraft
  • Big Reactors
  • Binnie mods
  • Biomes O Plenty
  • Buildcraft
  • Buildcraft Tools
  • ChickenChunks
  • Chisel
  • CodeChickenCore
  • ComputerCraft
  • Damage Indicators
  • DartCraft
  • Doggy Talents
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Forest
  • Ender Storage
  • Extra Cells
  • Extra Utilities
  • Forestry
  • Forge Universal
  • Forge MultiPart
  • Galacticraft
  • Gravitation Suite
  • GregTech (not running in hardcore mode)
  • Hardcore Ender Expansion
  • Hats
  • Hats Stand
  • IC2 Nuclear Control
  • Industrial Craft 2
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Iron Chest Universal
  • Logistics Pipe
  • Lucky Block
  • Lycanite's mobs
  • Magic Bees
  • Magical Crops
  • MapWriter
  • Mekanism
  • Modular Furnace 2
  • Modular Power Suits
  • Power Suits Addons
  • More Records and Pop Pack
  • Natura
  • NEI addons
  • NEI plugins
  • Not Enough Items
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenModsLib
  • OpenPeripheral
  • Opis
  • Painters Flower Pot
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Pam's Mellon Spawn
  • Pam's Weee Flowers
  • MineFactory Reloaded
  • Nether Ores
  • Power Crystals Core
  • PowerConverters
  • PetBat
  • Project Red
  • QuarryPlus
  • Railcraft
  • ReactorCraft
  • Roguelike Dungeons
  • RotaryCraft
  • Special Armor
  • Steves Carts 2
  • Soulshard
  • Thaumcraft
  • The Erebus
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Tinkers Mechworks
  • Translocators
  • TropiCraft
  • Tubes
  • Vending Block
  • Waila
  • Wireless Redstone
  • XACT Advanced Crafting Table


This section contains some screenshots and videos. If you have made something nice you'd like to share, please post it in the thread below and I'll include it here :)








HappyDiggers AMP E16 1.6.4 Mod Pack Release


HappyDiggers AMP is available on the Feed The Beast launcher which you can download here: http://feed-the-beast.com/
Run the FTB launcher and click the button "Private Packs" then enter this private code: HappyDiggersAMP and click "add". The mod pack should then appear in the list on the left.

HappyDiggers AMP is a massive mod pack boasting well over 100 mods. This means you need a fast computer with lots of RAM to run it. Here are the recommended specs to run this pack with everything maxed out:

  • 64-bit OS AND 64-bit Java
  • Intel Core i5 Quad Core / AMD A6 Quad core / or better.
  • 8GB RAM
  • Dedicated graphics card: Nvidia GTX560 / AMD 6950 / or better
  • Use Optifine at your own peril, it is known to cause graphical glitches...

You are probably able to run it if you computer is less fast or has less RAM then what is recommended. We recommend 4GB as a minimum. However keep in mind that slow downs and lag may occur. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about that.

Also please keep in mind that these are just recommendations. Your results may vary. Best thing to do is to just try it out and see how well things work for you.

If you have 8GB or more RAM, please adjust the RAM setting on the FTB launcher to 4GB. The minimum RAM required for the Minecraft instance is 2GB. Keep in mind that your computer needs RAM to keep things other then Minecraft running, so never allocate all your RAM :) In almost all cases 4GB should be enough.

When creating a Single Player world, make sure you click More World Options... and then set the World Type to ATG - Alternate.


The server files are available for download on the FTB client. When you've got the AMP pack selected, there should be a download button.
We recommend that you give the server instance at least 2GB of RAM, but 4 would be better. The HappyDiggers AMP server on which I record all my videos and on which we test the latest versions runs with 8GB of RAM.

Twilight Forest
AMP comes with config files for Twilight Forest. Unfortunately we are not allowed to ship Twilight Forest with AMP directly. Fortunately you can download it yourself and put it in the mods forlder of HappyDiggers AMP.

Currently AMP is compatible with Twilight Forest 1.20.5 which you can download here. Or use this download link to provided by the mod author.


We just made the jump to Minecraft 1.6.4. And although we've play-tested as much as we could, we expect that in the near future we'll be doing mostly maintenance updates.

We plan to keep this mod pack updated with the latest releases of the various mods. This means that this pack will not be the most stable pack available, but it does mean you get to play with new features all the time. Also this will hopefully help the mod authors as well because their latest versions will be used so only new bugs will be reported. Mod packs that use old mod versions tend to produce bug reports to issues that have been resolved already.

Currently HappyDiggers AMP is filled to the brim. There is a lot to do for players new to tech mods, GregTech veterans, people who like the nature aspect of Minecraft and also Magic lovers can find many things to do. We are always on the lookout for new mods to add. They have to be sensible and not provide (too much) redundancy to other mods.

If you guys have any ideas for mods you would like us to include, please share your thoughts.


Changelog is updated to reflect the latest changes. The last version might not yet be available on the FTB launcher. Check below in this thread to see what version was last submitted to the FTB mod pack team.
-Added more glass types as sealable blocks for Galacticraft.
-Added more block types as microblocks.
-Visiting someone else's space station no longer requires permission.
-Updated DartCraft to Beta 0.2.20v2
-Updated DragonAPI to v24
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated ReactorCraft to v24
-Updated Roguelike Dungeons to v1.3.3
-Updated RotaryCraft to v24

-Updated Mekanism to
-Updated Mekanism Generators to
-Updated Mekanism Tools to

-Added Steves Factory Manager
-Added Twilight Forest completely, not just the config files.
-Server only: updated mcpc-plus to R2.1-forge965-B272
-Updated DartCraft to Beta 0.2.19v5
-Updated DragonAPI to v23d
-Updated Enderforest to v24
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated GalacticraftPlanets to
-Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.6.1
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.233
-Updated Magic Bees to 2.1.13
-Updated Mekanism to
-Updated Mekanism Generators to
-Updated Mekanism Tools to
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.8-snapshot-411
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.5-snapshot-209
-Updated ReactorCraft to v23d
-Updated RotaryCraft to v23d
-Updated Tubes to 2.0.3

-Restored options.txt file.
-Removed Lycanites mobs.
-Replaced Minefactory Reloaded with a non drama-queen version. It saves about 1 minute of load time during startup.
-Server only: Updated mcpc-plus to R2.1-forge965-B268 (Prism shouldn't spam the log anymore)

-Removed Thaumcraft mob aspects, it does not work with Thaumcraft 4.1.
-Disabled Lycanites Custom Potion Effects
-Disabled RotaryCraft tools clearing chat.
-Server only: Updated mcpc-plus to R2.1-forge965-B266
-Updated MapWriter config S:teleportCommand to tppos to make teleport to nearest waypoint work again (period key)
-Updated DragonAPI to 1.6 v23b
-Updated EnderForest to 1.6 V23
-Updated EnderIO to
-Updated ExtraCells to 1.6.9c
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.6
-Updated Hats to 2.1.8
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.216
-Updated LycanitesMobs to 1.5.1c
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated NEI addons to
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.8-snapshot-402
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.5-snapshot-204
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.4-snapshot-109
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.4-snapshot-135
-Updated ReactorCraft to 1.6 v23c
-Updated Roguelike Dungeons to 1.3.1
-Updated RotaryCraft to 1.6 v23b

-Server only: updated mcpc-plus to R2.1-forge965-B262
-Added Harvestcraft Waila Fixes
-Added Thaumcraft Mob Aspects
-Added recipes for Forestry fertilizer based on Piles of Ashes
-Updated DamageIndicators to
-Updated ExtraCells to 1.6.9b
-Updated ForgeMultipart to
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated GalacticraftPlanets to
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.192
-Updated MicdoodleCore
-Updated ThermalExpansion to
-Updated TinkersConstruct to
-Updated Tubes to 2.0.0

-Server only: updated mcpc-plus to R2.1-forge965-B254
-Updated BigReactors to 0.3.3A
-Updated CoFHCore to
-Updated EnderIO to
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.185
-Updated LycanitesMobs to 1.5.1
-Updated Mekanism to
-Updated MekanismGenerators to
-Updated MekanismTools to
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.7.9-final
-Updated MobiusCore to 1.2.1
-Updated Opis to 1.2.2
-Updated Steve's Carts 2 to b11
-Updated ThaumicTinkerer to 2.3-140
-Updated Thermal Expansion to
-Updated Tinkers Construct to
-Updated Waila to 1.5.2

-Reduced spawn rates and difficulty for Lycanites Mobs.
-Updated DragonAPI to 1.6 V21
-Updated EnderForest to 1.6 V21
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft to 1.6.4-
-Updated LycanitesMobs to 1.5.0b
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated ReactorCraft to 1.6 V21
-Updated RotaryCraft to 1.6 V21b

-Added Lycanites Mobs
-Added Roguelike Dungeons
-Changed Damage Indicators back to Merry Christmas!
-Disabled Tornados grabbing blocks. Players and mobs still get lifted.
-Updated BigReactors to 0.3.2A
-Updated DartCraft to Beta 0.2.18
-Updated DragonAPI to 1.6 V20f
-Updated EnderForest to 1.6 V20
-Updated EnderIO to
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated Growthcraft to 2.0.6
-Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.5a
-Updated Hats to 2.1.5
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.157
-Updated Mekanism to
-Updated MekanismGenerators to
-Updated MekanismTools to
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated MobiusCore to 1.2.0
-Updated OpenPeripheralCoreto 0.3.3-snapshot-118
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.3-snapshot-95
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.4-snapshot-184
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.7-snapshot-364
-Updated Opis to 1.2.1
-Updated ReactorCraft to 1.6 V20f
-Updated RotaryCraft to 1.6 V20f
-Updated Tinkers Construct to
-Updated Tinkers Mechworks to 0.1.6
-Updated Tropicraft to 5.1.7
-Updated Waila to 1.5.2

-Added HappyDiggers Announcement Checker. This will allow us to notify people if there are serious problems with any given version of AMP.
-Put in the correct "balanced" recipe to add an alternative for Nano Suit Helmet and Iridium Drill which use the Energy Crystal. This is mainly done for those who use ME systems to auto-craft these.
-Put in a "hint" recipe on how to make CuproNickel. You need the Steam Smelter for this initially, but NEI mentions only the "Alloy Smelter" making it hard to find.
-Updated Alternate Terrain Generator to 0.9.5
-Updated ComputerCraft to 1.62
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.128
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.7-snapshot-361
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.4-snapshot-183
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.3-snapshot-89
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.3.3-snapshot-113
-Updated Project Red to 4.3.7 build #32

-Removed Redstone in Motion
-Switched MapWriter to Opis on the client by default now. Opis was already available for the server version of AMP.
-Better balanced alternate Energy Crystal recipe to reflect the original's recipe's cost resource wise.
-Added recipes to process Salt ore from Pam's Harvestcraft and Tainted Soil from Natura.
-Updated ComputerCraft to 1.6
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.120
-Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.7.8-483
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.7-snapshot-354
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.4-snapshot-179
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.3-snapshot-85
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.3.3-snapshot-111
-Updated Tinkers Construct to 1.5.4

-Added CustomRecipes
-Added workaround recipe for Nano suit helmet and Iridium Drill. Currently it's too expensive, will change in next version to be closer to the original recipe.
-Removed Better Dungeons
-Removed Doggy Talents
-Removed Pet Bat
-Disabled Mekanism fancy render of universal cable.
-Downgraded Damage Indicators to
-Updated config file for Twilight Forest 1.20.5. This mod is not part of AMP, but you can install it manually if you like.
-Server only: updated MCPC+ to R2.1-forge965-B251
-Server only: updated MobiusCore to 1.1.0 and Opis to 1.2.0
-Updated DragonAPI to v19b
-Updated EnderForest to v19b
-Updated EnderIO to
-Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.4.3
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.119
-Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.7.7B1-471
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.7-snapshot-341
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.4-snapshot-174
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.3-snapshot-80
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.3.3-snapshot-103
-Updated Project Red to
-Updated ReactorCraft to v19b
-Updated RotaryCraft to v19b

-Updated bcTools to v1.4-a-17
-Updated BigReactors to 0.3.0A
-Updated DragonAPI to V19
-Updated EnderForest to V19
-Updated ExtraCells to 1.6.8e
-Updated Extra Utilities to 1.0.3b
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated Mekanism to
-Updated MekanismGenerators to
-Updated MekanismTools to
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.7.6-448
-Updated NetherOres to 2.2.2-56
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.7-snapshot-325
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.4-snapshot-163
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.3-snapshot-75
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.3.3-snapshot-91
-Updated ReactorCraft to V19
-Updated RotaryCraft to V19
-Updated Thaumcraft to 4.1.0g

-Disabled GregTech's harder spawner option.
-Updated BigReactors to 0.3.0rc3
-Updated DragonAPI to v18d
-Updated EnderForest to v18 (1)
-Updated GregTech to 4.08s (Same version, larger file. Should fix "KNO3 Recipe")
-Updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.4.dev.113
-Updated Mekanism to
-Updated MekanismGenerators to
-Updated MekanismTools to
-Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.7.6B1-431
-Updated NetherOres to 2.2.2B1-47
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.5-snapshot-278
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.2-snapshot-151
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.1-snapshot-65
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.3.1-snapshot-82
-Updated ProjectRedBase to
-Updated ProjectRedCompat to
-Updated ProjectRedIntegration to
-Updated ProjectRedLighting to
-Updated ProjectRedMechanical to
-Updated ProjectRedWorld to
-Updated ReactorCraft to v18d
-Updated RotaryCraft to v18d

-Reverted Applied Energistics back to rv13 due to network instability. Downside to this is that Extra Cells fluid access terminals and displays no longer work reliably.
-Server only: updated to mcpc-plus-1.6.4-R2.1-forge965-B250
-Updated Advanced Solar Panels to 3.4.7
-Updated Barrels to 3.4.1
-Updated DragonAPI to v18c
-Updated EnderForest to v18
-Updated EnderIO to
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated GraviSuite to 1.9.9a
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.7.6B1-428
-Updated NetherOres to 2.2.2B1-46
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.5-snapshot-273
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.2-snapshot-146
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.1-snapshot-64
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.3.1-snapshot-75
-Updated Project Red to 4.3.1 build 25
-Updated ReactorCraft to v18
-Updated RotaryCraft to v18b
-Updated Thaumcraft to 4.1.0f

-Disabled Thaumic Tinkerers bedrock dimension.
-Enabled Tinkers Construct slime islands to spawn in the mining dimension.
-Removed Pop pack due to it being incompatible with the latest More Records Core. Added new music packs: As We Descend Pack, The King Lunar Pack and My Little Pony Pack.
-Server only: updated to mcpc-plus-1.6.4-R2.1-forge965-B247
-Disabled Applied Energistics Spatial features. R14 is unfinished and these new features have critial bugs in them.
-Enabled the blue Magical Forests. Beware of the creatures that spawn there during the night!
-Updated Applied Energistics to rv14-finale3
-Updated Barrels to 3.4
-Updated bcTools to v1.4-a-16
-Updated Better Dungeons to 208
-Updated BigReactors to 0.3.0rc2
-Updated CodeChickenCore to
-Updated DartCraft to 0.2.17
-Updated EnderIO to
-Updated Extra Cells t 1.6.8b
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft-Planets to
-Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.4.2
-Updated Logistics Pipes to 0.7.4.dev.108
-Updated Magical Crops to 3.2.0_BETA_15a
-Updated Papwriter to 2.0.17
-Updated Mekanism to
-Updated Mekanism Generators to
-Updated Mekanism Tools to
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.7.6B1-422
-Updated More Records Core to 2.1.0
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.5-snapshot-264
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.2-snapshot-144
-Updated OpenPeripheralAddons to 0.1.1-snapshot-63
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.3.1-snapshot-71
-Updated Railcraft to
-Updated Translocator to

-Added Thaumic Tinkerer and Thaumic Tinkerer KAMI
-Added GrowthCraft
-Disabled Mekanism voice server
-BigReactors Yellorium is no longer treated as Uranium
-Updated ChickenChunks to
-Updated CodeChickenCore to
-Updated DragonAPI to 1.6 V17
-Updated EnderForest to 1.6 V17
-Updated EnderIO to
-Updated EnderStorage to
-Updated ExtraCells to 1.6.7e
-Updated Galacticraft to
-Updated Galacticraft Planets to
-Updated GregTech to 4.08s
-Updated Hats to 2.1.4
-Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion to 1.4.1
-Updated mcpc-plus to R2.1-forge965-B245 (server only)
-Updated Mekanism to
-Updated Mekanism Generators to
-Updated Mekanism Tools
-Updated MicdoodleCore to
-Updated MineFactoryReloaded to 2.7.6B1-409
-Updated NetherOres to 2.2.2B1-45
-Updated neiaddons to
-Updated NotEnoughItems to
-Updated OpenBlocks to 1.2.5-snapshot-250
-Updated OpenModsLib to 0.2-snapshot-142
-Updated OpenPeripheralCore to 0.3.1-snapshot-61
-Updated ReactorCraft to 1.6 V17b
-Updated RotaryCraft to 1.6 V17b
-Updated Thaumcraft to 4.1.0e
-Updated Tinkers Construct to 1.5.3
-Updated Tinkers Mechworks to
-Updated Translocator to
-Updated Waila to 1.5.1a
-Updated WR-CBE to

Promoted v2.0.0o to inital release for HappyDiggers AMP for Minecraft 1.6.4.

You can find the development changelog for the initial 1.6.4 release here: http://paste2.org/vgDcb3eW

-Added Alternate Terrain Generation
-Added Big Reactors
-Added Booze
-Added Doggy Talents
-Added Modular Furnaces
-Added Pam's HarvestCraft
-Removed Ultimate Nether

-Removed Butterfly Mania
-Removed DartCraft
-Added Modular Power Suits
-Disabled Modular Power Suits' custom font engine due to incompatibility with Optifine.
-Added Vending Block (Allows for player shops on servers without needing Bukkit plugins)
-Updated EnderIO to
-Updated QuarryPlus to

-updated EnderIO to
-updated QuarriesPlus to

-This time OpenPeripheral did get added...

-added OpenBlocks
-added OpenPeripheral
-added QuarryPlus
-updated Ender IO to 0.3.1b.69
-updated Logistics Pipes to 0.7.3.dev.691
-updated Redstone in Motion to

-updated DragonAPI to Final 1.5
-updated RotaryCraft to Final 1.5
-updated ReactorCraft to Final 1.5

-added ReactorCraft
-updated DragonAPI to last 1.5v2
-updated RotaryCraft to last 1.5v2
-disabled IC2 rubber tree generation again.
-disabled Natura overworld cloud generation.

-added Ultimate-Nether-TickHandlerFix
-updated DragonAPI to last 1.5
-updated EnderIO to
-downgraded IC2 to 1.116.364
-updated Logistics Pipes to 0.7.3.dev.690
-updated RotaryCraft to last 1.5
-changed RotaryCraft hose recipe
-changed RotaryCraft crafting behavior so it's machines can be made with crafting table.
-removed FlatBedrock to facilitate RotaryCraft
-changed Ender IO's bind recipe to shapeless crafting to resolve conflict with Chisel mod.
-changed Inventory Tweaks re-sort key to EQUALS (=)
-enabled IC2 rubber tree generation again due to bug in DragonAPI/RotaryCraft.

-updated Applied Energistics to rv13-c
-updated EnderIO to
-fixed itemID conflict between EnderIO and GregTech
-updated Logistics Pipes to 0.7.3.dev.689
-updated Redstone In Motion to
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4.3 final
-fixed/replaced a number of missing testures in Binniemods, Natura, Forestry, ButterflyMania, Translocator, RotaryCraft, ForgeMultiPart, Ultimate Nether. Still many more to do...

1.5.1-updated Extra Utilities to 2.4g
-removed BiblioWoods[BiomesOPlenty] You will see a couple of missing Item IDs after updating when loading an existing world for the first time.
-removed BiblioWoods[Forestry] You will see a couple of missing Item IDs after updating when loading an existing world for the first time.

-added Ender IO
-added Extra Utilities
-updated Algaecraft to 1.3.0(3)
-updated Applied Energistics to rv13-b
-updated Barrels to 3.1
-updated Binnie Mods to 1.7.5
-updated ForgeMultipart to
-updated Rotary Craft to 1.0
-updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.3.dev.685
-updated Magical Crops to 3.0.6_BETA Some Magical Crops items have changed. You will see a coupld of missing Item IDs after updating when loading an existing world for the first time.
-updated Redstone In Motion to
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4.3d6
-updated Logistics Pipes to 0.7.3.dev.688
-updated Painter's Flower Pot to 1.59

-updated Applied Energistics to rv13-a
-updated Binnie Mods to 1.7.4
-updated Industrial Craft 2 to 1.116.377-lf
-updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.3.dev.683
-updated Redstone in Motion to
-changed Galacticraft config to only allow the Thermal Expansion recipe. When we move to Minecraft 1.6 this will be changed to GregTech. Build your NASA workbenches while they're still cheap!
-some Appliedd Energistics Recipes have changed. Update your encoded patterns.

-added Advanced Machines
-added Better Grass and Leaves
-added Better Signs
-updated Binnie-mods to 1.7.3b
-updated Biomes O Plenty to
-updated DartCraft to 0.1.20
-updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.3.dev.678

-added Wireless Redstone Addons
-updated ChickenChunks to
-updated Chisel to 1.4.8fix2 (same version, re-upload by mod author)
-updated CodeChickenCore to
-updated DartCraft to 0.1.19
-updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.3.dev.670
-updated Translocator to
-updated TConstruct to 1.4.3d3
-updated WR-CBE Core to
-updated WR-CBE Logic to

-added Slime Dungeons
-updated Applied Energistics to rv12b
-updated Binnie-mods to 1.7.2
-updated Biomes O Plenty to
-re-enabled puddles when raining
-updated Chisel to 1.4.8fix2
-updated IronChest to
-updated Logistics Pipes to 0.7.3.dev.654
-updated Tinkers Construct to 1.4.3d1

-added Wireless Redstone Core
-added Wireless Redstone Logic
-added RotaryCraft
-added Dragon API
-added ForgeMultiPart

-added AttachableGrinder again
-updated Aroma1997s Dimensional World to
-updated Algaecraft to 1.3.0(2)
-updated Applied Energistics to rv12-a
-updated Barrels to 1.5.1+ 2.2.2
-updated Buildcraft Tools to v1.3-d-20
-updated Binnie-mods to 1.7.1
-updated Biomes O Plenty to
-downgraded Chicken Chunks to
-updated Chisel to 1.4.8fix
-updated Translocator to
-updated Logistics Pipes to MC1.5.2-0.7.3.dev.637
-updated Magic Bees to 2.1.1
-updated Natura to 2.1.5
-updated neiaddons to 1.5.2-1.8.2.r31
-updated Painter's Flowerpot to 1.5.8
-updated Tinkers Construct to
-removed Cubebots
-resolved BlockID issue for Buidlcraft Tools, Natura, Forrestry, Ultimate Nether.

-added Aroma1997Core (is now split from main mod: Aroma1997s Dimensional World)
-updated Aroma1997s Dimensional World to
-updated Biomes-O-Plenty to 0.5.7 (backport from 1.6.2 version)
-updated GregTech to latest
-updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.3.dev.591
-updated MagicBees to 2.0.4
-updated Redstone In Motion to
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4.1
-removed AttachableGrinder
-changed conclicting item IDs from GregTech

-added LogisticsPipes
-downgraded IndustrialCraft-2 to 1.116.374-lf
-updated Applied Energistics to rv11-e-mc15x
-updated Buildcraft to A-3.7.2
-updated Dartcraft to Beta 0.1.18
-updated Forestry to A-
-updated GregTech to latest
-updated Natura to 2.1.2
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4.0
-updated Painter's Flower Pot to 1.57
-Changed Chisel crafting recipe

-added BiblioWoods BiomesOPlenty 1.0
-added BiblioWoods Forestry 1.0
-updated AlgaeCraft to 1.3.0
-updated ChargePads to 1.5.2-universal-
-updated Chisel to 1.5.2-1.4.7
-updated GregTech to latest
-updated Redstone In Motion to
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4 dev 14
-removed GregsLightning

-updated Applied Energistics to rv11-c
-updated Bibliocraft to 1.3.3
-updated NEI addons to 1.5.2-1.8.1.r27
-updated railcraft to 1.5.2-
-updated Redstone In Motion to
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4 dev 12
-removed DragonAPI

-initial release

The HappyDiggers mod pack represents a lot of work by the HappyDiggers community. But all this effort is nothing compared to the time all the mod authors have put into the various mods that make up this pack. We would like to give proper credit to each and everyone of them and thank them for all they have done. The mod authors are the real heros of this story :)

Because there are so many mods included in HappyDiggers AMP it's almost impossible to put all the information in this post. Therefore we have included all the mods, authors, links to their sites and screenshots of permission to include their mods in a spreadsheet. Please view the document.

Awesome mod authors are awesome! <- click! read! thanks!
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i think gascraft will go perfectly with this mod pack. its a tech mod, but it also adds enviromental things like dangerous underground natural gas that can poison you if you breath it in while mining (in hard mode it will explode if it meets a torch, in normal and easy it explodes only if it meets a fire). it also adds algae that you can use to make neurotoxin and weaponized gas. you can also use natural gas as a fuel source. http://emashersmods.wikispaces.com/ here is the link for the wiki
Thanks for the suggestion. It sounds interesting, I'll go check out gascraft and see if it works well with the mod pack :)

I've submitted HappyDiggers AMP v1.1.0 to the FTB mod pack team. If approved it should appear on the launcher in a few days.
Haha, good one :)

I like that somehow we managed to make this pack not laggy like hell. Not pointing fingers though ;)
Haha, good one :)

I like that somehow we managed to make this pack not laggy like hell. Not pointing fingers though ;)

Sure ... everyone has 8gb ram , i5 and stuff , that's totally optimized. Not pointing fingers though ;) .
But IDK I've got an update that can run on a shitty 2gb laptop so I don't care xD
Logistics Pipes look like they can be used as an AppliedEnergistics-light. I like the idea of having a somewhat cheaper alternative to the ME system to help get players started with base automation.

Thanks for the suggestions guys, keep 'em coming :)
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Reactions: Matijan
With logistic pipes you see what is going on in crafting,processing... , on the other side AE are magic,instant like staff.
In my opinion I like LP
Pam's Weee flowers has an update in store which she made just for me. Check it out:


Moon flowers!
We'll include it in HappyDiggers AMP once we move to 1.6. This update to Weee flowers isn't an exclusive so anyone should be able to use when it's released :)
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I've been playing this, but I had to remove Ultimate Nether because Nether biomes literally took over the Overworld. This is without changing the config files in any way or adding any other mods.
I've been playing this, but I had to remove Ultimate Nether because Nether biomes literally took over the Overworld. This is without changing the config files in any way or adding any other mods.
That has never happened to me before. The nether biomes, usually, are quite rare in the overworld. They are just another biome in a huge mix of biomes.

Did you try generating another world yet?

Fighting Withers with RPT is badass!
It's not really neccesairy to get 4 gigs allocated, it should work with 2.5 gigs of ram and my crappy intel hd family graphics can run it. Cool modpack, hope it will stay and updated in the future! (good luck with the 1.6 breaking update also!)
The pack has been updated to 1.2.1. Here's the changelog:
-added Aroma1997Core (is now split from main mod: Aroma1997s Dimensional World)
-updated Aroma1997s Dimensional World to
-updated Biomes-O-Plenty to 0.5.7 (backport from 1.6.2 version)
-updated GregTech to latest
-updated LogisticsPipes to 0.7.3.dev.591
-updated MagicBees to 2.0.4
-updated Redstone In Motion to
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4.1
-removed AttachableGrinder
-changed conclicting item IDs from GregTech

-added LogisticsPipes
-downgraded IndustrialCraft-2 to 1.116.374-lf
-updated Applied Energistics to rv11-e-mc15x
-updated Buildcraft to A-3.7.2
-updated Dartcraft to Beta 0.1.18
-updated Forestry to A-
-updated GregTech to latest
-updated Natura to 2.1.2
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4.0
-updated Painter's Flower Pot to 1.57
-Changed Chisel crafting recipe

-added BiblioWoods BiomesOPlenty 1.0
-added BiblioWoods Forestry 1.0
-updated AlgaeCraft to 1.3.0
-updated ChargePads to 1.5.2-universal-
-updated Chisel to 1.5.2-1.4.7
-updated GregTech to latest
-updated Redstone In Motion to
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4 dev 14
-removed GregsLightning

-updated Applied Energistics to rv11-c
-updated Bibliocraft to 1.3.3
-updated NEI addons to 1.5.2-1.8.1.r27
-updated railcraft to 1.5.2-
-updated Redstone In Motion to
-updated Tinker's Construct to 1.4 dev 12
-removed DragonAPI

-initial release

Most notable are the addition of logistics pipes and the backport of Biomes O' Plenty.

It's not really neccesairy to get 4 gigs allocated, it should work with 2.5 gigs of ram and my crappy intel hd family graphics can run it. Cool modpack, hope it will stay and updated in the future! (good luck with the 1.6 breaking update also!)
That's true, you don't need 4GB to run the pack. That's just for people who advance really far into this pack and want to get the best experience. It's for people who have a ton of machines, farms, logistics pipes, ME storage system, bio fuel setup, and all other kind of cool stuff running at the same time.

The recommended specs are there just so people can know what to expect when they try to get the most out of this pack :)
This pack look's cool i am loading it now are there any texturepacks for it???

i hope you keep working on it :D