[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New trick for trench users(Also helpful farming large amount of dust by hand): Vacuous(Hopper + ender pearl) modifier on say your pick(Since it won't need repairs too often). Amaaaaaaaaaaaazing modifier for picking up drops really quickly. Had no idea it existed until recently. Just left click with the tool it's on. Who needed that ugly old coin of fortune anyway?

Yeah, I've really started liking this modifier. I have it on my pick and shovel. The vacuum effect also works when right-clicking to place blocks. Also works really well when working in cities to grab blocks and drops that fall outside of easy reach.
You can definitely get away with just one for general usage. I do single-tree treefarms and 12-16 cows can handle that with surplus. The larger the tree the more the surplus due to time spent harvesting. 2x2 jungle yields lots of surplus fertilizer, something small like a giant mushroom or birch not much.

I found that any build that need significantly more wasn't worth the cow pathing lag, as you mentioned.

Now that horses are added are they larger or smaller than cows as far as sewage goes?
changing a core mechanic that gives you godly weapons when you're done is most DEFINATELY cheating, and I'm getting real sick of watching people complain about this or that, then you find out that they've been mucking with configs to the point that they are playing a completely different game, thus, they brought all these benefits and problems unto themselves. As Iskandar has stated previously, support will not be given to people modifying the packs in any ways. I wish that also disallowed themselves from pretending to understand the pack when they, again, are playing a completely different game.
The only time I messed with the modpack was to add 1 mod and that's agreculture I just think agreculture and Pams go together well to
changing a core mechanic that gives you godly weapons when you're done is most DEFINATELY cheating, and I'm getting real sick of watching people complain about this or that, then you find out that they've been mucking with configs to the point that they are playing a completely different game, thus, they brought all these benefits and problems unto themselves. As Iskandar has stated previously, support will not be given to people modifying the packs in any ways. I wish that also disallowed themselves from pretending to understand the pack when they, again, are playing a completely different game.
changing a core mechanic that gives you godly weapons when you're done is most DEFINATELY cheating, and I'm getting real sick of watching people complain about this or that, then you find out that they've been mucking with configs to the point that they are playing a completely different game, thus, they brought all these benefits and problems unto themselves. As Iskandar has stated previously, support will not be given to people modifying the packs in any ways. I wish that also disallowed themselves from pretending to understand the pack when they, again, are playing a completely different game.

My general policy is that if someone else wants to do something that the pack was CLEARLY not designed to do (like use creative, turn off hardcore, /give items, change core mechanics to give themselves an advantage, etc), they are only really hurting themselves. The pack was not designed for that, and unless the player thinks they know better than the pack creator (in which case, the player should start making packs themselves and prove it), you are ruining the experience as intended. This is what I consider to be "cheating."

Now, that being said, if "cheating" makes the game more enjoyable to you, go for it. Again, it doesn't really affect me. But don't pretend that you're playing the same game as everyone else (cause you're not), that you are playing the game the way it's supposed to be played (cause you're not), or that your game is representative of anything but your own personal experience (cause it isn't). I would also hope that anyone "cheating" would refrain from providing advice to new people/people who aren't cheating, as their experiences with a modified game will certainly affect their playstyle and the choices they make, which can be confusing to a new player.

As for "cowardly" gameplay, I like that wording. It's perfect, and describes me perfectly, and I have no shame about it. GIANT wall, GIANT trench, gun out all the time, never ever go anywhere ever with mobs, run like a little wussy in the city, because, well, I am. Mobs are scarey.
you say cowardly, i say cautious. the gung-ho are the first to die, while the cautious reap the rewards.
My general policy is that if someone else wants to do something that the pack was CLEARLY not designed to do (like use creative, turn off hardcore, /give items, change core mechanics to give themselves an advantage, etc), they are only really hurting themselves. The pack was not designed for that, and unless the player thinks they know better than the pack creator (in which case, the player should start making packs themselves and prove it), you are ruining the experience as intended. This is what I consider to be "cheating."

Now, that being said, if "cheating" makes the game more enjoyable to you, go for it. Again, it doesn't really affect me. But don't pretend that you're playing the same game as everyone else (cause you're not), that you are playing the game the way it's supposed to be played (cause you're not), or that your game is representative of anything but your own personal experience (cause it isn't). I would also hope that anyone "cheating" would refrain from providing advice to new people/people who aren't cheating, as their experiences with a modified game will certainly affect their playstyle and the choices they make, which can be confusing to a new player.

As for "cowardly" gameplay, I like that wording. It's perfect, and describes me perfectly, and I have no shame about it. GIANT wall, GIANT trench, gun out all the time, never ever go anywhere ever with mobs, run like a little wussy in the city, because, well, I am. Mobs are scarey.
I do a similar thing but not because I'm cowardly but because my fps averages at around 5 (it's not because of the modpack I get that same fps on every single computer game I play)
New trick for trench users(Also helpful farming large amount of dust by hand): Vacuous(Hopper + ender pearl) modifier on say your pick(Since it won't need repairs too often). Amaaaaaaaaaaaazing modifier for picking up drops really quickly. Had no idea it existed until recently. Just left click with the tool it's on. Who needed that ugly old coin of fortune anyway?
That's what I do. I rush to get that on my axe, then run around the perimeter of my base waving my axe of cowardliness at them showing what I would do to them if I wanted to, but won't. :) All the stuff gets pulled towards me and all you need is an ender pearl and a hopper. pretty damn awesome. I wish it was a random chance in tweaks but oh well.[DOUBLEPOST=1410674353][/DOUBLEPOST]
please do. pretty please with sugar cane and pretzels on top? :)
ugh with my luck everything would be vacuous. Just like my frying pan "Son of Baconbrand" which got like 5 levels of fiery (close to 30 seconds of burn time...).
My general policy is that if someone else wants to do something that the pack was CLEARLY not designed to do (like use creative, turn off hardcore, /give items, change core mechanics to give themselves an advantage, etc), they are only really hurting themselves. The pack was not designed for that, and unless the player thinks they know better than the pack creator (in which case, the player should start making packs themselves and prove it), you are ruining the experience as intended. This is what I consider to be "cheating."

Now, that being said, if "cheating" makes the game more enjoyable to you, go for it. Again, it doesn't really affect me. But don't pretend that you're playing the same game as everyone else (cause you're not), that you are playing the game the way it's supposed to be played (cause you're not), or that your game is representative of anything but your own personal experience (cause it isn't). I would also hope that anyone "cheating" would refrain from providing advice to new people/people who aren't cheating, as their experiences with a modified game will certainly affect their playstyle and the choices they make, which can be confusing to a new player.

As for "cowardly" gameplay, I like that wording. It's perfect, and describes me perfectly, and I have no shame about it. GIANT wall, GIANT trench, gun out all the time, never ever go anywhere ever with mobs, run like a little wussy in the city, because, well, I am. Mobs are scarey.
All good points, but that wasn't my point whatsoever.

My problem is simple. Do something outside the bounds of the default pack (and there's no real rule to this, it's got to be common sense that you're doing something along those lines [which is where the problem originates fwiw]). Then, come on here and talk from an air of superiority or wisdom that you know how x fits into y, etc... and essentially marginalize the work and effort people have put in before you on going over these situations. Rehash them, argue with them, and then slip up and disclose original change (since there's nobody but you that will ever know you're doing anything different than what everyone else is). And until that last bit happens, everyone else has to rehash things for themselves, ensure that there isn't a bug, etc... Essentially, waste their valuable time, and doubt themselves for no reason because what? because someone wasn't playing the same game as everyone else.

This isn't the first instance, nor will this be the last. It happens in support of all kinds all the time. People hide what they screwed up till the situation forces them to divulge said issue, then it's back pedal time. If people were up front, courteous, to the point (I fail at that miserably), and worked towards a common goal, well, then this wouldn't be the internet would it?

Cheating, modifying configs to give you an advantage (regardless if there is RP attached), etc.. Nobody cares, nor will anyone know unless you tell them. Anything you do in the confines of your home, as long as it stays there, regardless of what it is, should be your business, and nobody else's. Bring it out into the open tho? Fair game.

On the other hand, crappy system, disable mod cause it's causing too much lag? grey area. why? Cause, for example ZA is a core mod mechanic. Disable bibliocraft? Not so much. grey area. dunno. Not worried so much about that. Not worried about any of it really, again, see last paragraph.

But, since day one, Iskandar, Eyamaz, when they made their packs, they specifically outline no changing of mods, etc.. cause you will break the pack, so thus, no support. It's easy when they flat out say "I added optifine and now pack won't run, wtf?"
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Sure, but I think you're actually missing my point. If you've got a couple hundred cows (which I've had before, because trying to keep up with a fertilizer is pretty ridiculous...I think I was using 5 or 6 composters simultaneously and they were struggling to keep up) you're going to generate more sewage in one sewer tick than the sewer can actually hold, and the overflow is lost. So if you set it up as I mentioned, you can fill 9 sewers every sewer tick, thus generating more overall sewage.

More technically, the sewer holds, I believe, 4 buckets of sewage, and every animal generates X every sewer tick (the wiki claims 1 bucket every 1.5 seconds per 38 cows...that seems low to me. but I don't feel like testing) So if you've got more than 152 cows, a single sewer can't hold all the sewage you generate. If you had 2 sewers, you could (again, according to the wiki) generate 8 buckets every 1.5 seconds with 304 cows, while if you only had 1 sewer you'd still only get 4 buckets. When trying to keep up with a large fertilizer (I was using it to grow large mushrooms for my 14 bioreactors in 1.5 the last time I seriously tried to optimize one...I was running 32 max sized hp boilers on biofuel) you need more than 4 buckets every 1.5 seconds to make sure the fertilizer doesn't end up empty.

That's why I always use multiple sewers. For general usage you can probably get away with 1 (because I don't imagine many people keep more than 152 cows at any one time) but if you're trying to keep a fertilizer from running out, you're likely going to need multiple sewers and many, many cows (which ends up crazy laggy, and it was why I eventually switched those bioreactors to 9 different types of saplings.)

Besides, one craft get you 4, so might as well use them. :)
nope. not missing the point, and neither are you. I got ya. I agree, it's not a waste to use the multiple sewers. I was just saying you don't HAVE to.
damn, I cannot upload the pic. I don't know why sometimes I have zero issues, and sometimes I can't for the life of me. Anyways, my last agskies playthrough, I made a huge pen, lots of cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, whole bit. one sewer. never filled up. always drained. I was porting to OB tanks and then to AE (eventually). unless my tanks filled, the sewer never filled. never saw the bar get past a tiny amount viewable. as soon as it entered sewer, it was out. If it's overflowing due to that one tick thing you mentioned, I didn't see it. I had 2 separate pipes leaving, one filtered for xp drops and other for sewage. don't know what to say. Let's just agree to disagree.[DOUBLEPOST=1410676503][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, I've really started liking this modifier. I have it on my pick and shovel. The vacuum effect also works when right-clicking to place blocks. Also works really well when working in cities to grab blocks and drops that fall outside of easy reach.
I use my axe while picking crops. it ensures that your drops get picked up and not in water. also helpful picking up sugar cane, but sometimes it's not so helpful with cactii.
Yeah, but I think there is a difference. And I definitely fall on the "coward" side of that line. LOL
I agree with Hexerin tho to a point. cowardly == cautious, but not the other way around. Think of vanilla or just about any pack. For me, if I'm strolling along, avoiding mobs cause I gots me better things to do, and suddenly, whack, an arrow hits me, I'm like turning around going WHO SHOT ME? I run over there and bash every skel and other creature in view distance, then go on my merry way.

Here? I'm like, nahhhh, that's cool. you hit me with an arrow guy. that's cool. I'll get you sometime, as I slink back into my ship, cause he's there with 100 of his buddies just itching to fight. I'm like, nahhhh that's cool. as I take some bones in my grinder and hammer away making bonemeal, assured that the next morning, he and his cousins will be my next night's grinding session. :) This pack instills a kind of fear in you about the things that go bump in the night and teaches you to respect those stupid mobs. Even now, fully decked out in armor, 3 sets of hearts, full green all the way. Giant skel hits me with an arrow. I do not chase. do ... not ...
nope. not missing the point, and neither are you. I got ya. I agree, it's not a waste to use the multiple sewers. I was just saying you don't HAVE to.
damn, I cannot upload the pic. I don't know why sometimes I have zero issues, and sometimes I can't for the life of me. Anyways, my last agskies playthrough, I made a huge pen, lots of cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, whole bit. one sewer. never filled up. always drained. I was porting to OB tanks and then to AE (eventually). unless my tanks filled, the sewer never filled. never saw the bar get past a tiny amount viewable. as soon as it entered sewer, it was out. If it's overflowing due to that one tick thing you mentioned, I didn't see it. I had 2 separate pipes leaving, one filtered for xp drops and other for sewage. don't know what to say. Let's just agree to disagree.[DOUBLEPOST=1410676503][/DOUBLEPOST]
I use my axe while picking crops. it ensures that your drops get picked up and not in water. also helpful picking up sugar cane, but sometimes it's not so helpful with cactii.

I've been using. ..I think it's Landstryder's cactus farm setup, four cacti with a vacuum hopper in the middle. Works great.
nope. not missing the point, and neither are you. I got ya. I agree, it's not a waste to use the multiple sewers. I was just saying you don't HAVE to.
damn, I cannot upload the pic. I don't know why sometimes I have zero issues, and sometimes I can't for the life of me. Anyways, my last agskies playthrough, I made a huge pen, lots of cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, whole bit. one sewer. never filled up. always drained. I was porting to OB tanks and then to AE (eventually). unless my tanks filled, the sewer never filled. never saw the bar get past a tiny amount viewable. as soon as it entered sewer, it was out. If it's overflowing due to that one tick thing you mentioned, I didn't see it. I had 2 separate pipes leaving, one filtered for xp drops and other for sewage. don't know what to say. Let's just agree to disagree.
No worries. Like I said, for normal use it's not an issue. If you do something stupid like I did and have 300+ cows all trying to feed one sewer, though, it can cause issues.

P.S. I don't suggest anyone ever try to keep 300+ cows hanging around...between the noise and the lag, it's a bad idea.

BTW, totally on the coward side. As soon as I stopped trying to play with mobs, I stopped dying and actually managed to do all the quests, etc. I'd still like to find a way to mess with the pack to make passive defenses less useful, and provide some sort of active defense method, however.
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ok Iskander you are truely an evil bastage when you made this pack :) on my 8th attempt so far. slowly creeping along more and more each time. Half of those have been deaths to mobs and the rest because I backed myself into a corner persuing one plan only to find you'd tweeked the recipie on something. I think needing penumatic craft to make machine frames which basicly all automation needs was a particularly nasty trick to play on poor old me.

And my 7th attempt was going so well. Managed to get a cobble gen, a "Safe" platform up above my crashsite for being able to grow trees even at night. Food and water situation was relativly stable. And then a minighast swooped in and killed me :( I didnt even know those were a thing. going the hard route to get the full experience. AG skies is easy mode compaird to this quest (I can do that one without ever haveing much risk of dieing) nice work.
ok Iskander you are truely an evil bastage when you made this pack :) on my 8th attempt so far. slowly creeping along more and more each time. Half of those have been deaths to mobs and the rest because I backed myself into a corner persuing one plan only to find you'd tweeked the recipie on something. I think needing penumatic craft to make machine frames which basicly all automation needs was a particularly nasty trick to play on poor old me.
Use Steve's Factory Manager for automation.