[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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So I've been trying to figure out the internal mechanics of the Ender Quarry. I've run a BUNCH of tests, and it seems to be a max power draw of 500-550RF/t and a max mining speed of about 4ish blocks per second. I am going to link my most through research session (which I JUST finished recently) below. Feel free to skip if you're not interested.


Hooked my High-Temp Furnace up to the Tesseract (whose opposite was hooked up to the EQ) and to a Resonant Energy Cell. These tests were done both with direct hookup and with hookup via Redstone Energy Conduit (decided to get exact names). Both tests were identical (meaning the Redstone Energy Conduit didn't influence the flow of energy at all).

To start, I set the Resonant Energy Cell to 0RF/t input (aka, it did not draw any RF). What I did was crank the High-Temp Furnace up to 1000RF/t Output exactly. I maintained this exact RF output for the entire test. I then slowly upped the RF draw of the Resonant Energy Cell 50RF/t at a time, and watched the results.

With the REC drawing 0RF/t, the HTF started building it's internal reservoir. This means, unless I am completely mistaken, that the Ender Quarry will NOT use 1000RF/t of power. As I upped the RF/t draw of the REC, the amount of energy being stored by the internal cell of the HTF climbed slower and slower till I hit 450RF/t input on the REC. At 450RF/t on the REC, the HTF started draining it's internal cell.

I repeated this test several times, unhooking and rehooking everything each time. The results, to me, show that the Ender Quarry has a max power consumption of between 500RF/t and 550RF/t. According to the documentation on the FTB wiki, this should mean that the EQ is "mining" approimately 5 blocks per tick, or, if what you guys posted above is correct, between 50 and 100 blocks per second. This would mean it should be tearing thru a column from 256 to bedrock in about 2.5-5 seconds. This is VERY obviously not what is happening.

So, I went out to my EQ to stopwatch time the amount of time it took the purple particle effect showing where the EQ was located to move from one column to the next. I started the watch the very moment I saw the particles move to a new column, and stopped it when they moved on again. I did this 4 times. The height of the block the EQ started with was 64. Assuming a flat bedrock layer at 1 (which would make sense because the map was made special for this mod pack, but could be inaccurate), that means that each column was made of 64 blocks. Since all the blocks are made of a material that respects gravity, we can assume there are no caverns or liquids (which, again, makes sense with the map and the mod pack). This test is less accurate, because I am sure the HTF dropped below 1kRF/t while I was out there. To compensate for this, I set the REC to draw 350RF/t. That being said, it still probably wasn't a perfect 500RF/t-550RF/t draw to the EQ. However, it should have been very close.

What I found, after doing the math, was that the EQ "mined" about 4 blocks per second. This is FAR inferior to the amount of blocks it should be "mining" given it's power draw. So somewhere, some of the information I am working on must be faulty. That being said, it does seem like the EQ has a max power draw (between 500RF/t and 550RF/t) AND a max mining speed (about 4 blocks per second).

Anyway, if anyone knows what's going on here or if I'm doing something wrong, I'd really appreciate it.
A very common way for that to occur is an archer of some kind taking a pot shot at you and hitting a creeper that is blocking the shot. I'd expect that one of the babies was carrying a bow.
Right, and If there were any archers I would've understood...I didn't see any bows but in the mosh pit I guess it's possible :/. Do you know of a way to get the world back? Or do I just start over? (try #7 on 1.1.2 hype!)
Right, and If there were any archers I would've understood...I didn't see any bows but in the mosh pit I guess it's possible :/. Do you know of a way to get the world back? Or do I just start over? (try #7 on 1.1.2 hype!)
I'm really not the one to speak to regarding "cheating" as I don't and have some pretty strong feelings in that regard I really haven't devised such methods..... particularly when it sounds like it may mean "undeleting" the files on your hard drive.

A common way for players to avoid the issue you're having is to install and use aromabackup...... but it won't help you in the past tense.
Right, and If there were any archers I would've understood...I didn't see any bows but in the mosh pit I guess it's possible :/. Do you know of a way to get the world back? Or do I just start over? (try #7 on 1.1.2 hype!)
Unless you have some sort of backup mod or you physically backed it up, no. You have to start again. Don't stress though 1.1.2 is great. The recipe changes, the cities! All awesome. Also the fact that the special mobs mod doesn't lag up the entire system! You also get a bigger ship!
A word of warning though, 1.1.2 is brutal. Brutish mobs, named mobs with 400+ hp, and mobs riding Ghasts. Creeper Ghasts man...that stuff is scary.

Edit: or you can do what PODonnell said. There are programs out there that can "un-delete" files. Or a system restore may work too but it's honestly not worth it. The extra stuff from 1.1.2 is awesome and I urge you to start again on it. It's definitely a challenge.
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Right, and If there were any archers I would've understood...I didn't see any bows but in the mosh pit I guess it's possible :/. Do you know of a way to get the world back? Or do I just start over? (try #7 on 1.1.2 hype!)
My suggestion is too never give the pit a chance to shoot at you. approach from an angle where you can place blocks without them ever getting a shot and suffocate them. I'd advise that the kill section of your pit be at least 4 deep so you can drop two blocks, and even if a few escape they are still contained.

If you really need to take a look into the pit make sure you are FAR away, that way archers won't fire and if there is an issue you have room to react.
Allright thanks for the help! And no that sounds cheap...And yea Yoshi I'm super excited, just a little sad that random explosions have stopped me from getting beyond the more 'normal' area ^^. Lesson learned though: Don't get in sight of ANYONE (even w/o skelys) once you're sustainable :P. I really do love this mod pack and whenever I see someone jumping around or standing next to a torch I have to remind myself that they aren't playing on CL xD. Also I've been trying to think of a way to automate water pre-tech...any ideas currently?
You know I wouldn't expect to see the Divine Comedy mentioned again quit so rapidly on such a light weight forum....... I brought is up myself earlier this evening. Course, I heavily derailed the topic in the process....... but I tend to do that.
Ugh. Playing Crash Landing when you should have gone to bed. BAD IDEA.

Remember, do NOT leave your base when Sync is still building. Also, hang gliding is not a multi-tasking sport. Ugh.
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Not saying you are..... I think I'm just sending way too much time on the forum..........

It just seems odd for a forum...... generally so full of bubblegum.
Also I've been trying to think of a way to automate water pre-tech...any ideas currently?

Not sure what pre-tech means (Going to guess you mean before pneumaticraft is up and running and producing PCBs). Really isn't hard to get cobblegen up, make 2-4 survivalist generators to supply power to the transposers, JABBA barrel for storing full water bottles, chest with itemducts for dumping leaves. This setup is super easy to get up and going and is really effective. Once you get some better machines I'd go the SFM or Armor Stand route though.
UHHH WTF. I was on day 20 ish. It was the middle of the day and I was checking out my pit (filled with creepers and baby zombies), when a creeper was like 'yea I guess I've had enough of life...bye!'. The chain reaction of over 20 creepers hurt. A lot. Even inside water (released by the first explosion) and knocking them back with my dagger I was dead easily...Does anyone know why one exploded? And is there anyway to regain my world? I'm fine losing worlds to human error but this is kind of frustrating. (and yes I play with Mobgriefing on)
For one, you're playing with mobgriefing on. For second, it seems you are playing the hard route to prove you're tough.

Between the start and the time you get your sync shell (no matter when that is), you are on your ONLY life. Thus, anything and everything you do has to be painstakingly compared against the death of everything around you. Thus, peeking in on a cluster duck of a catastrophe in waiting like a hole filled with creepers and other nasties seems to be the LAST thing I'd do if I was on my last life no matter how you define it in your head. Yes, this was human error. :) Sorry, but it's the truth. Archers can be babies and they can suck bigtime. If I died like this, and I use aroma, I'd start over. This wasn't a bug, this was intended consequences to action. You now have learned something. Don't stand in range of a bunch of angry mobs wanting to kill you :) Lesson learned the hard way. Next time, you will be throwing a dust block on them from a distance or work out some way to use a lever/sticky piston to do your dirty work for you.

aromabackup is essential for me, for when you truly do need it, like if your sync shell wonks out and suffocates you in the hull of the ship, or the world implodes cause someone divided by zero, etc. I've yet to use it to recover anything stupid I've done yet, but I've not died w/o sync working for a very long time. I tend to run away from everything in CL and BnB. :) I wish there was a monty python "RUN AWAY" button that plays that wav file. :)
Allright thanks for the help! And no that sounds cheap...And yea Yoshi I'm super excited, just a little sad that random explosions have stopped me from getting beyond the more 'normal' area ^^. Lesson learned though: Don't get in sight of ANYONE (even w/o skelys) once you're sustainable :p. I really do love this mod pack and whenever I see someone jumping around or standing next to a torch I have to remind myself that they aren't playing on CL xD. Also I've been trying to think of a way to automate water pre-tech...any ideas currently?
I'm not sure what other peoples idea of early/mid/lategame is but I can have automated water within the first couple of nights. Once you have enough cobble you can set up the transposers to be semi-autonomous (you have to put in the bottles).

I create two survivalist gens, hook one to each transposer. Have a couple of itemducts (cheap to make) and two chests. Set up on chest so you can dump the leaves/saplings in and have them get imported into 1st xposer, 1st xposer then drains into second where you manually put your bottle to be filled. Once they are filled you can have them be output to the second chest you made. Later on add the tank you get as a quest reward and if you are in desperate need of water you have a spare 8 there until you can get more leaves. Of course once that is done upgrade to either open blocks tanks or drums.

There is probably a better and easier way by just using barrels and no electricity but I like this way because I can easily hook up dirt/soulsand/cobble/obsidian etc to be autonomous as well.
Not saying you are..... I think I'm just sending way too much time on the forum..........

It just seems odd for a forum...... generally so full of bubblegum.
ya didn't answer me tho. did you mention it here on this topic? I do that alot, subconsiously see something and it triggers words in my brain speak that comes out as jibberish that even I don't understand.
ya didn't answer me tho. did you mention it here on this topic? I do that alot, subconsiously see something and it triggers words in my brain speak that comes out as jibberish that even I don't understand.
No, not on this thread.... it was on really stupid things people have said about modded mc
I'm not sure what other peoples idea of early/mid/lategame is but I can have automated water within the first couple of nights. Once you have enough cobble you can set up the transposers to be semi-autonomous (you have to put in the bottles).

I create two survivalist gens, hook one to each transposer. Have a couple of itemducts (cheap to make) and two chests. Set up on chest so you can dump the leaves/saplings in and have them get imported into 1st xposer, 1st xposer then drains into second where you manually put your bottle to be filled. Once they are filled you can have them be output to the second chest you made. Later on add the tank you get as a quest reward and if you are in desperate need of water you have a spare 8 there until you can get more leaves. Of course once that is done upgrade to either open blocks tanks or drums.

There is probably a better and easier way by just using barrels and no electricity but I like this way because I can easily hook up dirt/soulsand/cobble/obsidian etc to be autonomous as well.
Ok, someone answer me this. I guess one thing I don't like about transposers is that you can't use leaves in it. Just saplings. You cut down a tree and get saplings via crook. same with shears. With let's say 3 trees, you might get a stack or less of saplings via crook. With shears, you'll get like 4 stacks (these #'s taking from my ass, so don't hold me on this) plus get half stack of saplings, probably less. In a barrel, you put the same # of saplings or leaves, thus, you have a huge advantage of getting dirt using leaves vs saplings. 8 saplings per water in transposer and you'll use less coal/charcoal with that method, but you'll need much more trees i'd think doing it that way then by just going shears/dirt/furnace. We need a math type person that likes to do numbers to figure out the stuff. Hey math guy from 10 posts above, how bout looking into this? :)

I think that's the reason I tend to stick with leaves/dirt/furnace instead of using the transposer at all. It seems more efficient, plus you're getting lots of wood you can use for charcoal at same time, etc...

anyways, long story short, I have some automation as soon as my first furnace is made and I can make another.

The trick I think to make it easy is to do it in your personal crafting window, and use the W key to move the bottles into grid (hold down W and click on each bottle). speeds things up tremendously.[DOUBLEPOST=1409125199][/DOUBLEPOST]
No, not on this thread.... it was on really stupid things people have said about modded mc
ok good. then my brain is where I left it and yeah, still not stalking you.
Ok, someone answer me this. I guess one thing I don't like about transposers is that you can't use leaves in it. Just saplings. You cut down a tree and get saplings via crook. same with shears. With let's say 3 trees, you might get a stack or less of saplings via crook. With shears, you'll get like 4 stacks (these #'s taking from my ass, so don't hold me on this) plus get half stack of saplings, probably less. In a barrel, you put the same # of saplings or leaves, thus, you have a huge advantage of getting dirt using leaves vs saplings. 8 saplings per water in transposer and you'll use less coal/charcoal with that method, but you'll need much more trees i'd think doing it that way then by just going shears/dirt/furnace. We need a math type person that likes to do numbers to figure out the stuff. Hey math guy from 10 posts above, how bout looking into this? :)

I think that's the reason I tend to stick with leaves/dirt/furnace instead of using the transposer at all. It seems more efficient, plus you're getting lots of wood you can use for charcoal at same time, etc...

anyways, long story short, I have some automation as soon as my first furnace is made and I can make another.

The trick I think to make it easy is to do it in your personal crafting window, and use the W key to move the bottles into grid (hold down W and click on each bottle). speeds things up tremendously.
Dude, you can use leaves in a transposer.....

I don't tend to use the transposer as I prefer the 8 to one ratio of the barrels, but you can use leaves in the transposers[DOUBLEPOST=1409125493][/DOUBLEPOST]I also like to reserve a transposer for my auto-smelter
Ok, someone answer me this. I guess one thing I don't like about transposers is that you can't use leaves in it. Just saplings.
This is the same problem Direwolf had :p. You can use leaves dude. The reason it sometimes won't let you is that the byproduct/crafted slot has sticks in it. So if you have transposed saplings you need to remove the sticks to transpose leaves. Vice versa for the leaves to saplings because leaves give you saplings back. This is why you have it export the byproduct/crafted slot on both to the same chest. You then don't even use a crook, you use only shears for the leaves and BOOM bulk automated water.

Forgive me if we are talking about different things here. What I don't like about leaves/dirt/furnace is that, I feel like you are using more energy cooking the water than you would using a transposer. I could be wrong on this aspect though as I haven't done the math myself. I might actually do it later. Aside from that fact though, I don't like that you need to manually take out the water and move it over to the furnace so that you can cook it and then take it out of the furnace because water bottles do not stack.

As for the barrels, I can see why people would use them as it is 8-1 ratio (as opposed to 10-1 in transposer) BUT if you do leaves in a transposer you will generally get a few saplings back which you can then use in the transposer as well so your net loss is less. Sure it takes power to use them but 1 charcoal is a 1/2hr at 5/tick. You can also use the excess power to charge your energy cell when you aren't transposing.

I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm just saying I prefer the transposer option.
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This is the same problem Direwolf had :p. You can use leaves dude. The reason it sometimes won't let you is that the byproduct/crafted slot has sticks in it. So if you have transposed saplings you need to remove the sticks to transpose leaves. Vice versa for the leaves to saplings because leaves give you saplings back. This is why you have it export the byproduct/crafted slot on both to the same chest. You then don't even use a crook, you use only shears for the leaves and BOOM bulk automated water.

As for the barrels, I can see why people would use them as it is 8-1 ratio BUT if you do leaves in a transposer you will generally get a few saplings back which you can then use in the transposer as well so you are losing a little less. Sure it takes power to use them but 1 charcoal is a 1/2hr at 5/tick. You can also use the excess power to charge your energy cell when you aren't transposing.

I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm just saying I prefer the transposer option.
oh that changes everything. But get this... I think I only tried leaves when he first introduced this as a concept and you could only use saplings, so I never tried again. dur dur dur dur. Ok, yeah. I take back my comments then. That makes alot more sense now. I know if I start over again, I'll do it that way. Thanks for that info.
This is the same problem Direwolf had :p. You can use leaves dude. The reason it sometimes won't let you is that the byproduct/crafted slot has sticks in it. So if you have transposed saplings you need to remove the sticks to transpose leaves. Vice versa for the leaves to saplings because leaves give you saplings back. This is why you have it export the byproduct/crafted slot on both to the same chest. You then don't even use a crook, you use only shears for the leaves and BOOM bulk automated water.

As for the barrels, I can see why people would use them as it is 8-1 ratio BUT if you do leaves in a transposer you will generally get a few saplings back which you can then use in the transposer as well so you are losing a little less. Sure it takes power to use them but 1 charcoal is a 1/2hr at 5/tick. You can also use the excess power to charge your energy cell when you aren't transposing.

I'm not saying one is better than the other, I'm just saying I prefer the transposer option.

I don't think the sapling yield on leaves in the transposer is near 1 in ten...... I often don'tget a sapling when I run the ten needed for sapping the saplings..... it would need to be 2 in ten to balance out with the composting process..... but minor difference in the long run. I'm sure fuel consumption is less with the transposers, but on this map I generally have OODLES of wood for fuel.