Whitelist Server [1.6.4] ArgentumCraft | DireWolf 1.0.7 - [16+][NEW WORLD][BOP][Mature Players][Great Community]

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Joshua S

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Why ArgentumCraft?
Us on ArgentumCraft, are mature, experienced Minecraft and FTB players. We do have an age limit of 16 years old, but if we get to know you, and you are mature for your age, we will consider your application. Our staff is always online, at almost all times of the day, to ensure you have the best experience possible. We have region and chest protection so your creations will be protected, if you want them to be.



"joshua106" aka "~Joshua"
"pat8711" aka "~Pat"
"grand_panda" aka "~The_Real_Panda"
Server Rules
1. No Stealing or Greifing
2. Keep cursing to a bare minium
3. Do not craft CHUNKLOADERS or SPOTLOADERS (you can receive them in other ways)
4. No auto-mining in the Overworld, Nether, or Twilight Forest. (We have a dedicated Mining Age)
5. Use common sense when talking to others. (Don't be rude)
6. Don't use exploits, bugs, or dupe items
7. Don't ask to be Moderator or Admin. (Post an application on our website)
8. Have Fun!
Server Info (PLEASE READ)
-Modpack Info: We are on Direwolf 1.0.2
-IP: IP can be obtained by joining the website.
Whitelist Application:
1. If you don't follow this exact format you will not be accepted!
2. Please include as much information as you can
Age (16+):
Experience with FTB and/or mods:
What is your favorite mod in FTB?:
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?:
IGN (In Game Name):
Anything comments or concerns?:

Please go here for all server news: http://argentumcraft.enjin.com/
(Please only post applications here, everything else should be on the website.)
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Age (16+): 25
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I'm not a complete expert, but I follow Direwolf20 really close and stay prtty informed on the latest features of the mods.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Iloved it before and I love that it is now on one of the packs, Dimentional Doors. I know its not in Unleashed but I dont care for Gregtech.
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: Modded almost 2 years, FTB, since the launcher began.
IGN (In Game Name): AAAvlar
Anything comments or concerns?: Like I said I'm fairly knowledgeable, If any one has questions I'm willing to answer.
Age (16+): 25
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I'm not a complete expert, but I follow Direwolf20 really close and stay prtty informed on the latest features of the mods.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Iloved it before and I love that it is now on one of the packs, Dimentional Doors. I know its not in Unleashed but I dont care for Gregtech.
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: Modded almost 2 years, FTB, since the launcher began.
IGN (In Game Name): AAAvlar
Anything comments or concerns?: Like I said I'm fairly knowledgeable, If any one has questions I'm willing to answer.
Accepted :) Sent you the IP!
Age (16+): 31 (I Know I am old lol)
Experience with FTB and/or mods: Been Playing Modded Minecraft since 1.2.5
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Tinkers Construct
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 1.2.5 is when I found Minecraft
IGN (In Game Name):GentryChris
Anything comments or concerns?: I like to help people I don't mind sharing :)
Age (16+): 31 (I Know I am old lol)
Experience with FTB and/or mods: Been Playing Modded Minecraft since 1.2.5
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Tinkers Construct
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 1.2.5 is when I found Minecraft
IGN (In Game Name):GentryChris
Anything comments or concerns?: I like to help people I don't mind sharing :)
Accepted :) Sent you the IP!
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Reactions: GentryChris
Age (16+): 23
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I played Ultimate for about 5 months and then took a break after burning out.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: I really enjoy bees and Thermal Expansion
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: I think its been about a year since I first got interested in the mechanical/technical type of mods.
IGN (In Game Name): wpierce74
Anything comments or concerns?: I'm pretty new to Unleashed (Just coming off my break) so some understanding and leniency to my noobishness would be appreciated.
Age (16+): 23
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I played Ultimate for about 5 months and then took a break after burning out.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: I really enjoy bees and Thermal Expansion
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: I think its been about a year since I first got interested in the mechanical/technical type of mods.
IGN (In Game Name): wpierce74
Anything comments or concerns?: I'm pretty new to Unleashed (Just coming off my break) so some understanding and leniency to my noobishness would be appreciated.
Accepted! Sent you the IP! :)
Age (16+): 15 (skype ''macx11'')
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i dont know all the basic but i think i know enough for play
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: the bees and the mod ho make ur worlds
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 1month or 2 im not sure
IGN (In Game Name): macx22
Anything comments or concerns?: i whant join in white list cose in open servers the firsts players take all the raw materials, some usefull items is banned, i cant play with the safety for me house me art and for all m project
Age (16+): 15 (skype ''macx11'')
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i dont know all the basic but i think i know enough for play
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: the bees and the mod ho make ur worlds
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 1month or 2 im not sure
IGN (In Game Name): macx22
Anything comments or concerns?: i whant join in white list cose in open servers the firsts players take all the raw materials, some usefull items is banned, i cant play with the safety for me house me art and for all m project

I was just wondering, is English your first language?
nope sorry
Lol no it's okay I just wanted to know. Unfortunately I can't whitelist you at the moment because I'm about to sleep. I'll ask josh to review your application in the morning. Please be patient with us. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Age (16+): 17.
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I've watched direwolf20 for 5 months, and played FTB for 7 months.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Tinkers Construct, and AE.
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 7 Months.
IGN (In Game Name): AaronEvil
Anything comments or concerns?: I haven't played unleashed ALOT lately and I'm still in process of learning everything.
Age (16+):16
Experience with FTB and/or mods: played the mindcrack pack since v4 then swtiched to ultimate pack and then a little unleashed :)
What is your favorite mod in FTB?:ic2,buildcraft,dartcraft and mffs
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?:around a year
IGN (In Game Name):saides10
Anything comments or concerns?:not that i can think of now other then this seems like a nice server
Age (16+): 15 (skype ''macx11'')
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i dont know all the basic but i think i know enough for play
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: the bees and the mod ho make ur worlds
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 1month or 2 im not sure
IGN (In Game Name): macx22
Anything comments or concerns?: i whant join in white list cose in open servers the firsts players take all the raw materials, some usefull items is banned, i cant play with the safety for me house me art and for all m project
Accepted! Sent you the IP!
Age (16+): 17.
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I've watched direwolf20 for 5 months, and played FTB for 7 months.
What is your favorite mod in FTB?: Tinkers Construct, and AE.
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: 7 Months.
IGN (In Game Name): AaronEvil
Anything comments or concerns?: I haven't played unleashed ALOT lately and I'm still in process of learning everything.
Accepted! Sent you the IP
Age (16+):16
Experience with FTB and/or mods: played the mindcrack pack since v4 then swtiched to ultimate pack and then a little unleashed :)
What is your favorite mod in FTB?:ic2,buildcraft,dartcraft and mffs
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?:around a year
IGN (In Game Name):saides10
Anything comments or concerns?:not that i can think of now other then this seems like a nice server
Accepted! Sent you the IP!
I just wanted to say welcome to the server everyone.. If there is something that you need I will help if you want you can reach me here or ingame :)
Age (16+):16
Experience with FTB and/or mods: Have old tekkit experience and a good base to all mods
What is your favorite mod in FTB?:Hats and powersuit
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?:1 and a half years with ftb
IGN (In Game Name):Manuel033
Anything comments or concerns?:Any grief prevention? Also ArgentumCraft because of Argentina or other things?
Age (16+):16
Experience with FTB and/or mods: I have played extensively in Hexxit, Direwolf20 1.4.7 pack, and my own personal modpacks
What is your favorite mod in FTB?:either Thermal Expansion, or IC2
How long have you been playing FTB or Modded Minecraft in general?: almost a year
IGN (In Game Name): austinv11
Anything comments or concerns?: Any banned items? (besides chunkloaders which I "could get in other ways")
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